Hard to earn Coins - What to do


DATE: Feb. 10, 2014, 8:14 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 461 Bytes

HITS: 874

  1. I tried this Bitcoin-Stuff and I'm frustrated.
  2. Why?
  3. It'S very hard to earn some coins!!!
  4. I started to mine some, but got nothing.
  5. I participated in a mining-pool, but earned not enogh for a payout.
  6. I got some small amounts on faucet sites, but it'S hard to to this every day again and again.
  7. So, what to do to become a bitcoin millionaire???
  8. Any tipps out there...
  9. Someone like to spend me much of coins?
  10. I don't know....

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