Take Down OANN (One America News Network)! Please RT & Share with Friends!


DATE: March 16, 2022, 6:22 p.m.

UPDATED: April 23, 2022, 4:27 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 18.3 kB

HITS: 1466

  1. ☎️ 📫 ☎️ An Entire List of OANN Stations to Contact ☎️ 📫 ☎️
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------
  3. OANN, or One America News Network is a ultra right wing/ultra nationalist/conspiracy theory spreading TV news network that seeks to divide our country by spreading disinformation about Democrats, liberals and the left. It was initially started a partnership between the Washington Times (not Post) newspaper, which was at the time owned by Sun Myung Moon, the cult leader of the "Moonies" fame, and Robert Harring Sr., who since 2017 has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Republican candidates and Trump loyalists.
  4. https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?cand=&cycle=&employ=&name=robert+herring&order=desc&sort=A&state=CA&zip=
  5. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-oneamerica-founder/
  6. This, and other right wing networks are leading to the political discourse in America and are spreading FUD (fear, uncertainty, an doubt) to it's audience in an attempt make one side of the aisle look as good as possible, while making the other side look as bad as possible. This posses an existential threat to American democracy as many people are inclined to believe, or actually believe the information being broadcast. My theories include
  7. 1. That this either a network with foreign ties to spread black/white propaganda (not racial, those are the terms for it).
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_propaganda
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_propaganda
  10. 2. They are trying to do everything to discredit and spread so many lies about the Democratic party, they will lose future elections. This a complete violation and abusing free speech to spread lies and falsehoods that are constantly debunked, but the right refuses to believe them.
  11. 3. They are trying to start a 2nd Civil War. With their rhetorical that "liberals, radical leftists, Marxists (they don't seem to know or care about the difference between these groups) are trying to do every evil thing in the book and hopes the audience will pick up the message and work towards dismantling democracy and creating some sort of theocratic or authoritarian government with Trump as their leader. Just take a look at the SPLC's Hate Map of organized militia and hate groups and you will see just how many there are and how they are setup. They are well armed and they want anyone with ideals they consider on the left dead. https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map
  12. What You Can Do
  13. ---------------
  14. If you live in one of the states listed below, call those cable providers and tell them you want OANN off the air. Start a change.org petition (or see if one for this station doesn't exist first - check the bottom of the article first, there are couple that are kind of floundering) and broadcast it. If your state isn't listed below, it's become it wasn't found on OANN's "Where to Watch Website" https://www.oann.com/wheretowatch/. However, that doesn't mean it's still not on all the major corporate networks (which are listed towards the bottom).
  15. Please note, I have not tested these phone numbers or contact information, so if you come across anything wrong, please leave a comment in the Disqus commenting system below or send me a tweet @pogue25 on Twitter.
  16. https://www.klowdtv.com/support/contact.ktv
  17. CenturyLink PRISM 866-642-0444
  18. CGI 1-800-800-4800
  19. Verizon Fios: 1 (800) 837-4966 or https://www.verizon.com/support/contact-us/ or @verizonfios (or even better) @VerizonSupport
  20. Vidgo: https://support.vidgo.com/open.php
  21. Alabama
  22. -------
  23. MidAtlanticBroadBand: 1.866.435.7548
  24. Maxxsouth Broadband: 800.457.5351
  25. KPU TV in Ketchikan 907 225 1000 or cserv@city.ketchikan.ak.us
  26. TelAlaska: 907-563-2003
  27. Arkansas
  28. --------
  29. (479) 738-2121 or info@madisoncounty.net
  30. California
  31. ----------
  32. Consolidated Communications: 1.844.968.7224 or https://www.consolidated.com/contact-us (enter zip code 95765)
  33. CSI Digital AKA MidAtlantic Broadband who's number is 1.866.435.7548 - This company appears to provide OANN to a number of counties across California. I found an alternate number for them for 'CSI Digitial' @ 503-715-2525
  34. Frontier: 1-800-921-8101
  35. Volcano Vision: or 1.888.886.5226 or info@volcanotel.com
  36. Connecticut
  37. -----------
  38. Frontier: 1-800-921-8101
  39. Florida
  40. -------
  41. CSI Digital AKA MidAtlantic Broadband - Again, this company appears to provide OANN to 2 channels in Florida. So, the same number should work 1.866.435.7548
  42. Decca Cable: This website appears to be down, however, another site has their phone number as (352) 854-3223. They have another website @ https://orha-ocala.com/DECCA/CableInfo.html which seems to confirm this number
  43. Frontier: 1-800-921-8101
  44. Hotwire Communications: https://gethotwired.com/contact or @gethotwired
  45. Tiki Live: 305-289-4557
  46. Georgia
  47. -------
  48. Skitter TV: (678) 894-8808 or info@skitter.tv or https://skitter.tv/contact/
  49. Southern Fibernet Corporation: (678) 723-8093 or support@southernfibernet.com or https://southernfibernet.com/index.php/contact
  50. Illinois
  51. --------
  52. City Highland - I was unable to find any contact information for this provider. It appears to be a TV over the air broadcast number provided by the city, but I'm not sure. ✨✨✨ If you happen to come across their contact information, please leave it towards the botton in the Disqus comment section or 'Contact Me' ✨✨✨ section. Thanks!
  53. Consolidated Communications: 1.844.968.7224
  54. Indiana
  55. -------
  56. Mulberry Communications: 765-296-2885
  57. Perry Spencer Communications aka PSC: (800) 511-4899 or @pscfiber.net. They also have a lot of emails & phone numbers to contact them at https://newweb.psci.net/perry-spencer-communications-contact-information/
  58. Kansas
  59. ------
  60. Consolidated Communications: 1.844.968.7224
  61. Kentucky
  62. --------
  63. Mountain Telephone in West Liberty - Note: Their website was down at the time of me trying to access it so I used the number for their most recent archive in the Wayback machine. However, obviously, I can't confirm the veracity of this contact omfp - (606) 743-3121 or or (800) 939-3121 or service@mountaintelephone.com
  64. WK&T (877-954-8748) or sales@wk.net or @wkttelcom
  65. Minnesota
  66. ---------
  67. Consolidated Communications: 1.844.968.7224 or https://www.consolidated.com/contact-us
  68. Frontier: 1-800-921-8101c
  69. Garden Valley: 800-448-8260 or https://www.gvtel.com/contact-us/
  70. Metronet: (877) 407-3224 or customer_service@metronetinc.com or @metronetfiber or https://support.metronetinc.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  71. Mississippi
  72. -----------
  73. C-SPIRE: 1 (855) 277-4735 or @CSpireCare
  74. Franklin Telephone Company: (877) 422-1212 or support@ftcweb.net
  75. Maxxsouth Broadband: 800.457.5351
  76. Missouri
  77. --------
  78. MidAtlantic Broadband: 1.866.435.7548
  79. Nebraska
  80. --------
  81. Cobalt TV: 402.694.5101 or info@hamiltontel.com
  82. sTaC-TV: 800-439-5001 or (402) 439-5000 or info@stanton.net
  83. Nevada
  84. ------
  85. Satview Broadband in Reno 610-865-9100 or @sectv or https://www.sectv.com/Web/aspFeedback.aspx?strSystem=LV
  86. They appear to own/operate another ISP in town to have changed names or been bought out by a company called Eccelerate Internet, but they have the same phone number. The ph is (775) 333-6626. https://eccelerate.us/
  87. New Mexico
  88. ----------
  89. Plateau TV - They have a messae on their homepage that reads "Due to dramatic programming price increases, Plateau will be shutting down its TV offerings on July 1st, 2022.", So I guess there's nothing to worry about here.
  90. New York
  91. --------
  92. Frontier: 1-800-921-8101
  93. North Carolina:
  94. --------------
  95. Frontier: 1-800-921-8101
  96. North Dakota
  97. ------------
  98. Contact Red River Communications 866-553-8309 or @redrivercomm - The phone number is for sales or customer support or tech support, I could not find a corporate HQ, so you might have to do a bit more digging to find the right now you want to call. But tell the person on the other end your business (asking this ISP to remove OANN from their service) and ask to be transferred or what the number is to contact their corporate HQ or ask if they can provide that number for you. ✨✨✨ If you are able to find a working corporate number, please leave it towards the botton in the Disqus comment section or 'Contact Me' ✨✨✨ section. Thanks! https://redrivercomm.com/contact/
  99. Ohio
  100. ----
  101. Ayersville Telephone Company 419-395-2222 or kkneip@bright.net
  102. NW Ohio/SE Michigan 1.419.724.7980 & Erie County 1.419.627.0800 or @buckeyeinternet. Which number to call? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I was unable to find any kind of corporate number for this company, and as I mentioned above, please share it on here to me or through the comments.
  103. Buckland Telephone/BTC Communications: 419-657-2222 or
  104. Frontier: 1-800-921-8101
  105. Glandorf Telephone Company: 419-538-6987
  106. SMTA: 419-899-2121 or https://smta.cc/contact-us/
  107. 1-844-424376533 (toll free)
  108. Oregon
  109. ------
  110. CSI Digital AKA MidAtlantic Broadband who's number is 1.866.435.7548c
  111. Consolidated Communications: 1.844.968.7224 or https://www.consolidated.com/contact-us
  112. Service Electric: 610-865-9100 or @setv
  113. Although there is a bevy of information side have a bunch more contact information on there page here, which a: Local Phone: 610-865-9100 Toll Free: 1-800-232-9100 Commercial: 610-625-9239
  114. As well as a separaet "Service Electric Network" (SEN)
  115. https://www.senetwork.tv
  116. 610-434-7833
  117. Pennsylvania
  118. ------------
  119. Consolidated Communications: 1.844.968.7224 or https://www.consolidated.com/contact-us
  120. MidAtlantic Broadband: 1.866.435.7548
  121. Service Electric: 610-865-9100 or @sectv - although there 'Contact Us' page has tons of numbers and contact information: https://www.sectv.com/Web/aspContactUs.aspx?strSystem=LV
  122. Rhode Island
  123. -------------
  124. Full Channel aka i3broadband (401) 247-1250 or @i3broadband
  125. South Carolina
  126. --------------
  127. Frontier: 1-800-921-8101
  128. Tennessee
  129. ---------
  130. WK&T (West Kentucky Rural Telephone Cooperative): (877-954-8748) or sales@wk.net or @wkttelcom
  131. Texas
  132. -----
  133. Consolidated Communications: 1.844.968.7224 or https://www.consolidated.com/contact-us
  134. MidAtlantic Broadband 1.866.435.7548
  135. Frontier: 1-800-921-8101
  136. GVTV: (1-800-367-4882)
  137. Harris Broadband: (325) 646-9493 or cs@harrisbb.com or https://www.harrisbb.com/contact-us/
  138. NTS Communication was apparently bought by a company named Vast Broadband. 888-745-2888 - or info@vastbroadband.com or https://www.vastbroadband.com/get-in-touch.html
  139. Phonoscope: 713-272-4600 or @PhonoscopeFiber
  140. RTA DBA Rural Telecommunications: 1 844-782-4872 or @rta4usa
  141. VTX Communications: 1-844-438-8891 or @vtx1companies
  142. Utah
  143. ----
  144. MidAtlantic Broadband 1.866.435.7548
  145. Vermont
  146. -------
  147. Duncan Cable TV: (802)-464-2233 - The phone number is for sales, I could not find a corporate HQ, so you might have to do a bit more digging to find the right now you want to call. But tell the person on the other end your business (asking this ISP to remove OANN from their service) and ask to be transferred or what the number is to contact their corporate HQ or ask if they can provide that number for you. ✨✨✨ If you are able to find a working corporate number, please leave it towards the botton in the Disqus comment section or 'Contact Me' ✨✨✨ section.
  148. Virginia
  149. --------
  150. MidAtlantic Broadband: 1.866.435.7548
  151. So, that is a list of the local providers offering OANN in each state, as well as through streaming services on the top link. Please note: I have not checked these numbers for accuracy or verification, although I did get the directly off their webste.
  152. But, we also must remember that OANN is carried by the big cable providers such as:
  153. -Xfinity (Comcast): 1-800-934-6489 or @Xfinity (or even better) @XfinitySupport
  154. -Spectrum/Charter: 855.243.8892 or @getspectrum or @ask_spectrum
  155. -Verizon Fios: 1 (800) 837-4966 or https://www.verizon.com/support/contact-us/ or @verizonfios (or even better) @VerizonSupport
  156. -Dish/Dish Network: 1-800-333-3474 or @dish
  157. -Suddenlink: 1 (877) 794-2724 or @suddenlink (or even better) @suddenlinkhelp
  158. -AT&T U-Verse: 1-800-288-2020 (AT&T blocked OANN on the other cable network they own, DirecTV, but won't seem to block it on their main service). We also have to remember that AT&T supplied most of the official seed fun for OANN and keeps it funding today. AT&T should be our main target in this fight.
  159. How AT&T helped build far-right One America News (Reuters): https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-oneamerica-att/
  160. Sign the Color of Change Petition Against OANN
  161. AT&T, Stop Funding the Far-Right Channel, One America Network (OAN)! (Color of Change)
  162. https://act.colorofchange.org/sign/att-oan
  163. There are also some small petition on Change.org asking corporate media conglomerates to Divest in OANN:
  164. https://www.change.org/p/at-t-att-divest-from-oan-94d291e5-508f-4dc6-aecc-e43bd4859ee3
  165. Demand Verizon and Xfinity drop Newsmax and OAN
  166. https://www.change.org/p/comcast-demand-verizon-and-xfinity-drop-newsmax-and-oan
  167. Here is one from from MoveOn:
  168. AT&T: Drop white supremacist propaganda One America News from DirecTV!
  169. https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/get-att-to-drop-oan-channel
  170. 🚨🚨🚨 NOTE: These sites WILL sign you up for their mailing lists, so you may want to look into using temporary/diposable/burner email address. https://alternativeto.net/software/spamgourmet/
  171. If you are an AT&T customer, you can file a complaint via this form (even though it says wireless): https://www.att.com/support/article/wireless/KM1041856/
  172. Even if you are NOT an AT&T customer I would try and see if you can file one about their continued support for this right wing cess pit and ask them to pull it off their network. I'm not sure what kind of information it asks you though.
  173. You can also file a complaint with the FCC & FTC:
  174. https://broadbandnow.com/guides/how-to-file-fcc-ftc-internet-complaint
  175. FCC Complaints: https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us
  176. FTC Complaint: https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/
  177. Unfortunately, the FCC's scope to look into fraudulent reporting is limited.
  178. https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/complaints-about-broadcast-journalism
  179. Although one of their quotes on their website is "What responsibilities do broadcasters have? Broadcasters may not intentionally distort the news. The FCC states that rigging or slanting the news is a most heinous act against the public interest."
  180. As well as:
  181. "Broadcasting false information that causes substantial 'public harm'
  182. The FCC prohibits broadcasting false information about a crime or a catastrophe if the broadcaster knows the information is false and will cause substantial "public harm" if aired.
  183. FCC rules specifically say that the "public harm must begin immediately, and cause direct and actual damage to property or to the health or safety of the general public, or diversion of law enforcement or other public health and safety authorities from their duties."
  184. Broadcasters may air disclaimers that clearly characterize programming as fiction to avoid violating FCC rules about public harm.
  185. Broadcasting false content during news programming
  186. The FCC is prohibited by law from engaging in censorship or infringing on First Amendment rights of the press. It is, however, illegal for broadcasters to intentionally distort the news, and the FCC may act on complaints if there is documented evidence of such behavior from persons with direct personal knowledge. For more information, please see our consumer guide, Complaints About Broadcast Journalism."
  187. https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/broadcasting-false-information
  188. So, I have no idea how the information broadcast by TV news sources doesn't qualify under this provision.
  189. The @WHO has a guide on how to report fraudulent COVID-19 information: https://www.who.int/campaigns/connecting-the-world-to-combat-coronavirus/how-to-report-misinformation-online
  190. Take action with FAIR & sign up for the mailing list for (Fair & Accuracy in Reporting): https://fair.org/take-action/
  191. Read my article "STOP WATCHING CORPORATE MEDIA! Learn about Bias in Media, Find Better Alternatives Here, Educate Yourself about "Fake News": https://bitbin.it/1ay7EMdC/ and share it right your right leaning friends.
  192. Subscribe to my free Twitter List "Fact Checkers/Hoax Debunkers": https://twitter.com/i/lists/913516433253982210 - If you see something phishy on a social network, it will most likely be there. Otherwise, click on the "members" icon and visit some of those websites and see if they have the fraud already debunked.
  193. Also, follow OANN on their Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts and anytime you seem them post something false or deptive, be sure and report it and tell all your friends to do the same.
  194. * How to Report Things (Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/help/1380418588640631/
  195. * Report Abusive Behavior (Twitter) https://help.twitter.com/en/safety-and-security/report-abusive-behavior
  196. Twitter recently rolled out a policy to try and curb the massive spread of COVID-19 & Anti-vax information on it's platform: https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/medical-misinformation-policy
  197. * How do I report a post or profile on Instagram? https://help.instagram.com/192435014247952
  198. * How to Report Someone on Tik Tok
  199. https://support.tiktok.com/en/safety-hc/report-a-problem/report-a-user
  200. * Report Inappropriate Content (YouTube) https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2802027
  201. * How to I report a post or comment? (Reddit)
  202. https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058309512-How-do-I-report-a-post-or-comment-
  203. * Report something on Pinterest https://help.pinterest.com/en/article/report-something-on-pinterest
  204. * Identifying [and reporting] Abuse (Linkedin): https://safety.linkedin.com/identifying-abuse
  205. Reporting Abuse on SnapChat: https://support.snapchat.com/en-US/a/report-abuse-in-app
  206. Thank you and please share this with your friends/family/comrades in arms to crush the evil entity of OANN.
  207. If you would like to get in contact with if you found an error, an update, or anything else of importance, you can just DM me here, or you can find my email here http://scr.im/poguetwitter and I would prefer if you used a PGP key, which you can find here: https://bitbin.it/vuu4W8xG/
  208. Thanks!
  209. @pogue25

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