enderphile1 aka Justin-Georges Coulombe


DATE: Aug. 18, 2016, 1:28 p.m.

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HITS: 943

  1. First off, here are Enderphile1's pictures: https://s4.postimg.org/bh4xhf1hp/0_enderphile1.jpg
  2. https://s3.postimg.org/s30zqux9v/0_enderphile2.jpg
  3. https://s3.postimg.org/bx9lq9h4z/0_enderphile3.png
  4. https://s3.postimg.org/edti1qvhv/0_enderphile4.png
  5. https://s3.postimg.org/g62jxzxub/0_enderphile5.jpg
  6. https://s3.postimg.org/qu6awu7tf/0_enderphile6.jpg
  7. https://s3.postimg.org/nolp6mp77/0_enderphile7.jpg
  8. https://s3.postimg.org/xaf9mxgcz/0_enderphile8.jpg
  9. https://s3.postimg.org/uhqngn5eb/0_enderphile9.jpg
  10. Now for his personal information.
  11. Name: Justin-Georges Stephen Coulombe
  12. Age: 31
  13. Birthdate: May 23, 1985
  14. Address: 20842 Douglas Crescent
  15. Current Residence: Langley, British Colombia, Canada
  16. Previous Residence: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  17. Race: French-Columbian
  18. Religion: Catholic
  19. Languages: English, Latin, French
  20. Cell Phone Number: 1-778-872-6947 (as of June 13, 2015)
  21. Previous numbers: 1-778-344-3230
  22. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/justingeorges.coulombe
  23. Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/enderphile1
  24. Education: High School Diploma from St. John's Northwestern Military Academy (2000-2002)
  25. Job history: -Possible priest
  26. -Former and possibly current youth counselor for several different churches
  27. -Fourth-degree member of the Knights of Columbus
  28. -Store manager at International
  29. -Unspecified job at the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island
  30. -Camp Manager at LandSea Camp and Catering Services
  31. Reason for dox: Justin-Georges Coulombe AKA "enderphile1", "Justinian_Draconis" and "Bean's Shadow" is a "boylover" pedophile from Langley, BC, Canada, primarily attracted to little boys between the ages of 2-12. He claims to be a "non-offending, anti-contact pedophile", but he has a blog where he writes articles pushing for the normalization and destigmatization of pedophilia. He has also advocated the decriminalization of child pornography and sex with children numerous times before on various pedo boards.
  32. Known Screen Names
  33. Justinian_Draconis
  34. Bean's Shadow
  35. Drac
  36. Ender
  37. Ender Wiggin
  38. Shinji_Ikomo
  39. Effoc
  40. Jalen Kartos
  41. Kilargo
  42. Ranier
  43. Silverdawn
  44. "Father Gregory"
  45. "James"
  46. Known E-mail Addresses
  47. Justinian_draconis@yahoo.com
  48. Justingeorges@hotmail.com
  49. Justinian_Draconis@hotmail.com
  50. Justinian_Draconis@yahoo.ca
  51. Additional Information:
  52. -Has been a Chef
  53. -Big fan of the young actor Cameron Bright
  54. -Claims to be openly gay since the age of 12
  55. -His age of attraction is 2-12 years old
  56. -Computer gamer and fan of Star Trek
  57. -He's an avid tabletop RPG player
  58. -He's a huge fan of the 2013 sci-fi movie, Ender's Game, most likely because of his sexual attraction towards the main character, the actor of whom was then 16. It's highly unlikely he gives a rat's ass about the 1985 novel it was spawned from.
  59. -Fan of the child actor Nathan Gamble
  60. -Fan of YouTube child celebrity MattyBRaps/MattyB
  61. -He's worked as a youth counselor for several churches, and is a member of the clergy
  62. -Claims to work for the Vatican in Exile
  63. -He's visited children on numerous occasions, including attending Pokemon championships
  64. -It is also possible he worked at the now closed Indigo Sudbury School or had contact with children there as he posted a logo from this school in his online image account: http://www.indigosudburycampus.com
  65. -Was, and may still be, heavily active on various pedophile forums
  66. -On Facebook, and other sites that require he use his real name, he hasn't mentioned anything outright about pedophilia, though he has come pretty close to slipping once, in this post dated June 3, 2013... http://archive.is/0t4DD
  67. -Makes a huge deal on various other social media sites about how he's a "non-offending, anti-contact pedophile", but he's made clear on various pedophile forums that it's only due to illegality, not immorality. He has claimed on several occasions that if it were legal to look at child pornography and to have sex with children, he would happily do it in a heartbeat.
  68. -Openly advocates the creation of a pedophile political party in order to normalize and destigmatize pedophilia, and push for the decriminalization and outright legalization of child pornography and sex with children.
  69. More information and incriminating quotes from Justin-Georges Coulombe himself can be found at the following links...
  70. http://absolutezerounited.blogspot.com/2009/07/its-dilemma.html
  71. https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Bean%27s_Shadow

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