1$ in 1 Minute


DATE: March 17, 2017, 1:52 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 848 Bytes

HITS: 424

  1. First, go to https://goo.gl/Aba4Oz
  2. Proof: http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/1wot3kqeiyr.jpg
  3. Next, click on "SIGN UP NOW" and create an account. (You don't have to add your personal name and there is no email verification, but remember the email and password.)
  4. Now you are at the main page. On top you see sub-pages like "MY JOB", "MY STATUS" and so on. As we are at "MY JOB", scroll down to see your available jobs. Pick one and click on the red button next to it.
  5. Next just choose one color of the logo. Then just pick 4 answers, continue, 4 answers again and continue.
  6. Now wait for it to load, click on continue and click on the back to the list button.
  7. That's it. You just got between $ .30 and $ .60.
  8. Now go on, repeat this with the other available jobs and get rich.
  9. You can cash out as soon as you have 10$.

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