The secret, Dream Come True.

SUBMITTED BY: bmanohar93

DATE: Oct. 5, 2016, 5 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 1115

  1. Dream Come True.
  2. I got The Secret book in 2012, which was after a break up with my ex-boyfriend. At that time I was devastated and I lost my hope. Then by chance I just got this book. After reading it I practiced almost all the ways it mentioned. I put all the things I wanted on my wall and the thing I wanted most was the country that I wanted to spend the rest of my life in. I printed a picture of the city of Melbourne and also Sydney and imagined one day I would move to Australia and gave thanks. Sometimes when I looked at it I even cried because of happiness. Then nothing happened and I almost forgot about it.
  3. However, in 2013 I met a guy who now is my husband. We began dating and he planned to study in New Zealand. By the end of 2014, he tried and amazingly he got an application and was accepted into a University in Melbourne! We then lived in Melbourne for half a year and then the good news came to me that I might have a job in Sydney! Then another half a year passed and now I have gotten my work visa done and will work in Sydney. How great is that?!
  4. When I thought back, I amazingly found that the pictures I put on my wall and saw that all of it had happened and I had gone to the exact places in my picture wall.
  5. I am really grateful each day for all the amazing things happen to me! Thank you Jesus, thank you Universe! Thank you Rhonda! I will always be grateful for what I have and I know all the greater things are coming! Thank you!

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