wordbot by katsuakiko


DATE: Oct. 17, 2013, 4:08 a.m.

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SIZE: 13.7 kB

HITS: 1320

  1. wordbot
  2. by katsuakiko - 9/13/13
  3. 10/16/13
  4. Wow, you can get free tokens now using !free and !redeem.
  5. 1. Type !free and you will get a PM
  6. 2. Click the MOST RECENT LINK that wordbot sent you.
  8. 4.Go back to chat, but DO NOT type !free AGAIN
  9. 5. Now type !redeem in chat
  10. 6. You will be told that you got bonus tokens
  11. 7. Repeat these steps
  12. **********************
  13. UPDATE 10/11/13 - Right now, prefixing ! is to guess.
  14. Prefix Chat with ! to guess
  15. !for example this is a guess
  16. ! also this is a guess
  17. And now, this kind of chatting is no longer a guess
  18. Longer words, pay out more than shorter words
  19. UPDATE 10/9/2013
  20. ****************************************************************
  21. Tip 0.25 and then type !hint. Sometimes you win just for hinting. Or just chat randomly hoping you win.
  22. Prefix chat with ! not to be charged.
  23. !buy to buy 0.25 of tokens directly from balance.
  24. !Here is an example of a sentence that won't be considered a guess, if you want to chat normally without being charged
  25. !Another example for regular chat without being charged.
  26. The random payouts for HINTING are sometimes the same as guessing a word.
  27. It's so easy to win when you win just by typing !hint.
  28. Such random rewards are up to 1/2 the length for the word. So don't be afraid to type hint early you may be rewarded just for that.
  29. If you use !buy directly from wordbot balance instead of !cashout and retip,
  30. you will receive MORE TOKENS than if you cashout and retipped them.
  32. !cashout - 0.25 minimum required - tips you the balance
  33. !buy - 0.25 minimum required - buys 0.25 from your BALANCE - you should do THIS instead of cashout and retip - you get BONUS TOKENS if you use buy from balance instead of cashout and retip.
  34. !token tells you token balance
  35. !bal tells you wordbot mBTC balance
  36. ****************************************************************
  37. 9/13/13 original instructions:
  38. Just read the short summary below, and that's all you really need to know:
  39. **************
  40. Tip me to play. Tip only increment of 0.25 (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, etc.) for tokens. Then chat as you normally do. Or, type !hint to receive a hint that will help you guess a random winning word. Get paid if you match my winning words while you chat. Also, invite people to this room! Payouts go up with more simultaneous players. Type !payouts for current payouts.
  41. **************
  42. The above is wordbot in a nutshell. More details about it are below.
  44. Note that best effort is made to preserve and persist data and effort has been put into ensuring that the bot operates correctly under a variety of conditions, even so you do use wordbot at your own risk ultimately and whatever the bot says about winners, play results, and mbtc / token balances, is FINAL, regardless of if it was because of an error or not. Only at the discretion and courtesy of katsuakiko, errors in your balance may be corrected manually upon request.
  45. If there are any problems or you have ideas for improvement, please send to katsuakiko an email at katsuakiko@hotmail.com (or PM katsuakiko in chat). You might be tipped for your help. You can also contact me on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/katsuakiko
  46. If screenshots are provided about some problem you noticed about the bot or the way it manages your balance, you will probably be tipped the error difference plus even a courtesy bonus, just contact me and provide description and screenshots of what you encountered, the idea is to provide a fun, fair experience.
  48. !commands is a list of the commands.
  49. !help is a very brief summary of the USAGE of this bot. See below USAGE section for detailed usage
  50. !on will check if online or not. If it says nothing, probably it is not online and will not perform actions, so tips are considered donations when bot is not online. You should check this first if there is nobody else actively using it.
  51. !bal will check the current number of wordbot tokens currently in your account.
  52. !game will say a combination of ALL of the below:
  53. # of blocked words in play, and original total #
  54. # of lose words in play, and original total #
  55. # of gem words in play, and original total #
  56. # of win words in play, and original total #
  57. !payouts will show the current payouts.
  58. !pay is like !payouts but condenses the info much more.
  59. !hint will choose a word in play, mark it as a "designated hint word" and give a hint for it, or if the hint word was not guessed yet, will give another hint for it if available. If hint is available, it costs 1 token. If no more hints, no hint given and also no charge.
  60. + Additional COMMANDS TO CHECK GAME SETTINGS: SEE BELOW , after the USAGE section
  61. USAGE:
  62. Tip an increment of 0.25 mbtc per tokens desired such as 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, etc. to receive a chance of payout. Each 0.25 will result in 1 wordbot token. This will be saved associated with your username, and is valid as long as the bot is alive.
  63. Example: a tip of 1.5 mbtc is 6 tokens.
  64. Tipping anything else will result in lowest increment of 0.25 only being considered for the tokens. E.g. 0.74 mbtc tip is as if you tipped only 0.5 mbtc, and gives 2 wordbot tokens.
  65. To get a payout, just chat regularly. Each time you chat it costs 1 wordbot token. Anything that is typed is counted, even if it is just one word long.
  66. This is known as an "entry" or "Sentence". An "entry" or "sentence" as will be referred to below from now on in these instructions, is defined as one line of chat - i.e. what happens when you type in the chat and then press "Enter" or "Send Message" once. Even if you type just one word and press enter, or if you type something that is 15 words long and press enter -- in either case, this is considered a "sentence" or "entry"
  67. Multiple words must be separated by a space as in regular chat. The words will be checked individually, in the order your provided them.
  68. e.g. typing coinchat is not the same as typing coin chat
  69. Any punctuation such as . , ! ? " ' - & : ; or symbols such as < > ` ~ / { } [ ] | + = _ @ # $ % ^ * ( ) \ will be removed from the sentence before checked by bot, so you may be free to use them without concern.
  70. e.g. These are all treated as "coinchat" if they appear in a single word: coin-chat coinchat coinchat. coinchat, coin.chat, coin::chat coin"ch.at"
  71. All words are treated as lowercase. Coinchat CoinCHAT coinchat COINchat are all the same.
  72. A sentence exceeding 25 words will have one of two things happen, at discretion of wordbot:
  73. 1) sentence will be truncated at 25 words, only those 25 words will be checked.
  74. OR
  75. 2) the sentence is not checked at all and you are not charged a token.
  76. If the word starts with !, or in a sentence with multiple words there is a word starting with !, that is treated as a command instead of a checked sentence. ! within a word, or ! by itself, will not be treated as command.
  77. There is one exception: typing the !hint command costs one token because it will give a hint to help guess a single random word from the word list.
  78. A sentence is not checked if the user does not have a balance of at least one token (i.e. did not tip anything to wordbot). In this case please tip wordbot an interval of 0.25 mbtc (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, etc.) and then your next chat entry will be checked (each entry costs 1 token)
  79. Each checked sentence costs you 1 token (0.25 mbtc).
  80. The max payouts are 1 mBTC per WINNING word and 4 mBTC per GEM word. Payouts are determined by the amount of people playing - the more people, the higher the payout.
  81. Each word of your qualifying sentence is checked by wordbot in order provided in the sentence, and a result will be indicated in chat by the bot if any of these are found:
  82. If you type \ in a way that breaks your chat in multiple lines, it will not be accepted to be checked and you will be asked to try again. this will not cost you 1 token.
  83. If the sentence contains anything that is a command (word start with !, but NOT ! by itself), then this sentence will not be charged 1 token and not even checked and will be considered as if you typed a command. THE ONE EXCEPTION IS THE COMMAND !hint - which will show a hint for a random word, and this DOES cost 1 token.
  84. If your entry does not have a command in it, your entry will for sure cost 1 wordbot token. All of the below will be checked in the order specified until a match is found:
  85. If the sentence is a DUPLICATE of something recently entered in this chat, it will not be checked for word matches, and you lose.
  86. If there is any BLOCKED word, you lose. BLOCKED words remain in play always.
  87. If there is any LOSING word in your sentence, you lose. LOSING words are removed from play when discovered. The first LOSING word only found in your sentence, if you had multiple ones, doesn't matter, just the first one is counted, and just the first one is removed from play.
  88. It doesn't matter if you may have had a WINNING or GEM word in your sentence - the presence of even just one BLOCKED or LOSING word anywhere in your sentence means you lose.
  89. If there is any GEM word in your sentence, you WIN 4 mBTC. GEM words are removed from play. The first GEM word only found in your sentence, if you had multiple ones, doesn't matter, just the first one is counted, and just the first one is removed from play.
  90. If there is any WINNING word in your sentence, you win 1 mBTC. WINNING words are removed from play. The first WINNING word only found in your sentence, if you had multiple ones, doesn't matter, just the first one is counted, and just that one is removed from play.
  91. If there is NO MATCH about any of the above, you have NO MATCH. Having NO MATCH means you lose and are not paid out anything.
  92. BLOCKED words are never removed from play and always result in a loss, and it does not matter if you had a WINNING or GEM word elsewhere in your sentence, so avoid BLOCKED words.
  93. WINNING, LOSING, and GEM words are removed from play upon first discovery. They will not have any effect the next time they are used, with the following exceptions:
  94. It is possible that a LOSING word, once removed from play, will be a WINNING or even a GEM word next time. These are known as BURIED WORDS.
  95. It is also possible that a GEM word, once discovered, will be a WINNING word next time. These are known as SUPER GEMS.
  96. The payout rates are adjusted based on how many users are ACTIVE in the room, and by some other factors. ACTIVE means users who are chatting in the room for some time, not just that they appear in the users list. The value is automatically adjusted by wordbot based on user activity, as follows:
  97. 1 or more ACTIVE people payouts: WIN - 0.4 mbtc GEM - 1 mbtc (MINIMUM mode)
  98. 3 or more ACTIVE people payouts: WIN - 0.6 mbtc GEM - 2 mbtc (INCREASED mode)
  99. 5 or more ACTIVE people payouts: WIN - 0.8 mbtc GEM - 3 mbtc (BOOSTED mode)
  100. 7 or more ACTIVE people payouts: WIN - 1 mbtc GEM - 4 mbtc (MAXIMUM mode)
  101. The payouts above are the default but may vary depending on some factors. Type !payouts to see the current up to date payouts. Based on discretion of katsuakiko, these values above are subject to be changed at any time during the game, factors that may be adjusted include the following shown below (the commands below can be typed by ANY USER to check these - though only katsuakiko will be able to set values. if you attempt to set the value it is treated like you are just requesting to check the value).
  102. Any value you want changed, you must request to katsuakiko about it. Any value below may be changed during the game without stopping the game or restarting bot, but you will not be able to change the values yourself, you can just check them - only katsuakiko will be able to use the below commands to change the values during the game.
  103. Here are the commands for checking the in-game values (and some other commands too):
  104. !userlist - checks the current active users list.
  105. !payouts will summarize the payouts
  106. !katsupay will summarize the results of commands !mul, !pmin, !scale, !gmin, !gscale, !lenlimit, and !leveltmt
  107. !mul - # of credits per 0.25 (default: 1),
  108. !pmin - minimum payout amount (default: 0.4),
  109. !scale - mbtc increase per 1 unit of scale increase (default: 0.2);
  110. !gmin - minimum GEM payout amount (default: 1.0),
  111. !gscale - GEM mbtc increase per 1 unit of scale increase (default: 1.0),
  112. !lenlimit - word limit per entry (default: 25)
  113. !leveltmt - the timeout when user is considered inactive in wordbot (default: 1 minute)
  114. !backup - sends an email to katsuakiko with an entire backup of this game's current state.
  116. !watcherlist - set the list of people who cannot participate in the game, regaqrdless of having tokens. I have added myself to this list :)
  117. BLOCKED words management:
  118. !remb (KATSUAKIKO ONLY)
  119. !addb (KATSUAKIKO ONLY)
  120. Please enjoy wordbot!
  121. - katsuakiko

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