decision paralysis as defense


DATE: April 26, 2013, 2:32 p.m.

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  1. armies can defend themselves against conventional weapons. how can rulers defend themselves against the popular culture of another rival state? one of the largest dvd collections in the world is a testament to this potent weapon. hollywood espouses the american narrative. it does this so well that many non-american citizens are familiar with american law and american institutions. there is no reason to go to war with a people who share the same beliefs. one such invasion has been under way for years. it’s a very difficult attack to repel. rulers have to be wary of the streisand effect. perhaps the best way to defend this attack is for the state to cultivate domestic cinema to a greater level than that of rival states. this makes the battle of cinema one of offensive warfare. dilute the domestic market with overwhelming choices from both the state and abroad. censorship leads to the streisand effect so it won’t really be an option except in the most dire circumstances. the resulting decision paralysis will ensure that most of the populace consumes familiar, domestic entertainment. these choices will accommodate all tastes so everyone can be content with whatever is most like them.

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