Upload file and earn bitcoins! Payout every day.


DATE: Nov. 20, 2014, 11:24 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 778 Bytes

HITS: 777

  1. Upload file and earn bitcoins! In order to register and earn bitcoins, upload a file and a valid bitcoin address. Upload file (max. size: 500MB)
  2. http://megabitload.com/?refer=722
  3. i'm uploaded 10 files (1mb per file) and put links on local forum....
  4. My payout:
  5. 14-11-15 21:23 0.00094906
  6. 14-11-13 18:18 0.00057270
  7. 14-11-12 13:37 0.00045085
  8. 14-11-11 09:12 0.00050673
  9. 14-11-10 09:21 0.00041777
  10. 14-11-09 07:53 0.00043970
  11. payout evidence:
  12. http://bitcoingiver.site90.com/payout-evidence/

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