increase as it is encouraged, and students will

SUBMITTED BY: james1994

DATE: Sept. 8, 2017, 5:57 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 4.8 kB

HITS: 21871

  1. to be working for Christ, yet occasionally go over to the side of Satan and
  2. do his work. Can the Saviour pronounce these good and faithful servants?
  3. Are they as watchmen giving the trumpet a certain sound?
  4. Every man will at the judgment receive according to the deeds done
  5. in the body, whether they be good or evil. Our Saviour bids us: “Watch ye
  6. and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.” If we encounter difficulties, and
  7. in Christ’s strength overcome them; if we meet enemies, and in Christ’s
  8. strength put them to flight; if we accept responsibilities, and in Christ’s
  9. strength discharge them faithfully, we are gaining a precious experience.
  10. We learn, as we could not otherwise have learned, that our Saviour is a
  11. present help in every time of need.
  12. There is a great work to be done in our college, a work which demands
  13. the co-operation of every teacher; and it is displeasing to God for one
  14. to discourage another. But nearly all seem to forget that Satan is an
  15. accuser of the brethren, and they unite with the enemy in his work. While
  16. professed Christians are contending, Satan is laying his snares for the
  17. inexperienced feet of children and youth. Those who have had a religious
  18. experience should seek to shield the young from his devices. They should
  19. never forget that they themselves were once enchanted with the pleasures
  20. of sin. We need the mercy and forbearance of God every hour, and how
  21. unbecoming for us to be impatient with the errors of the inexperienced
  22. youth. So long as God bears with them, dare we, fellow sinners, cast
  23. them off?
  24. We should ever look upon the youth as the purchase of the blood of
  25. Christ. As such they have demands upon our love, our patience, and
  26. our sympathy. If we would follow Jesus we cannot restrict our interest
  27. and affection to ourselves and our own families; we cannot give our time
  28. and attention to temporal matters and forget the eternal interests of those
  29. around us. I have been shown that it is the result of our own
  30. 34
  31. selfishness that there are not one hundred young men where now there is
  32. one engaged in earnest labor for the salvation of their fellow men. “Love
  33. one another, as I have loved you,” is the command of Jesus. Look at His
  34. self-denial; behold the manner of love He has bestowed upon us; and then
  35. seek to imitate the Pattern.
  36. There have been many things displeasing to God in the young men and
  37. young women who have acted as teachers at our college. You have been
  38. so absorbed in yourselves, and so devoid of spirituality, that you could
  39. not lead the youth to holiness and heaven. Many have returned to their
  40. homes more decided in their impenitence because of your lack of love for
  41. God and Christ. Walking without the spirit of Jesus, you have encouraged
  42. irreligion, lightness, and unkindness in that you have indulged these evils
  43. yourselves. The result of this course you do not realize—souls are lost
  44. that might have been saved.
  45. Many have strong feelings against Brother—–. They accuse him of
  46. unkindness, harshness, and severity. But some of the very ones who
  47. would condemn him are no less guilty themselves. He that is without sin
  48. among you, let him first cast a stone.” Brother—–has not always moved
  49. wisely, and he has been hard to convince where he has not taken the best
  50. course. He has not been as willing to receive counsel, and to modify
  51. his methods of instruction and his manner of dealing with his students,
  52. as he should have been. But those who would condemn him because of
  53. his defects could in their turn be justly condemned. Every man has his
  54. peculiar defects of character. One may be free from the weakness which
  55. he sees in his brother, yet he may at the same time have faults which are
  56. far more grievous in the sight of God.
  57. This unfeeling criticism of one another is wholly satanic. I was shown
  58. Brother—–deserves respect for the good which he has done. Let him be
  59. dealt with tenderly. He has
  60. 35
  61. performed the labor which three men should have shared. Let those
  62. who are so eagerly searching for his faults recount what they have done
  63. in comparison with him. He toiled when others were seeking rest and
  64. pleasure. He is worn; God would have him lay off some of these extra
  65. burdens for a while. He has so many things to divide his time and attention
  66. he can do justice to none.
  67. Brother—–should not permit his combative spirit to be aroused and
  68. lead him to self-justification. He has given occasion for dissatisfaction.
  69. The Lord has presented this before him in testimony.
  70. Students should not be encouraged in their faultfinding. This
  72. complaining spirit will increase as it is encouraged, and students will
  73. feel at liberty to criticize the teachers who do not meet their liking, and

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