I'm thankful today just the same as I'm thankful for every day.


DATE: Nov. 30, 2013, 3:29 p.m.

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HITS: 735

  1. I'm thankful today just the same as I'm thankful for every day.
  2. I'm thankful today just the same as I'm thankful for every day.
  3. That we have a Government proven to work like it's supposed to. That we have politicians who truly care about the citizens they serve, selflessly engaged in meaningful discussions, united in harmony with one another as a whole, working long hard days for minimum wage.
  4. I'm thankful I live in a country with the safest water, the healthiest food and the cleanest air anywhere, too.
  5. And I'm thankful that nobody goes hungry, nobody has to worry about where they're going to sleep, and to top it off; I'm grateful we have the greatest educational system in the world where students love learning.
  6. I am thankful that I live in a country where we all help each other, where animals are treated humanely, where great attention is paid to keeping citizens healthy without compromise.
  7. But more than anything, I'm thankful that every shade of us only sees one race here in America.
  8. Human.

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