

DATE: April 4, 2013, 7:08 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 988 Bytes

HITS: 969

  1. Alrighty, so you've made it to TheBitMines! (You have... Haven't you?)
  2. To start, I suggest you leave the spawn town after you gather all your resources.
  3. After that, /town leave is completed, you are a free man!
  4. Go find some land you want to own for your home area! (It doesn't have to be big)
  5. After that, either create a town with /town new TownNameHere or get invited from another town's mayor with /town add YourInGameMCName
  6. Then, set your Bitcoin Address with /btc YourBitcoinAddress
  7. Voila, go mine/place blocks ANYWHERE and it's your money! (Just make sure you're not mining the same block over and over... That's no good)
  8. Current Balances (Shown in Satoshis): http://www.thebitmines.com/the-bit-mines-leader-board/
  9. Live Map: http://www.thebitmines.com/the-bit-mines-live-map/
  10. Formula per block: (PlayersOnline-1)*10 + 50*BlockWorth
  11. Block Worth found here: http://www.thebitmines.com/claim-payouts-in-depth/

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