

DATE: April 5, 2013, 7:03 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 727 Bytes

HITS: 1190

  1. ey guys, im a senior in highschool, has any one ever had the fantasy of living life like a nomad? Moving from place to place? I first got the idea when playing fallout 3. I know its not the same but its the fact that i can go any where i want kinda like that book into the wild.
  2. I dont want to die in the wild though and still want to keep in contact with my family and friends but i want to see everything. I liked chris's outlook on life.
  3. Ill work from place to place and just figure it out as it goes along.
  4. I already have a general idea of where I want to start.
  5. I live in florida, so i want to go to cuba first, then head to nevada to see the hoover dam and las vegas and then from there its a mystery

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