increased, and there were mingled with the

SUBMITTED BY: mariaauxiliadora

DATE: Sept. 24, 2017, 1:20 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 6.7 kB

HITS: 14485

  1. for the reception of different animals were so made that the
  2. window in the top gave light to all. The ark was made of the cypress
  3. or gopher wood, which would know nothing of decay for hundreds of
  4. years. It was a building of great durability, which no wisdom of man
  5. could invent. God was the designer, and Noah His master builder.
  6. After Noah had done all in his power to make every part of the work
  7. correct, it was impossible that it could of itself withstand the violence
  8. of the storm which God in His fierce anger was to bring upon the earth.
  9. The work of completing the building was a slow process. Every piece
  10. of timber was closely fitted, and every seam covered with pitch. All that
  11. men could do was done to make the work perfect; yet, after all, God
  12. alone could preserve the building upon the angry, heaving billows, by His
  13. miraculous power.
  14. A multitude at first apparently received the warning of Noah, yet did
  15. not fully turn to God with true repentance. There was some time given
  16. them before the Flood was to come, in which they were to be placed upon
  17. probation—to be proved and tried. They failed to endure the trial. The
  18. prevailing degeneracy overcame them, and they finally joined others who
  19. were corrupt in deriding and scoffing at faithful Noah. They would not
  20. leave off their sins but continued in polygamy and in the indulgence of
  21. their corrupt passions.
  22. The period of their probation was drawing near its close. The
  23. unbelieving, scoffing inhabitants of the world were to have a special sign
  24. of God’s divine power. Noah had faithfully followed the instructions God
  25. had given to him. The ark was finished exactly as God had directed. He
  26. had laid in store immense
  27. 64
  28. quantities of food for man and beast. And after this was accomplished,
  29. God commanded the faithful Noah, “Come thou and all thy house into the
  30. ark; for thee have I seen righteous before Me.”
  31. The Animals Enter the Ark
  32. Angels were sent to collect from the forest and field the beasts which
  33. God had created. Angels went before these animals, and they followed,
  34. two and two, male and female, and clean beasts by sevens. These beasts,
  35. from the most ferocious, down to the most gentle and harmless, peacefully
  36. and solemnly marched into the ark. The sky seemed clouded with birds
  37. of every description. They came flying to the ark, two and two, male
  38. and female, and the clean birds by sevens. The world looked on with
  39. wonder—some with fear, but they had become so hardened by rebellion
  40. that this most signal manifestation of God’s power had but a momentary
  41. influence upon them. For seven days these animals were coming into the
  42. ark, and Noah was arranging them in the places prepared for them.
  43. And as the doomed race beheld the sun shining in its glory and the
  44. earth clad in almost its Eden beauty, they drove away their rising fears
  45. by boisterous merriment, and by their deeds of violence seemed to be
  46. encouraging upon themselves the visitation of the already awakened wrath
  47. of God.
  48. Everything was now ready for the closing of the ark, which could
  49. not have been done by Noah from within. An angel is seen by the
  50. scoffing multitude descending from heaven, clothed with brightness like
  51. the lightning. He closes that massive outer door, and then takes his course
  52. upward to heaven again.
  53. Seven days were the family of Noah in the ark before the rain began
  54. to descend upon the earth.
  55. 65
  56. In this time they were arranging for their long stay while the waters should
  57. be upon the earth. And these were days of blasphemous merriment by the
  58. unbelieving multitude. They thought, because the prophecy of Noah was
  59. not fulfilled immediately after he entered the ark, that he was deceived
  60. and that it was impossible that the world could be destroyed by a flood.
  61. Previous to this there had been no rain upon the earth. A mist had risen
  62. from the waters, which God caused to descend at night like dew, reviving
  63. vegetation and causing it to flourish.
  64. Notwithstanding the solemn exhibition they had witnessed of God’s
  65. power—of the unnatural occurrence of the beasts’ leaving the forests and
  66. fields, and going into the ark, and the angel of God clothed with brightness
  67. and terrible in majesty descending from heaven and closing the door; yet
  68. they hardened their hearts and continued to revel and sport over the signal
  69. manifestations of divine power.
  70. The Storm Breaks
  71. But upon the eighth day the heavens gathered blackness. The
  72. muttering thunders and vivid lightning flashes began to terrify man and
  73. beast. The rain descended from the clouds above them. This was
  74. something they had never witnessed, and their hearts began to faint
  75. with fear. The beasts were roving about in the wildest terror, and their
  76. discordant voices seemed to moan out their own destiny and the fate of
  77. man. The storm increased in violence until water seemed to come from
  78. heaven like mighty cataracts. The boundaries of rivers broke away, and the
  79. waters rushed to the valleys. The foundations of the great deep also were
  80. broken up. Jets of water would burst up from the earth with indescribable
  81. force, throwing
  82. 66
  83. massive rocks hundreds of feet into the air, and then they would bury
  84. themselves deep in the earth.
  85. The people first beheld the destruction of the works of their hands.
  86. Their splendid buildings, their beautifully arranged gardens and groves,
  87. where they had placed their idols, were destroyed by lightning from
  88. heaven. Their ruins were scattered everywhere. They had erected altars in
  89. groves, and consecrated them to their idols, whereon they offered human
  90. sacrifices. These which God detested were torn down in His wrath before
  91. them, and they were made to tremble before the power of the living God,
  92. the Maker of the heavens and the earth, and they were made to know that
  93. it was their abominations and horrible, idolatrous sacrifices which had
  94. called for their destruction.
  96. The violence of the storm increased, and there were mingled with the
  97. warring of the elements, the wailings of the people who had despised
  98. the authority of God. Trees, buildings, rocks, and earth were hurled in
  99. every direction. The terror of man and beast was beyond description. And
  100. even Satan himself, who was compelled to be amid the warring elements,
  101. feared for his own existence. He had delighted to control so powerful a
  102. race, and wished them to live to practice their abominations, and increase
  103. their rebellion against the God of heaven. He uttered imprecations against
  104. God, charging Him with injustice and cruelty. Many of the people, like
  105. Satan, blasphemed God, and if they could have carried ou

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