Earn Bitcoins faster than ever!


DATE: April 24, 2016, 8:59 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.3 kB

HITS: 531

  1. Easy $10/day with BTCs!
  2. This tutorial is about making profit with bitcoins with or without
  3. investment. So you could basically do earn this much profit for free.
  4. First off, I’m going to tell you about Cloud Mining in Bitcoins. Cloud
  5. Mining is the process of bitcoin mining utilizing a remote datacenter
  6. with shared processing power. Basically, it’s like connecting to a
  7. server and just leaving it on.
  8. No more chitchat and let’s get on with it!
  9. 1. You need to register an account https://topmine.io/?reg=75695 . Verify email and NEVER
  10. FORGET YOUR PIN CODE! It is an absolute must to not forget about
  11. your pin code.
  12. 2. Go to Account and you will see many coins you can mine, and
  13. even USD!
  14. 3. Don’t bother anything yet, just click “Start Mining” under bitcoins.
  15. And viola! You’re done for the time being.
  16. 4. (Optional) Log in once every 24-hours and go to Exchange,
  17. choose currency as Bitcoin and exchange all your mined bitcoins
  18. into TeraX. Do this for 10 days and by that time, you will be earning
  19. $10/day with mining.
  20. You might be asking, what are those TeraX? Basically, your mining speed depends
  21. the number of TeraX you have. The more TeraX you have, the faster you can
  22. profit.
  23. Tip: Try investing $5 for a really big TeraX boost. You will get your
  24. money in about 1 or 2 weeks!
  25. Thanks for reading this tutorial! Happy mining!

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