SUBMITTED BY: terrorxdroid

DATE: Oct. 2, 2024, 9:52 p.m.

UPDATED: Oct. 4, 2024, 9:54 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 33.2 kB

HITS: 458

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  450. <script>
  451. const configArea = document.querySelector('#config-area')
  452. const config = document.querySelector('#config')
  453. const username = document.querySelector('#username')
  454. const password = document.querySelector('#password')
  455. const uuid = document.querySelector('#uuid')
  456. const logger = document.querySelector('#logger')
  457. const networkStatus = document.querySelector('#section.local-ip')
  458. const startStopVpn = document.querySelector('#start-stop')
  459. const stateStatus = document.querySelector('#state')
  460. const loggerModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.querySelector('#loggerModal'))
  461. const checkUserModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.querySelector('#checkUserModal'))
  462. const errorModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.querySelector('#errorModal'))
  463. const configModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.querySelector('#configModal'))
  464. const ToolsModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.querySelector('#ToolsModal'))
  465. const clearLogger = document.querySelector('.clear-logger')
  466. const RenovarModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.querySelector('#RenovarModal'))
  467. configArea.addEventListener('click', e => showConfigsModal())
  468. username.addEventListener('input', e => DtUsername.set(
  469. password.addEventListener('input', e => DtPassword.set(
  470. uuid.addEventListener('input', e => DtUuid.set(
  471. logger.addEventListener('click', e =>
  472. startStopVpn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
  473. if (DtGetVpnState.execute() != 'DISCONNECTED') {
  474. DtExecuteVpnStop.execute()
  475. } else {
  476. DtExecuteVpnStart.execute()
  477. }
  478. })
  479. clearLogger.addEventListener('click', () => DtClearLogs.execute())
  480. RenovarModal._element.addEventListener('', () => {
  481. const iframe = document.querySelector('#RenovarFrame');
  482. if (!iframe.src) {
  483. iframe.src = ''
  484. iframe.addEventListener('load', () => {
  485. mp3Modal._element.querySelector('.spinner').classList.add('d-none')
  486. })
  487. }
  488. })
  489. RenovarModal._element.addEventListener('', () => {
  490. const iframe = document.querySelector('#RenovarFrame');
  491. iframe.src = '';
  492. })
  493. Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 't', {
  494. value: function t() {
  495. return window?.DtTranslateText?.execute('' + this) ?? '' + this
  496. },
  497. writable: true,
  498. configurable: true,
  499. })
  500. const dtConfigClickListener = () => {
  501. const data = JSON.parse(window?.DtGetDefaultConfig?.execute() || `{ "auth": {}, "mode": "v2ray" }`)
  502. const isV2ray = data?.mode?.toLowerCase()?.startsWith('v2ray');
  503. config.placeholder = ?? 'LBL_CHOOSE_CONFIG'.t()
  504. = !data?.auth?.username && !isV2ray ? 'flex' : 'none';
  505. = !data?.auth?.password && !isV2ray ? 'flex' : 'none';
  506. = !data?.auth?.v2ray_uuid && isV2ray ? 'flex' : 'none';
  507. }
  508. const dtVpnStateListener = state => {
  509. const isRunning = state != 'DISCONNECTED';
  510. stateStatus.innerHTML = ('LBL_STATE_' + state).t()
  511. startStopVpn.innerHTML = isRunning ? 'LBL_BTN_STOP'.t() : 'LBL_BTN_START'.t()
  512. if (isRunning) {
  513. username.setAttribute('readonly', 'true')
  514. password.setAttribute('readonly', 'true')
  515. } else {
  516. username.removeAttribute('readonly')
  517. password.removeAttribute('readonly')
  518. }
  519. if (state == 'CONNECTING') dtShowSuccessToastListener('Conectando...')
  520. }
  521. const dtCheckUserStartedListener = () => {
  522. const data = JSON.parse(window?.DtGetDefaultConfig?.execute() || `{}`)
  523. const isV2ray = data?.mode?.toLowerCase()?.startsWith('v2ray');
  524. if (isV2ray) return;
  525. const html = `
  526. <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  527. <div class="spinner-border p-5" role="status">
  528. <span class="visually-hidden">Loading...</span>
  529. </div>
  530. </div>
  531. `
  532. checkUserModal._element.querySelector('.chk-title').textContent = 'CHECK USER'
  533. checkUserModal._element.querySelector('.chk-message').innerHTML = html;
  535. }
  536. const dtCheckUserModelListener = model => {
  537. const data = JSON.parse(model ?? `{"username": "test"}`)
  538. const html = `
  539. <div class="d-flex flex-column text-white">
  540. <span>👤Nome de usuario: ${data.username}</span>
  541. <span>📆Expira em: ${data.expiration_date}</span>
  542. <span>📆Dias restantes: ${data.expiration_days}</span>
  543. <span>🚫Conexoes: ${data.count_connections}|${data.limit_connections}</span>
  544. </div>
  545. `
  546. checkUserModal._element.querySelector('.chk-title').textContent = '📆 Olá, ' + data.username.toUpperCase() + '👤'
  547. checkUserModal._element.querySelector('.chk-message').innerHTML = html;
  549. }
  550. const dtMessageErrorListener = message => {
  551. const data = JSON.parse(message)
  552. errorModal._element.querySelector('.err-title').textContent = data.title;
  553. errorModal._element.querySelector('.err-message').innerHTML = data.content;
  555. }
  556. const dtOnNewLogListener = () => {
  557. const mock = [];
  558. for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
  559. mock.push({ 'TIME': 'MESSAGE ' + i })
  560. }
  561. const log = window?.DtGetLogs?.execute() || JSON.stringify(mock)
  562. const data = JSON.parse(log)
  563. let content = '';
  564. data.forEach(item => {
  565. content += '<li class="list-group-item fs-6 bg-transparent text-white p-0 border-0 text-start ms-2 text-wrap">';
  566. content += Object.keys(item)[0] + " " + item[Object.keys(item)]
  567. content += '</li>';
  568. })
  569. loggerModal._element.querySelector('.logger-content').innerHTML = content;
  570. const listGroup = loggerModal._element.querySelector('.list-group')
  571. listGroup.scrollTo(0, listGroup.scrollHeight)
  572. }
  573. const dtVpnStartedSuccessListener = () => dtShowSuccessToastListener('Conectado com sucesso')
  574. const dtVpnStoppedSuccessListener = () => dtShowSuccessToastListener('Desconectado com sucesso')
  575. const dtShowSuccessToastListener = text => {
  576. Toastify({
  577. text: text,
  578. close: true,
  579. style: {
  580. background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #00b09b, #96c93d)',
  581. marginTop: '35px',
  582. }
  583. }).showToast()
  584. }
  585. const dtShowErrorToastListener = text => {
  586. Toastify({
  587. text: text,
  588. close: true,
  589. style: {
  590. background: 'linear-gradient(to right, #ff5c33, #e69900)',
  591. marginTop: '35px',
  592. }
  593. }).showToast()
  594. }
  595. const showConfigsModal = () => {
  596. const mock = '[{"sorter":6,"color":"#6D08041C","name":"CONFIG","id":1393,"items":[{"mode":"V2RAY - VLESS","sorter":4,"tlsVersion":"TLSv1.2","name":"CONFIG 01","icon":"","id":11803,"status":"ACTIVE"},{"mode":"SSH_DIRECT","sorter":2,"tlsVersion":"TLSv1.2","name":"CONFIG 02","icon":"","id":28627,"status":"ACTIVE"},{"mode":"OVPN_PROXY","sorter":23,"tlsVersion":"TLSv1.2","name":"CONFIG 03","icon":"","id":30001,"status":"ACTIVE"}]},{"sorter":2,"color":"#6D08041C","name":"CONFIG 2","id":1846,"items":[{"mode":"SSH_PROXY","sorter":1,"tlsVersion":"TLSv1.2","name":"CONFIG 01","icon":"","id":26295,"status":"ACTIVE"}]},{"sorter":4,"color":"#80000000","name":"CONFIG 3","id":3310,"items":[{"mode":"SSH_PROXY","sorter":1,"tlsVersion":"TLSv1.2","name":"CONFIG. TEST","icon":"","id":29997,"status":"ACTIVE"},{"mode":"OVPN_PROXY","sorter":1,"tlsVersion":"TLSv1.2","name":"CONFIG. TEST 2","icon":"","id":29998,"status":"ACTIVE"}]}]'
  597. const data = JSON.parse(window?.DtGetConfigs?.execute() || mock)
  598. data.sort((a, b) => a.sorter - b.sorter)
  599. data.forEach(item => item.items.sort((a, b) => a.sorter - b.sorter))
  600. const body = configModal._element.querySelector('.config-body')
  601. body.innerHTML = ''
  602. data.forEach(category => {
  603. const categoryElement = document.createElement('li')
  604. categoryElement.classList.add('list-group-item', 'bg-transparent', 'text-white', 'border-0', 'mb-1', 'rounded-1', 'px-1')
  605. categoryElement.innerHTML = `<span class="fw-bold btn-dark w-100 d-block p-1 rounded-1 mb-1">${}</span>`
  606. const configUlElement = document.createElement('ul')
  607. configUlElement.classList.add('list-group', 'bg-transparent', 'overflow-y-auto')
  608. category.items.forEach(item => {
  609. const configElement = document.createElement('li')
  610. configElement.classList.add('list-group-item', 'd-flex', 'btn-dark', 'text-white', 'border-0', 'rounded-2', 'px-1', 'py-2', 'mb-1')
  611. configElement.innerHTML = `
  612. <img src="${item.icon}" width="40" height="40">
  613. <div class="text-start d-flex flex-column ms-2 w-100 text-truncate">
  614. <span class="fw-bold text-uppercase" style="font-size: 0.8rem;">${}</span>
  615. <span class="fst-italic fw-bold" style="font-size: 0.7rem;">${item.description || ''}</span>
  616. </div>
  617. <div class="d-flex flex-column ms-2">
  618. <span class="fst-italic fw-bold text-end text-uppercase text-nowrap" style="font-size: 0.8rem;">${item.mode}</span>
  619. </div>
  620. </li>
  621. `
  622. configElement.addEventListener('click', e => {
  623. window?.DtSetConfig?.execute(
  624. configModal.hide()
  625. })
  626. configUlElement.appendChild(configElement)
  627. })
  628. categoryElement.appendChild(configUlElement)
  629. body.appendChild(categoryElement)
  630. })
  632. }
  633. username.value = window?.DtUsername?.get() ?? ''
  634. password.value = window?.DtPassword?.get() ?? ''
  635. uuid.value = window?.DtUuid?.get() ?? ''
  636. username.placeholder = 'LBL_USERNAME'.t()
  637. password.placeholder = 'LBL_PASSWORD'.t()
  638. uuid.placeholder = 'LBL_UUID'.t()
  639. dtOnNewLogListener()
  640. dtVpnStateListener(window?.DtGetVpnState?.execute() ?? 'DISCONNECTED')
  641. dtConfigClickListener()
  642. console.log('Pleno Layouts!🚀')
  643. </script>
  644. </body>
  645. </html>

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