OpGabon TS May 11 2013 11AM EST EN


DATE: May 12, 2013, 2:44 p.m.

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HITS: 2254

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  14. !!!!!ATTENTION!!!!!
  15. ********* DO NOT BEGIN TWEETING UNTIL 11AM EST / 8AM PST *********
  16. #OpGabon -> #UpGabon Twitterstorm Package!
  17. Objective:
  18. Raise Awareness in social media for the international panic required to save the Gabonese people from the brutal ritual murders not only being covered up, but actively participated in by their government officials.
  19. May 11 is the anniversary of the death of music legend Bob Marley who used to sing: "Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up for your Rights." #UpGabon represents that spirit.
  20. Date & Time: Saturday, May 11, 2013
  21. 11 AM EST
  22. 8 AM PST
  23. 4PM LBV
  24. Clock till protest: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?p0=129&iso=20130511T16&msg=%23OpGabon%20-%20Tweetstorm%20-%20March%20against%20ritual%20killings%20in%20Gabon%20-%20Marche%20contre%20les%20crimes%20rituels%20au%20Gabon
  25. Instructions:
  26. Copy + Paste these tweets. Do not retweet, the hashtag will not trend.
  27. If you are writing your own tweets, make sure to include the #UpGabon hashtag!
  28. You do not need to post more than once every five minutes, especially to avoid suspension of your account.
  29. #OpGabon Press Releases for more information:
  30. Original #OpGabon PR: http://pastebin.com/b69rhF13
  31. #OpGabon Re-Engaged PR: http://pastebin.com/1WxjvH8A
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  39. #UpGabon Re-Engaged: Important Message From #Anonymous: pastebin.com/1WxjvH8A
  40. #UpGabon: Ritual killings in Gabon: A Message from Anonymous: http://youtu.be/2LjdBsT0tkE
  41. #Anonymous challenges crisis in West Africa with OpGabon http://www.dailydot.com/politics/anonymous-opgabon-bongo-murder-africa/ #UpGabon
  42. #Anonymous fights to stop the ritual killing of children in Gabon #UpGabon
  43. http://www.examiner.com/article/anonymous-fights-to-stop-the-ritual-killing-of-children-gabon
  44. Activist Gabonese Artists mobilizing against ritual killings, May 11. Keurtyce E http://t.co/IUCCTM2Shz #UpGabon
  45. Fight Against Ritual Killings Gears Up in Gabon http://globalvoicesonline.org/2013/05/09/fight-against-ritual-killings-gears-up-in-gabon/ #UpGabon
  46. #Anonymous Launches #OpGabon to Raise Awareness of the Situation in Gabon http://t.co/rTW7TygcDD http://t.co/CCFy0oVWCK #UpGabon
  47. Stop ritual killings in Gabon! Stop aux crimes rituels au Gabon!avaaz.org/en/petition/Stop_ritual_killings_in_Gabon_Stop_aux_crimes_rituels_au_Gabon/?elhBweb #UpGabon
  48. Why is the Government Protecting the Ritual Killings of Children in Gabon? Join an Open Investigation:https://openwatch.net/i/46/why-is-the-government-protecting-the-ritual-kill #UpGabon
  49. #Anonymous, cyber-terrorism or cyber-activists who shook global Internet ... include financial transparency. http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://gabonreview.com/blog/anonymous-des-crimes-rituels-a-la-transparence-financiere/ #UpGabon
  50. #Anonymous is attacking sites belonging to Gabon's gov to call out West African country on ritual killings.#UpGabon
  51. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/globalpost-blogs/the-grid/opgabon-anonymous-attacks-gabon-government-protest-ritual-killings
  52. In Gabon, fear of ritual crime sparks social media campaign #UpGabon
  53. http://gulfnews.com/news/world/other-world/in-gabon-fear-of-ritual-crime-sparks-social-media-campaign-1.1172808
  54. Famous cyber-activists who shook the global Internet, pledged to expand their scope to Gabon #UpGabon
  55. http://gabonreview.com/blog/anonymous-des-crimes-rituels-a-la-transparence-financiere/
  56. Today on the net, members of #Anonymous denounced the proliferation of ritual crimes in Gabon. #UpGabon
  57. http://www.france24.com/fr/20130415-internet-hackers-anonymous-denoncent-crimes-rituels-gabon
  58. Gabon: the debate on ritual crimes revived by social networks #UpGabon
  59. http://www.slateafrique.com/164305/gabon-le-debat-sur-les-crimes-rituels-ravive-par-les-reseaux-sociaux
  60. #UpGabon: «#Anonymous : from ritual killings to financial transparency» http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://gabonreview.com/blog/anonymous-des-crimes-rituels-a-la-transparence-financiere/
  61. #UpGabon has concentrated on ritual killings. That does not mean #Anonymous is unaware of the corruption and profligacy of the Bongo regime.
  62. "unprecedented level of attention embarrassed Gabonese government and pushed President Bongo to react." http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5idLIfMjqkKbfkiN3YwcpoVDMT5IQ?docId=CNG.6ca3e19d64153addcf857afda2778c06.341 #UpGabon
  63. In #Gabon, fear of ritual crime sparks social media campaign
  64. http://gulfnews.com/news/world/other-world/in-gabon-fear-of-ritual-crime-sparks-social-media-campaign-1.1172808 #UpGabon
  65. #UpGabon: #Anonymous stands up for Gabonese victims of ritual crimes: http://www.france24.com/en/20130415-gabon-anonymous-stands-for-Gabonese-victims-of-ritual-crimes
  66. Why Ali Bongo regime fears free media so much? http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/05/free-communication-is-gabonese-regimes.html #UpGabon
  67. Why Did Gabon Give President Obama a Gift Worth $52,695? #Upgabon
  68. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/04/why-did-gabon-give-president-obama-a-gift-worth-52-695/275333/
  69. The murderer explained he acted on request of Senator Eyeghe Ekomié who wanted the organs of the girl,including her tongue/genitals. #UpGabon
  70. In #Gabon ritual killings are means for Bongo's dictatorial regime to maintain and to enslave the Gabonese. #UpGabon Fight for freedom.
  71. "I have to tell you that since the 404 stopped, Bongo regime is breathing again." #UpGabon
  72. "One thing was told to me: the motivation to go ahead with the march without Sylvia came from the direct Action of ANON...
  73. (1/2) #UpGabon
  74. ... People feel like the world now knows because of ANON and they need to march." (2/2) #UpGabon
  75. Sylvia Bongo has suddenly decided to be a human rights activist against ritual killings her husband supports because of #Anonymous #UpGabon
  76. Gabon regime is now recognizing ritual killings and attempting to sponsor the marches they refused to allow on April 13. #UpGabon #Anonymous
  77. An announced visit between the President of Gabon and the US White House was cancelled by #Anonymous. #UpGabon
  78. "Anon gave a big boost to the people to organize again."
  79. Get on board. You can actually make a huge difference here. #UpGabon
  80. "Corrupt Bongo regime does not like to be exposed, so anon is a NIGHTMARE for them."
  81. Keep it up guys, bad guys win in the dark. #UpGabon
  82. "I don't think you all realize how much your support of often unheard people can really do. You guys can help give people courage." #UpGabon
  83. "They really got scared when websites started crumbling." #UpGabon
  84. "The only reason we are having that march on May 11th is because of anonymous. #Anonymous changed the game." #UpGabon
  85. Gabon gov had to mobilize people day/night to monitor their sites in France. Sources inside claim mass panic in gov. Excellent job! #UpGabon
  86. Pres. of Gabon cancelled meeting Obama bc it wasnt "presidential enough" after bragging about going to meet him for months? Rly? #UpGabon
  87. #Anonymous is not the voice of the voiceless, but it is their megaphone when needed. #UpGabon may not mean anything to msm but it is urgent.
  88. It is #Anonymous support that emboldens the original march to continue and that discourages the regime from retaliation. #UpGabon
  89. March planned for Bob Marley's death day pre-empted by a competing march from regime which denied ritual killings exist. #UpGabon #Anonymous
  90. #Anonymous propped up a march in Libreville, Gabon. When websites went down the Bongo government panicked. #UpGabon
  91. Activists organizing the march in Gabon on April 13 were ready to cancel till they heard #Anonymous was involved. #UpGabon
  92. May 11: Anniversary of Bob Marley's death and the day Gabon will Get Up, Stand Up against ritual killings. http://youtu.be/JLYOOezs3DA #UpGabon
  93. #Anonymous got the US to cancel a state visit w a UNSC ally, do u not know how huge that is? SUPPORT #UpGabon and Join us today.
  94. #Gabon girl's death sparks fears of ritual killings http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5idLIfMjqkKbfkiN3YwcpoVDMT5IQ?docId=CNG.6ca3e19d64153addcf857afda2778c06.341 #UpGabon
  95. (Graphic) #GABON: The harvest of human genital organs for fetish… Imagine this.
  96. http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.com/2013/04/gabon-harvest-of-human-genital-organs.html #UpGabon
  97. Testimony on ritual killings in Gabon: «These crimes are profiting to those who govern us». http://youtu.be/gQB2KdF6GjQ #UpGabon
  98. «All communication of the regime in power is to discredit the movement against ritual crimes» http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/04/an-editorial-published-in-last-issue-of.html #UpGabon
  99. ''Gabon’s human rights record is by all accounts truly horrific'' - http://childrensrightsportal.org/gabon/ #UpGabon
  100. «ritual murder of #Gabon-ese children is perhaps the most egregious example of violation of children rights» http://childrensrightsportal.org/gabon/ #UpGabon
  101. #UpGabon: Ali Bongo’s regime trying to hijack movement against ritual killings. Sylvia Bongo is part of the problem.
  102. http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/04/social-media-and-free-civil-society-do.html
  103. Ritual killings in #Gabon: Who is Sylvia Bongo going to march against? What about those sponsors? http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/04/social-media-and-free-civil-society-do.html #UpGabon
  104. Ritual killings in #Gabon: Sylvia Bongo is part of the problem: a regime of ritual murderers. http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/04/social-media-and-free-civil-society-do.html #UpGabon
  105. Sylvia Bongo enjoyed seeing citizens & Gabonese diaspora mobilize against ritual killings... after her husband refused to allow it. #UpGabon
  106. #Gabon: Commitment when facing a murderous regime cannot be wishy wishy http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-commitment-when-facing-murderous.html #UpGabon
  107. Ritual crimes in #Gabon: nothing cultural; just blood sucker & cannibalistic politicians striving for power http://www.france24.com/en/20130415-gabon-anonymous-stands-for-Gabonese-victims-of-ritual-crimes #UpGabon
  108. May 11: People of #Gabon will protest against ritual killings, Rond-Point Nzeng Ayong Libreville. Petition: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Stop_ritual_killings_in_Gabon_Stop_aux_crimes_rituels_au_Gabon/ #UpGabon
  109. Brother @SpikeLee & his friends should sign this petition against killings of children for organs in #Gabon: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Stop_ritual_killings_in_Gabon_Stop_aux_crimes_rituels_au_Gabon/ #UpGabon
  110. The Children In #Gabon Need Your Attention #Anonymous http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Fight-Apathy/3098470 #UpGabon
  111. A rising number of mutilated bodies washing up on Gabon's beaches this year; resurgence in ritual killings. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/26/us-gabon-killings-idUSBRE92P0SF20130326 #UpGabon
  112. Murder of children, organs eaten or used to make magical amulets, has increased in recent years in Gabon. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-560011/Children-mutilated-drained-blood-ritual-killings-African-politicians-hoping-election-luck.html #UpGabon
  113. Children mutilated & drained of blood in ritual killings 'by African politicians hoping for election luck.' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-560011/Children-mutilated-drained-blood-ritual-killings-African-politicians-hoping-election-luck.html #UpGabon
  114. 2008: "There has been a sharp increase in ritual killings in Gabon ahead of local elections on 27 April." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7363209.stm #UpGabon
  115. #UpGabon Senator paid 20 million francs for genitals of 12 year old girl, 1st to lose immunity,may not stand trial. http://infosgabon.com/?p=24739
  116. So if the presidency that cancelled the April 13 march wants to pretend they are running the May 11 march, push: WHERE ARE TRIALS? #UpGabon
  117. Anxious parents keeping close watch around schools near elections to prevent children from being snatched. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-560011/Children-mutilated-drained-blood-ritual-killings-African-politicians-hoping-election-luck.html#ixzz2PRj5qSHS #UpGabon
  118. Why is the regime silent? Why are the Gabonese people apathetic? Who benefits most from these killings? http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/02/silence-encourages-exponential-growth.html #UpGabon
  119. The people ordering these murders are in fact the authorities & this is why these crimes are never solved. http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/02/silence-encourages-exponential-growth.html #UpGabon
  120. Silence encourages the exponential growth in ritual murders: http://gabonenervant.blogspot.fr/2013/02/silence-encourages-exponential-growth.html #UpGabon
  121. "Spare parts" in Gabon: sex, ears, tongue, eyes, ears, heart, kidneys, blood, flesh and skin." http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.com/2013/04/gabon-harvest-of-human-genital-organs.html #UpGabon
  122. "Youth, health, wealth, promotion, success and especially honor and power". Bought with organs of a child. http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.com/2013/04/gabon-how-and-why-of-these-horrible.html #UpGabon
  123. #UpGabon: "We want to shout our anger and tell the authorities that it must stop." http://bit.ly/14uBuLh
  124. Protesters in Libreville, Lyon, Paris, Montreal marched in April against ritual murders in #Gabon. http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.com/2013/04/gabon-april-13-stop-ritual-crimes-stop.html #UpGabon
  125. 2008: Killing children in Gabon is a political ritual http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2008/04/21/killing_children_a_political_ritual.html #UpGabon
  126. IMPORTANT Background: Why Ali Bongo cannot be trusted in the issue of ritual crimes. http://gabonenervant.blogspot.ca/2012/04/who-could-think-that-ali-bongo-is.html #UpGabon
  127. Bongo family has ruled #Gabon since 1967. First recorded ritual crime terrorized the population around 1976-1977. #UpGabon
  128. 1/4 “President Bongo knows everything that goes on in #Gabon. Everything. Nothing happens... http://blackagendareport.com/content/crimes-bongo-apartheid-terror-africas-gardens-eden-part-one #UpGabon
  129. 2/4 that he does not know about. And there are very sophisticated forms of terror, like torture.. http://blackagendareport.com/content/crimes-bongo-apartheid-terror-africas-gardens-eden-part-one #UpGabon
  130. 3/4 disappearing, RITUAL KILLINGS, using plain-clothes operatives, in designer blue jeans or NIKE tracksuit http://blackagendareport.com/content/crimes-bongo-apartheid-terror-africas-gardens-eden-part-one #UpGabon
  131. 4/4 Bongo knows all about it - he is involved - and they have killed a lot of people with no one knowing''. http://blackagendareport.com/content/crimes-bongo-apartheid-terror-africas-gardens-eden-part-one #UpGabon
  132. Oct: Gabon Journalists harassed for violating taboo on ritual killings - http://t.co/GynYQN7o #UpGabon
  133. "In Gabon, we pray for the victims of ritual crimes: days in memory of the holy innocents" http://partenia2000.over-blog.com/article-au-gabon-on-prie-pour-les-victimes-de-crimes-rituels-114248805.html #UpGabon
  134. On the eve of elections"a list circulated: to win elections must kill an albino, a sister, a young priest." http://partenia2000.over-blog.com/article-les-crimes-rituels-au-gabon-et-ailleurs-103465112.html #UpGabon
  135. "At election time, a carnage that dare not speak its name. In search of honors, power, an opulent life." http://africamix.blog.lemonde.fr/2011/07/16/gabon-lhorreur-des-crimes-rituels-continue/ #UpGabon
  136. End immunity: the first senator who lost parliamentary immunity for a ritual crimes trial. http://partenia2000.over-blog.com/article-au-gabon-fin-de-l-impunite-concernant-les-crimes-rituels-113822511.html #UpGabon
  137. Since 2008 there have been 181 ritual killings in Gabon. Zero arrests. http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2012/04/since-2008-there-have-been-181-ritual.html #UpGabon
  138. 7 year old Atsame Astride, murdered in a ritual killing on March 17, 2013. #UpGabon pic.twitter.com/zT9mbrjEGx
  139. Gabon: Where politicians eat children, with impunity. We stand with parents of 7 year old Atsame Astride. #UpGabon pic.twitter.com/XU3IWGojvy
  140. Please don't turn away. Stand with Astride's parents May 11. No more impunity. http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.com/2013/04/gabon-how-and-why-of-these-horrible.html pic.twitter.com/zT9mbrjEGx #UpGabon
  141. 2008: Pre-election ritual killings in Gabon are on the rise. http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5h1EgGRMIKjvt1iCdnB-kbrO4fpxw #UpGabon
  142. Hey US, this letter is for you from Gabon, you should probably read it. http://t.co/5TUhCxmEgW #UpGabon
  143. Ali Bongo, and his political party in power for 46 years, must act now against ritual crimes. http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.ca/2013/04/gabon-ali-bongos-party-must-act-now.html #UpGabon
  144. "An increase of ritual murders in several African countries, ordered by high-ranking persons in the State." http://www.dici.org/en/news/africa-multiplication-of-ritual-murders/ #UpGabon
  145. “A national elite makes use of these practices openly. Assassins arrested, then released...exists an impunity, a true solidarity.” #UpGabon
  146. Is #Gabon (oil, manganese, gold, uranium) bankrupted? http://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fgabonreview.com%2Fblog%2Fle-gabon-est-il-en-faillite%2F - and #Corruption http://in.finance.yahoo.com/photos/8-of-the-richest-dictators-in-history-slideshow/ali-bongo-ondimba-photo-1348740985.html #UpGabon
  147. #Gabon: a rich country (oil, gas, gold) and a ruined Education - TV Report from France24 in Libreville - http://youtu.be/y0_ww-DDDTI #UpGabon
  148. #UpGabon #Corruption - Pascaline #Bongo among top 25 most influential women in Francophone Africa - http://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fgabonreview.com%2Fblog%2Fpascaline-bongo-top-25-femmes-influentes-dafrique-francophone%2F
  149. --------------------
  151. --------------------
  152. ''Gabon’s human rights record is by all accounts truly horrific'' - http://childrensrightsportal.org/gabon/ #UpGabon
  153. «ritual murder of #Gabon-ese children is perhaps the most egregious example of violation of children rights» http://childrensrightsportal.org/gabon/ #UpGabon
  154. #Gabon Human rights report 2012 (US State Dept). http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/humanrightsreport/index.htm?year=2012&dlid=20412 #UpGabon
  155. READ: Comments from Report on Human Rights in Gabon 2009-2012: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0ZDYm3fuUMxVGZMandhRDQ0SVE/edit #UpGabon
  156. #UpGabon: "More than 69%o of Gabon’s children die before the age of 5." http://childrensrightsportal.org/gabon/
  157. Journalists harassed for violating taboo on ritual killings - Reporters Without Borders http://en.rsf.org/gabon-journalists-harassed-for-violating-24-10-2012,43576.html #UpGabon
  158. US state cable: Suspected ritual killings in Gabon on the rise ahead of scheduled April 27 local elections. http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=08LIBREVILLE152 #UpGabon
  159. US state cable: Ritual murder not prosecuted as vigorously, or as successfully, as other types of murder. http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=08LIBREVILLE152 #UpGabon
  160. UNICEF: Gabon's cannibalistic cult dictatorship is a "stable political situation." http://www.unicef.org/search/search.php?q_en=gabon&go.x=0&go.y=0 #UpGabon
  161. UNHCR: Skims ritual killings during elections, all investigation left to tiny local NGO ALCR, no support. http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/4fc75a9dc.html #UpGabon
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  165. GRAPHIC: It's time this stops.“Those who accept evil without protesting, are really cooperating with it." http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.com/2013/04/gabon-harvest-of-human-genital-organs.html #UpGabon
  166. VERY GRAPHIC: A damning report on human rights violations in Gabon. Why not produced by UN? http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2012/10/a-damning-report-about-human-rights.html #UpGabon
  167. VERY GRAPHIC: 3 year old child sodomized, murdered by 4 fathers, "who were responsible, balanced & lucid." http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2012/10/a-damning-report-about-human-rights.html #UpGabon
  168. (GRAPHIC) Time for diner everyone. On the menu: human organs! This is #Gabon being hidden by politicians http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.com/2013/05/gabon-ritual-killings-unusual-dish-on.html #UpGabon
  169. «Gabon: Ritual killings, organized crimes» #UpGabon http://translate.google.ca/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http://mure-tabe.overblog.com/gabon-crimes-rituels-crimes-organis%25C3%25A9s
  170. Atsame Astride, age 7, a girl killed and left without eyes and lips; blood sucked out, in early March 2013
  171. http://www.conventiondiasporagabonaise.org/actualit%C3%A9s/actualit%C3%A9s-gabon/42-communique-de-l-alcr-boucherie-humaine-au-gabon.html #UpGabon
  172. GRAPHIC: Another ritual murder, another child taken from their family. http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/03/another-ritual-murder-in-gabon-another.html #UpGabon
  173. GRAPHIC: The how and why of these horrible ritual crimes http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.ca/2013/04/gabon-how-and-why-of-these-horrible.html … #UpGabon
  174. GRAPHIC: Gabonese high rate of murders w organ harvesting, alarming proportions recorded in recent years. http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.ca/2013/04/gabon-how-and-why-of-these-horrible.html #UpGabon
  175. GRAPHIC: It's time this stops.“Those who accept evil without protesting, are really cooperating with it." http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.com/2013/04/gabon-harvest-of-human-genital-organs.html #UpGabon
  176. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. Few words for participants at New York Forum Africa, June 2013
  178. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  179. Richard Attias helps corrupt regime of Ali Bongo polish his image abroad. #OccupyLibreville waiting 4 U! http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/05/richard-attias-comes-back-to-atm-but.html … #UpGabon
  180. Does @SpikeLee confirm he is guest speaker at @NYForum in #Gabon, country with a corrupt regime and ritual killings of children? #UpGabon
  181. Guest speaker @NYForum in #Gabon, what does @SpikeLee think about ritual killings of children for their organs by politicians? #UpGabon
  182. Dictator Ali Bongo invites @SpikeLee in #Gabon, wonder what he thinks about ritual killings of children? http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5idLIfMjqkKbfkiN3YwcpoVDMT5IQ?docId=CNG.6ca3e19d64153addcf857afda2778c06.341#UpGabon
  183. I guess fat cats coming at @NYForum don't care about human organs harvesting in #Gabon http://gabonlibre-freegabon.blogspot.com/2013/04/gabon-harvest-of-human-genital-organs.html #UpGabon
  184. @SpikeLee, Do the Right Thing, learn about corrupt Bongo regime & ritual killings of children for organs by politicians in #Gabon. #UpGabon
  185. Richard Attias (@NYForum) comes back to the ATM, but the indignants will also be there #UpGabon
  186. http://gabonenervant.blogspot.com/2013/05/richard-attias-comes-back-to-atm-but.html

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