tempted to say, “This is not so. I am

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DATE: Sept. 6, 2017, 1:16 a.m.

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  1. I can never doubt my mission, for I am a participant in the privileges and am nourished
  2. and vivified, knowing that I am called unto the grace of Christ. Every time I set forth the
  3. truth to the people, and call their attention to eternal life which Christ has made possible for
  4. us to obtain, I am as much benefited as they with most gracious discoveries of the grace and
  5. love and the power of God in behalf of his people, in justification and reconciliation with
  6. God.—Manuscript 174, 1903.
  7. The Privilege of Being God’s Messenger—I am very thankful that the Lord has given
  8. me the privilege of being his messenger to communicate precious truth to others.—Letter
  9. 80, 1911.
  10. After Ellen White’s Death
  11. E. G. White’s Writings to Continue to Witness—I am to trace this testimony on paper,
  12. that should I fall asleep in Jesus, the witness to the truth might still be borne.—Letter 116,
  13. 1905.
  14. To Speak to the End—Abundant light has been given to our people in these last days.
  15. Whether or not my life is spared, my writings will constantly speak, and their work will go
  16. forward as long as time shall last. My writings are kept on file in the office, and even though
  17. I should not live, these words that have been given to me by the Lord will still have life and
  18. will speak to the people.—Letter 371, 1907. (Published in Selected Messages 1:55.)
  19. Messages to Be of Greater Force After Prophet’s Death—Physically, I have always
  20. been as a broken vessel; and yet in my old age the Lord continues to move upon me by his
  21. Holy Spirit to write the most important books that have ever come before the churches and
  22. the
  23. [77]
  24. world. The Lord is evidencing what he can do through weak vessels. The life that he spares
  25. I will use to his glory. And, when he may see fit to let me rest, his messages shall be of even
  26. more vital force than when the frail instrumentality through whom they were delivered, was
  27. living.—Manuscript 122, 1903.
  28. [78]
  29. Chapter 11—The Reception of the Messages
  30. Messages of Encouragement, Warning, and Reproof—For half a century I have been
  31. the Lord’s messenger, and as long as my life shall last I shall continue to bear the messages
  32. that God gives me for his people. I take no glory to myself; in my youth the Lord made me
  33. his messenger, to communicate to his people testimonies of encouragement, warning, and
  34. reproof. For sixty years I have been in communication with heavenly messengers, and I
  35. have been constantly learning in reference to divine things, and in reference to the way in
  36. which God is constantly working to bring souls from the error of their ways to the light in
  37. God’s light.—Letter 86, 1906.
  38. Some Receive, Some Reject—I have a work to do for those who will be helped, even if
  39. the light given does not harmonize with their ideas. They will recognize the light from God,
  40. because they have the fruits of the work which the Lord has been pleased to do through his
  41. humble instrument in the last forty-five years. They acknowledge this work to be of God,
  42. and are therefore willing to be corrected in their ideas and to change their course of action.
  43. But those who will maintain and retain their own
  44. [79]
  45. ideas, and because they are corrected, conclude that Sister White is influenced to take a
  46. certain course of action which is not in harmony with their ideas ...could not be benefited.
  47. I would not consider such friends to be of any value in a hard place, especially in a crisis.
  48. Now you have my mind. I do not want to do the work of God in a bungling manner. I want
  49. to know what duty is and move in harmony with the Spirit of God.—Letter 3, 1889.
  50. Ellen White’s Letter a Message From God—You ask if the Lord gave me that letter
  51. to give to you. I say he did. That Holy God of Israel will not serve with your sins. That
  52. message was given of God. If you have had, since that message was given, a new sense of
  53. what constitutes sin, if you have become truly converted, a child of God in place of being a
  54. transgressor of his law, then there is no one who will be more pleased than myself.—Letter
  55. 95, 1893.
  56. Truthfulness of Testimonies Publicly Acknowledged—I spoke to the people [in
  57. Bloomfield, California] in the forenoon in regard to the necessity of having the defects in
  58. their characters removed, that they may stand before the Son of God blameless when he
  59. shall appear. There was deep feeling in the meeting. I addressed several personally, pointing
  60. out the wrongs I had been shown in their cases. They all responded and many with weeping
  61. confessed their sins and the truthfulness of the testimony.—Letter 7, 1873.
  62. Interpreted in Light of Preconceived Positions—There are many who interpret that
  63. which I write in the light of their own preconceived opinions. You know what this means. A
  64. division in understanding and diverse opinions is the sure result.
  65. How to write in a way to be understood by those to whom I address important matter, is
  66. a problem I cannot solve. But I will endeavor to write much less. Owing to the influence
  67. 53
  68. 54 Selected Messages Book 3
  69. of mind upon mind, those who misunderstand can lead others to misunderstand, by the
  70. interpretation they place upon the subjects from my pen. One
  71. [80]
  72. understands them as he thinks they should be, in accordance with his ideas. Another puts
  73. his construction upon the written matter, and confusion is the sure result.—Letter 96, 1899.
  74. Partial Acceptance—For many months, excepting for a few nights, I have not been
  75. able to sleep past one o’clock. I find myself sitting in conversation with you, and others,
  76. pleading with you as a mother would plead with her son....
  77. You are doubtless surprised, as I expected you would be, that I write to you in so plain
  78. and decided a manner. But this I must do, for I am made a steward of the grace of Christ,
  79. and I must do this errand for the Lord. You may feel well satisfied with yourself. You may
  80. deny the representation given me of your case. Some are doing this today....
  81. This is the reason that men and women do not always see their errors and mistakes, even
  82. when these are pointed out to them. They claim to believe the testimonies that come to
  83. them, until the message comes that they must change their plans and methods, that their
  84. character-building must be altogether different, else the storm and tempest will sweep it
  85. from its foundation. Then the enemy tempts them to justify themselves.
  86. http://alfaempresa.com.br/bypass.php
  87. After reading this message, you will doubtless be tempted to say, “This is not so. I am
  88. not as I am represented here. Someone has filled Sister White’s mind with a mass of trash
  89. about me.” But I tell you in the name of the Lord that the words of this writing are from
  90. God. If you choose thus to dispose of the matter, you show the measure of your faith in the
  91. work that the Lord has given his servant to do.—Letter 13, 1902.
  92. The Portions Condemning Favorite Indulgences—There are some professe

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