Singapore accept taxpayer by Bitcoin


DATE: July 26, 2016, 1:20 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.2 kB

HITS: 567

  1. While of some countries warn people used virtual currency Bitcoin shouldnt fear disrupt the lawful currency values ​​is one of the other government agencies to support virtual currency như this case the tax authorities of Singapore .
  2. Tax Authority of Singapore (IRAS) has officially recognized currency Bitcoin is one to be used to pay taxes to the government. And to facilitate the use of Bitcoin in taxation, IRAS are the set of some ways to collect taxes and guide how to handle tax on transactions Against using virtual currency Bitcoin.
  3. IRAS sent instructions for an broker có have Bitcoin is based in Singapore Coin gọi Republic. Instructions on how to handle Augmented Cap, income, and sales tax on the sales floor and Bitcoin transactions. A spokesman from the Republic Coin said instructions given below rằng as "reasonable and has base".
  4. With như China banned the use Bitcoin out all banks, it is quite interesting on the Singapore to recognize this virtual currency as an opportunity to thu được taxes. If virtual currency or coal be popular, unfortunately all other countries would be demolished all warned against the use of it and starts thử to collect income tax on transactions using it.

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