Squatter-infested village by order of president of Home Owner's Association


DATE: Sept. 8, 2014, 11:37 p.m.

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  1. Squatter-infested village by order of president of Home Owner's Association
  2. There's a certain village called Cardinal Dasmarinas Village, Dasmarinas, Cavite, Philippines that is infested by squatters because they have been authorized by President Nerisa "Jeyk" T. Ausmolo of First United Homeowners Association, Inc. Cardinal Village 2, Salitran 3, Dasmarinas City, Cavite. The sad thing about it, even the Mayor Jenny Barzaga with her constituents, from the Baranggay can't do a thing about it. Is it because Nerisa "Jeyk" T. Ausmolo is more powerful than the Mayor, or there's a "partnership" involved? The said squatters are protected by the president of HOA (Home Owners Association) in exchange for votes considered a parasite-host relationship. The said president as well is currently the councilor of the said Baranggay Salitran 3, so there's nothing a regular home owner can't do a thing about it. I wish to inform people about this situation if someone can help us alleviate the pain because as we all know squatters know no authority and are detrimental factors to a village safety, protection and peace. If any major newspaper out there that can publish this news, would greatly help the home owners of the said village to remove all the squatters in affected village and in other village as well. It appears that the said president is taking the sides protecting the abusers rather than the abused. I have attached an authorization letter that is proof of this situation, I hope if anyone gets to publish this will cover up this proof so I won't be in danger of getting killed. It's easy to obtain this, I wrote a petition that the squatter leader Wilhem Gonzales be thrown away from the village, and the HOA protected him by writing back an authorization letter.
  3. Excerpt from the Authorization letter issued by HOA:
  4. I'm just concerned if the house and lot located in Block 1A Lot 4, Phase 2 Annex, Cardinal Dasmarinas Village, Dasmarinas Cavite which houses currently Welhem Gonzales/Wilhem Gonzales is really owned by the said person?
  5. Because according to this Authorization letter from First United Homeowner's Association, Inc. Cardinal Village 2, Salitran 3, Dasmarinas City, Cavite with HLURB Reg. No. 04-4437, TIN: 444-885-814-000, Contact Number 09067785547 w/ Board of Directors namely: Nerisa "Jeyk" Ausmolo, Marichu Valdueza, Samuel Hilotin Jr., Panfilo Lucena, and Jinny Primavera, states that
  6. "To whom it may concern
  7. This is to inform that Mr. Welhem Gonzales is a bonafide member of FUHAI HOA.
  8. We have no objection on his residency along Block 1A Lot 4 since he was authorized by the owner-developer Mr. Jun Perkins since 2006.
  9. Nerisa "Jeyk" T. Ausmolo (SIGNED)
  10. President"

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