Planetside 2: Tweaks


DATE: Aug. 20, 2013, 11:10 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.9 kB

HITS: 822

  1. Planetside 2: Tweaks
  2. Before You Start
  3. The game files are in C:\Users\Public\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\PlanetSide 2 Beta
  4. Unless otherwise specified, open files with a text editor like Notepad.
  5. All changes except those made to useroptions.cfg are removed upon running the patcher.
  6. Make these changes after the patcher is finished working and before you hit the play button.
  7. Modify the Draw Distance
  8. 1. Navigate to and open PlanetSide 2 Beta\userotpions.cfg
  9. 2. Find where it says: RenderDistance=
  10. 3. The value "-1" allows the game to dynamically choose a render distance.
  11. 4. Set to desired value in meters. Start at 1000, and experiment from there.
  12. 5. Save and close the file.
  13. Get Amazing Textures
  14. 1. Navigate to and open PlanetSide 2 Beta\userotpions.cfg
  15. 2. Find where it says: TextureQuality=
  16. 3. Lower values indicate better settings. Set it to 0.
  17. 4. Save and close the file.
  18. Set a FPS Cap
  19. 1. Navigate to and open PlanetSide 2 Beta\userotpions.cfg
  20. 2. Find where it says: MaximumFPS=
  21. 3. Set to a desired value. 60 is the go-to FPS cap for most games.
  22. 4. Save and close the file.
  23. Remove Anti-Aliasing
  24. 1. Navigate to and open PlanetSide 2 Beta\graphicsdata\materials_3.xml
  25. 2. Find where it says: Name="Normal" Effect="dirblur.fxo" InputLayout="Post"
  26. 3. Change it to: Name="Normal" Effect="" InputLayout="Post"
  27. 4. Save and close the file.
  28. Change the Default Font
  29. 1. Navigate to PlanetSide 2 Beta\UI\Resource\Fonts
  30. 2. Remove Geo-Md.ttf from the folder, or rename it to something else.
  31. 3. Add the desired font to the folder, and rename it "Geo-Md.tff"
  32. 4. Enjoy playing Planetside 2 in Comic Sans.

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