That horrid pony


DATE: March 13, 2013, 11:49 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 1484

  1. donna: *the filly covers up her flak* hello silver spoon
  2. Me: "Hello to you, as well." Silver says, training her perfectly purple eyes on this new pony. She leaned to one side, scoping out this new pony. She noticed she was trying to cover her flank, a gesture that invariably meant she was trying to hide something. Silver, of course, scrunched up her muzzle, put on the snottiest voice she could, and teased, "Blank flank!"
  3. donna: *pokes*
  4. donna: i aint no blank flank
  5. Me: "Care to prove it?" Silver said, smirking a haughty smirk and training her perfect purple eyes on this pony's no-doubt blank flank.
  6. donna: *sighs uncovers flank and its blank*
  7. donna: sigh
  8. donna: i have no cutie mark...
  9. donna: *uncovers flank no cutie mark*
  10. Me: Silver let out a haughty laugh, the laugh she used when she knew she was right all along. "Ha! I knew it! You're not just a blank flank, you're a liar, too!"
  11. donna: *tears up* ive got talent stop being mean to me!
  12. Me: "Get some of that talent on that flank of yours, and maybe I'll stop." Silver smiled, slowly hoisting her nose in the air. "Maybe."
  13. donna: *starts to cry*
  14. Me: Keeping up her teasing tone, Silver said, "Go ahead! Maybe you'll get a crying cutie mark!"
  15. donna: *takes her hoof then slaps silver upside the face crying abit*
  16. Me: Silver was shocked. One of her manicured hooves guided itself to the slap site, and a shocked gasp left her mouth. "You hit me! You horrid little liar you hit me! I'm telling the police!" Silver turned on her hoof, hoisting her nose in the air and letting her hooves carry her away.
  17. donna: yea take that bully! *trots off*
  18. donna: *knooks on your door smileing abit*
  19. Me: Silver wasn't home. Her tiny manicured hooves were still beating themselves against the ground on her way to the police station to report that horrid blank flank. Where did she get off doing that?
  20. donna: *finds you* you! you arnt reporting me your a bully!
  21. Me: "I'm the bully? You smacked me with that awful hoof of yours!" Silver gasped, taking a shocked step away from this nasty filly and her horrible hooves.
  22. donna: im from manehaten tho and i hate the cutie mark cry babys as much as you and babs do
  23. Me: Silver scrunched up her muzzle and said, "You should have thought about that before hitting me!"
  24. donna: atleast my cutie mark isint a spoon!
  25. Me: Silver's eyes opened wide. "More than you have, blank flank!"
  26. donna: all your good at is being snobby and makeing spoons!
  27. Me: Silver let out a heavy sigh. "That's not what it means, you horrid blank flank. It means I'm a pony of wealth and taste, who can handle herself in polite society! It means I'm a pony who can do whatever she wants. It means I'm a pony who's better than you, blank flank!"
  28. donna: im rich to i come from a very rich family from manehaten my aunt is princess luna!
  29. Me: "More lies? You should know those don't work by now, blank flank!" Silver said, scrunching up her magnificent muzzle.
  30. donna: *slaps*
  31. Me: Silver's mouth hung open, shocked that this crazy filly would dare to slap her again. "That's IT! I am going to the police!"
  32. donna: *laughs* you bully!
  33. Me: "You're the one who just slapped me twice! I'll have you jailed for this!" Silver says, turning on her hoof and trotting towards the police station.
  34. donna: *laughs and jsut stands thaare*
  35. Me: Her hooves only beat against the ground faster, eager to escape this horrible blank flank.

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