Felliniesque allusion example


DATE: Sept. 21, 2017, 11:07 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.9 kB

HITS: 111

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  10. Including these references in their works, they create allusions to other works of art. have been long recognized as tributes to Federico Fellini's masterpiece of Godard's Breathless, for example, uses references to artists as diverse as the
  11. Allusion makes reference to something or someone else. You can find examples of allusions in literature and everyday conversation.
  12. However, even though Alexander succeeded, the allusion to a Gordian knot suggests Fellini, Felliniesque: Italian film director Federico Fellini made a series of
  13. Allusion Literary Device: Storyboard to create allusion examples to help students understand the allusion definition & importance of allusions in literature.
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