We're Modern Americans, so naturally we know best.


DATE: Dec. 3, 2013, 7:02 a.m.

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  1. We're Modern Americans, so naturally we know best.
  2. Better than the Europeans who nap in the afternoon for example; some call that a siesta in latino countries.
  3. In Italy, they may call it "nookie naptime" for all I know.
  4. "I need my 8 hours sleep" is a bunch of hooey. We've been conditioned by the robber barons who needed labor to work in alignment with industry.
  5. And if you peek at those days when they certainly didn't give a shit about safety at the workplace, it's easier to accept that what's known as the American Breakfast" is a concoction of the elite, too.
  6. It's said that FDR & other non-nutritionists made up that eggs, pork & poop meal to keep commodities prices steady in the name of the Money God.
  7. http://disinfo.com/2013/08/how-our-ancestors-used-to-sleep-twice-a-night-and-highlighting-the-problem-of-present-shock/
  8. The less the thought of the body, the better it
  9. is. For it is the body that drags us down. It is
  10. attachment, identification which makes us
  11. miserable. That is the secret: to think that I
  12. am the spirit and not the body, and that the
  13. whole of this universe with all its relations,
  14. with all its good and all its evil, is but as a
  15. series of paintings—scene s on a canvas—of
  16. which I am the witness.
  17. Not at all to maintain an unsickly population. As in, there's nothing healthy about the "American Breakfast"
  18. But sure, it tastes good

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