Bitcoin platform eWallet


DATE: Oct. 4, 2013, 1:29 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 6459

  1. The first thing that is needed in order to use the Bitcoin platform is an eWallet. The wallet I use and trust because it is simple, secure, anonymous, and they even offer a tumbler service for extra security is When you go to the home page, go to the tab furthest to the right of the logo that says “wallet”, once that page has loaded you can click on either “Start A New Wallet” or “Create My Free Wallet” both option lead you to the same screen. In this screen ll you have to supply is an Alias, a password, and complete the captcha… can’t be much more anonymous. Once you press enter a phrase will pop up, Write it down OR SAVE it somewhere, without the mnemonic they cannot help recover forgotten passwords and will result in LOSS of ALL of your bitcoins! This is to provide extra security in the event of a hacker attack on the database, hackers will have no passwords to steal. Now your wallet is set up and ready to be used, in order to log in you will see what is call the “Identifier” it wouldn’t hurt to write that down either incase you forget but typically it will pop up if you just type in your alias and password. Once you log into your wallet you will see your bit coin address which will look something like this :
  2. Bitcoin Address: 1EW4bj7MzE66LdmtyAENHZbDf42pMjmSkf
  3. ****That is my Bitcoin address, feel free to send me some small donations for the help :)
  4. If it looks like a bunch of random numbers and letters… its because it is… another measure of anonymity.

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