A New Year
So a new years has come, and a old one has gone.
I look into the mirror and see the same face.
Nothing has changed, but the look in my eyes.
Then the reality sit in.
Some loves with a child heart.
Whiles other lives to hate just for hate sakes.
If we only teach children about love.
Then who will teach them about the evil of hate?
So a new year has come, and a old year has gone.
This year do we close our eyes to hate, and pretend that it will just
go away.
Are do we open our eyes and faces the fact.
That the year may change, but the people will remain
the same.
Those who chooses to love with a child heart.
will love no matter what.
Those whom chose to hate or hate sakes.
Will never give peace a chance to be.
Even when there is a new year and the old one has come and gone.
jackie compton