The Canadian Mall


DATE: Feb. 4, 2014, 4:06 a.m.


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  154. <h1><span class="fn org"><a style="color:#333333;text-decoration:none;" href="">The Canadian Mall</a></span></h1>
  155. <h2 style="color:#333333;">Dewalt Refurbished Power Tools</h2>
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  158. <span class="tel" style="color:#333333;">(647) 932-2758</span>
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  163. <span class="street-address" style="color:#333333;">40 Panorama Crt; - </span>
  164. <span class="locality" style="color:#333333;">Toronto</span>
  165. <span class="region" style="color:#333333;">Ontario</span>
  166. <span class="postal-code" style="color:#333333;">M9V 4M1</span><br />
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  190. <div id="post-27" class="post productspost">
  191. <h2 class="entry-title">Products</h2>
  192. <div class="entry">
  193. <p><script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script><noscript><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">DeWALT - Worksite Charger/Radio</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description">&nbsp; Voltage 7.2 Volt Num of Tools in Kit N/A Manufacturer Warranty 6 Month Typical Application Professional, Serious DIY Tool Weight 14.25 lbs Shipping Weight 14.5 lbs<br><ul>
  194. <li>1 hour charger for 7.2V to 18V DEWALT battery packs (except Univolt&reg;)</li>
  195. <li>Runs off of 7.2V to 18V DEWALT batteries making it a cordless radio</li>
  196. <li>The DEWALT 3 - stage charging system provides maximum run-time and extends overall life of the battery</li>
  197. <li>Power outlets offer more versatility for jobsite power AM/FM Digital Tuner with LCD display, built-in clock, and 15 station memory presets</li>
  198. <li>High efficiency weather resistant speakers with dual bass ports for maximum bass and range</li>
  199. <li>Auxiliary port allows connection to CD Players, MP3 Players, and portable satellite receivers with an audio cable (cable not included)</li>
  200. <li>Dual pivoting 11" flexible antenna provides more durability and better reception</li>
  201. </ul>
  202. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  203. <table id="product-attribute-specs-table" class="data-table">
  204. <tbody>
  205. <tr class="first odd"><th class="label">Voltage</th>
  206. <td class="data last">7.2 Volt</td>
  207. </tr>
  208. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Num of Tools in Kit</th>
  209. <td class="data last">N/A</td>
  210. </tr>
  211. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Manufacturer Warranty</th>
  212. <td class="data last">6 Month</td>
  213. </tr>
  214. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Typical Application</th>
  215. <td class="data last">Professional, Serious DIY</td>
  216. </tr>
  217. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Tool Weight</th>
  218. <td class="data last">14.25 lbs</td>
  219. </tr>
  220. <tr class="last even"><th class="label">Shipping Weight</th>
  221. <td class="data last">14.5 lbs</td>
  222. </tr>
  223. </tbody>
  224. </table></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">10" (254mm) Double-Bevel Sliding Compound Mitre Saw</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description"><br><ul>
  225. <li>Exclusive bevel detent system - 7 positive stops delivers fast accurate repeatable cuts</li>
  226. <li>Adjustable stainless steel mitre detent plate with 11 positive stops improves productivity & ensures cutting accuracy</li>
  227. <li>Optimizes cutting accuracy</li>
  228. <li>Machined base fence support maintains fence perpendicularity with blade for cutting accuracy</li>
  229. <li>Dual horizontal steel rails with innovative clamping mechanism and linear ball bearings deliver an accurate, durable and compact saw</li>
  230. <li>Exclusive cross cut stop positions cutting head for maximum vertical cut capacity</li>
  231. <li>Best in class cross cut capacity 12" at 45&deg; angle using back fence design</li>
  232. <li>Vertical cut capacity nested crown up to 6-1/4"</li>
  233. <li>Tall sliding fence supports up to 6" base molding to the left of blade & up to 3-1/2" to the right of the blade</li>
  234. <li>mitre capacity left 60&deg; and right 52&deg; for greater versatility</li>
  235. <li>Bevels 0-480 for increase cut capacity</li>
  236. <li>Cam lock mitre handle provides fast locking action of mitre table</li>
  237. <li>Horizontal handle improved ergonomics provides increased comfort</li>
  238. <li>Laser compatible, designed for use with the DWS7085 LED worklight or DW7187 DEWALT&reg; adjustable mitre saw laser system</li>
  239. <li>Lightweight (51 lbs.) with built-in carrying handle for easy portability</li>
  240. </ul>
  241. <table id="product-attribute-specs-table" class="data-table"><colgroup><col width="25%" /><col /></colgroup>
  242. <tbody>
  243. <tr class="first odd"><th class="label">Voltage</th>
  244. <td class="data last">-</td>
  245. </tr>
  246. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Num of Tools in Kit</th>
  247. <td class="data last">N/A</td>
  248. </tr>
  249. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Manufacturer Warranty</th>
  250. <td class="data last">3 Year Limited</td>
  251. </tr>
  252. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Typical Application</th>
  253. <td class="data last">Professional, Serious DIY</td>
  254. </tr>
  255. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Tool Weight</th>
  256. <td class="data last">51lbs</td>
  257. </tr>
  258. <tr class="last even"><th class="label">Shipping Weight</th>
  259. <td class="data last">66lbs</td>
  260. </tr>
  261. </tbody>
  262. </table></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">12-Inch Double Bevel Sliding Compound Mitre Saw</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description">Blade Diameter 12" Amps 15 No Load Speed 3,800 rpm Typical Application Industrial, Professional, Serious DIY Arbor Size 5/8" or 1" Manufacturer Warranty 3 Year Limited Tool Weight N/A Shipping Weight N/A<br><ul>
  263. <ul>
  264. <li>Integrated XPS cross cut positioning system provides adjustment-free cut line indication</li>
  265. <li>Powerful 15 amp, 3,800 rpm motor delivers extended power and durability</li>
  266. <li>Exclusive Back Fence design cuts up to 2 by 16 dimensional lumber at 90-degrees, 2 by 12 at 45 degrees</li>
  267. <li>Adjustable stainless steel mitre detent plate with 10 positive stops improves productivity, ensures accuracy</li>
  268. <li>Super efficient dust collection system captures over 75-percent of dust generated</li>
  269. </ul>
  270. </ul>
  271. <h2>Precise Cutting Without Recalibration</h2>
  272. <p>The DWS780 mitre saw features extremely solid construction and the new XPS cross-cut alignment system that features an improved ultra-bright LED light, which casts a laser-like shadow on the work surface and shows the user precisely where the blade will come in contact with the material. This unique alignment system requires no recalibration over time or after changing blades, which makes it more accurate and durable than traditional laser guides.</p>
  273. <h2>Ultimate Durability</h2>
  274. <p>The DWS780 mitre saw&rsquo;s rugged guards; precision-machined castings, fences, and bevel system; and tough stainless steel mitre detent plate are designed to withstand the constant rigors of the job site.</p>
  275. <h2>High-Capacity Cutting</h2>
  276. <p>The saw features a powerful 15-amp motor that delivers 3,800 RPM. For convenience, the power cord is routed through the rail in the back, eliminating interference with the slide. Additionally, the saw offers an industry-leading combination of cut capacities, which includes 6-3/4-inch vertical capacity, 7-1/2-inch nested crown capacity, 13-7/8-inch horizontal capacity, and exclusive back fence design that cuts up to a 2x16 at a 90-degree angle and 2x12 at a 45-degree angle. To simplify and maximize vertical cutting capacity, the unit includes a rail lock latch for holding the head away from the fence.</p>
  277. <h2>Hassle-Free Operation</h2>
  278. <p>The dual bevel system is easy to see and use in job site conditions thanks to its high-visibility scale and easy angle adjustment. Bevel from zero to 49 degrees with positive stops at 0 degrees, 22.5 degrees, 33.9 degrees, 45 degrees, and 49 degrees in both right and left directions. The saw also mitres 60 degrees to the right and 50 degrees to the left and features an adjustable mitre detent plate with 10 positive stops. A cam lock mitre button allows the user to lock angles between detents. A mitre detent override is also used to allow precise angle adjustment without falling into detents.</p>
  279. <ul>
  280. <ul>What's in the Box
  281. <li>One DEWALT DWS780 12-inch double bevel sliding compound mitre saw</li>
  282. <li>One carbide blade</li>
  283. <li>One blade wrench</li>
  284. <li>One dust bag</li>
  285. <li>One vertical material clamp.</li>
  286. </ul>
  287. </ul></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">10" (254mm) Double-Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw w/ FREE DWX 724 STAND A $229 VALUE - DW717SST</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description"><br><ul>
  288. <li>Exclusive bevel detent system - 7 positive stops delivers fast accurate repeatable cuts</li>
  289. <li>Adjustable stainless steel mitre detent plate with 11 positive stops improves productivity & ensures cutting accuracy</li>
  290. <li>Optimizes cutting accuracy</li>
  291. <li>Machined base fence support maintains fence perpendicularity with blade for cutting accuracy</li>
  292. <li>Dual horizontal steel rails with innovative clamping mechanism and linear ball bearings deliver an accurate, durable and compact saw</li>
  293. <li>Exclusive cross cut stop positions cutting head for maximum vertical cut capacity</li>
  294. <li>Best in class cross cut capacity 12" at 45&deg; angle using back fence design</li>
  295. <li>Vertical cut capacity nested crown up to 6-1/4"</li>
  296. <li>Tall sliding fence supports up to 6" base molding to the left of blade & up to 3-1/2" to the right of the blade</li>
  297. <li>mitre capacity left 60&deg; and right 52&deg; for greater versatility</li>
  298. <li>Bevels 0-480 for increase cut capacity</li>
  299. <li>Cam lock mitre handle provides fast locking action of mitre table</li>
  300. <li>Horizontal handle improved ergonomics provides increased comfort</li>
  301. <li>Laser compatible, designed for use with the DWS7085 LED worklight or DW7187 DEWALT&reg; adjustable mitre saw laser system</li>
  302. <li>Lightweight (51 lbs.) with built-in carrying handle for easy portability</li>
  303. </ul>
  304. <table id="product-attribute-specs-table" class="data-table"><colgroup><col width="25%" /><col /></colgroup>
  305. <tbody>
  306. <tr class="first odd"><th class="label">Voltage</th>
  307. <td class="data last">-</td>
  308. </tr>
  309. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Num of Tools in Kit</th>
  310. <td class="data last">N/A</td>
  311. </tr>
  312. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Manufacturer Warranty</th>
  313. <td class="data last">3 Year Limited</td>
  314. </tr>
  315. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Typical Application</th>
  316. <td class="data last">Professional, Serious DIY</td>
  317. </tr>
  318. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Tool Weight</th>
  319. <td class="data last">51lbs</td>
  320. </tr>
  321. <tr class="last even"><th class="label">Shipping Weight</th>
  322. <td class="data last">66lbs</td>
  323. </tr>
  324. </tbody>
  325. </table></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">12" (305mm) single bevel sliding compound mitre saw</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description"><br><ul>
  326. <li>15 Amp motor, 4,000 rpm delivers extended power and durability</li>
  327. <li>Adjustable stainless steel mitre detent plate with 11 positive stops improves productivity and ensures cutting</li>
  328. <li>Precise mitre system and machined base fence support optimize cutting accuracy</li>
  329. <li>Tall sliding fence supports crown molding up to 5-1/4" nested and base molding up to 6-1/2" vertically against the fence while easily sliding out of the way for bevel cuts</li>
  330. <li>Bevels 0&deg;-48&deg; to the left and 0&deg;-3&deg; to the right for increased capacity</li>
  331. <li>0&deg;-50&deg; left and right mitre capacity for greater versatility</li>
  332. <li>Lightweight (42 lbs.) with built-in carry handle for easy portability</li>
  333. <li>Cam lock mitre handle with detent override deliver quick and accurate mitre angles</li>
  334. <li>4 Hardened Steel Bevel Stops at 0&deg;, 33.9&deg;, 45&deg; and 48&deg; delivers versatility at most common bevel angles</li>
  335. <li>Designed for use with the DW7187 DEWALT&reg; adjustable mitre saw laser system which enhances visibility of the cutting pad</li>
  336. </ul>
  337. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  338. <ul>
  339. <li>Carbide blade</li>
  340. <li>Dust bag</li>
  341. <li>Blade wrench</li>
  342. </ul></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">Rolling table saw stand - DW7440RS</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description"><br><ul>
  343. <li>Lightweight design weighs only 33lbs. delivers 20% less weight to carry than other competitive mobile stands</li>
  344. <li>Heavy-duty kickstand allows the stand to balance upright for mobility and storage</li>
  345. <li>Quick connect stand brackets attach to saw for easy detachment from stand for loading and unloading</li>
  346. <li>Wide stand base and offset rear legs provide stability and support for material feed control</li>
  347. <li>Folding legs with quick release levers collapse under the stand, minimizing overall size for transport</li>
  348. <li>Retractable soft grip handle slides out allowing the user to pull the saw behind him comfortably with weight near the ground</li>
  349. <li>Heavy-duty aluminum construction withstands loads up to 200lbs</li>
  350. <li>Large heavy-duty wheels can easily roll over steps, curbs, and jobsite debris</li>
  351. <li>Rubber feet keep the stand from sliding on smooth surfaces</li>
  352. <li>Table top height provides the user ideal table top positioning for a wide variety of table saw applications</li>
  353. <li><strong>Table Saw NOT Included</strong></li>
  354. </ul></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">XRP 18V Cordless 5-Tool Combo Kit</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description"><br><ul>
  355. <li>DCD950 XRP&trade; 18V cordless hammerdrill with patented 3-speed all-metal transmission and 1/2" self-tightening chuck delivers 450 units watts out of maximum performance, faster application speed, and superior bit retention</li>
  356. <li>DC390 XRP&trade; 18V circular saw with 6-1/2" carbide blade can cut 2x4's at a 45&deg; angle in a single pass</li>
  357. <li>DC385 XRP&trade; 18V cordless reciprocating saw with keyless blade clamp allows for quick blade change without touching blade or reciprocating shaft</li>
  358. <li>DC825 18V impact driver with 1,330 in-lbs of maximum torque</li>
  359. <li>DW919 18V flexible floodlight provides hands-free use</li>
  360. </ul>
  361. <ul>
  362. <li>DCD950 XRP&trade; 1/2" 18V hammerdrill/drill/driver</li>
  363. <li>DC390 XRP&trade; 18V circular saw</li>
  364. <li>DC385 XRP&trade; 18V reciprocating saw</li>
  365. <li>DC825 18V impact driver</li>
  366. <li>DW919 18V flexible floodlight</li>
  367. <li>1 hour charger</li>
  368. <li>(2) 18V XRP&trade; batteries</li>
  369. <li>360&deg; side handle</li>
  370. <li>carbide tipped circular saw blade</li>
  371. <li>contractor bag</li>
  372. </ul>
  373. <table id="product-attribute-specs-table" class="data-table"><colgroup><col width="25%" /><col /></colgroup>
  374. <tbody>
  375. <tr class="first odd"><th class="label">Voltage</th>
  376. <td class="data last">18 Volt</td>
  377. </tr>
  378. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Num of Tools in Kit</th>
  379. <td class="data last">5</td>
  380. </tr>
  381. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Manufacturer Warranty</th>
  382. <td class="data last">3 Year Limited</td>
  383. </tr>
  384. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Typical Application</th>
  385. <td class="data last">Professional, Serious DIY, Home Maintenance</td>
  386. </tr>
  387. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Tool Weight</th>
  388. <td class="data last">32 Lbs</td>
  389. </tr>
  390. <tr class="last even"><th class="label">Shipping Weight</th>
  391. <td class="data last">36 Lbs</td>
  392. </tr>
  393. </tbody>
  394. </table></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">20V MAX Li-Ion 5-Tool Combo Kit (3.0 Ah)</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description"><br><div class="tab-content">
  395. <div class="std">
  396. <ul>
  397. <li>20V MAX hammer drill with patented 3-speed all-metal transmission and 1/2-inch self-tightening chuck</li>
  398. <li>20V MAX reciprocating saw with key-less blade clamp allows for quick blade change</li>
  399. <li>20V MAX 1/4-inch impact driver features 3 LED lights with 20 second delay to provide visibility</li>
  400. <li>20V MAX LED work light delivers 110 lumens of light output</li>
  401. <li>20V MAX circular saw with 6-1/2-inch carbide blade can cut 2-by-4's at a 45-degrees angle&nbsp;</li>
  402. </ul>
  403. <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p>
  404. <p><strong>Hammer Drill</strong><br />The 1/2-inch hammer drill&rsquo;s high-power, high-efficiency motor delivers 535 unit watts out for superior performance in light and medium drilling applications. A 1/2-inch ratcheting chuck with carbide inserts provides superior bit-gripping strength&mdash;reducing slippage during high-torque applications&mdash;thus providing longer tool life. The hammer drill&rsquo;s patented three-speed (0-600 RPM; 0-1,250 RPM; and 0-2,000 RPM), all-metal transmission allows users to select the appropriate speed for the job at hand and is up to 30 percent faster than current hammer drills on the market.</p>
  405. <p><br /><strong>Impact Driver</strong><br />Meanwhile, the impact driver&rsquo;s robust motor delivers 2,800 RPM&mdash;up to 43 percent faster than current impact drivers on the market. Its one-handed loading 1/4-inch hex chuck accepts and holds 1-inch bit tips for convenient fastening in tight spaces. Research shows that impact drivers are growing in popularity largely because of their smaller size and lack of kickback (or reactionary torque) thanks to the impact mechanism within the tool. Combined with its 5.55-inch length and 3.4-pound weight, the premium impact driver packs a serious punch in a small package.</p>
  406. <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p>
  407. <p><strong>Circular Saw</strong><br />The circular saw&rsquo;s powerful motor (offering 460 max watts out) and ergonomic profile (with lightweight magnesium shoe and optimized handle design) are ideal for professionals tasked with framing, cross cutting, ripping, bevel cutting and plunge cutting. Delivering 3,700 RPM, this saw is 10 percent more powerful than previous DEWALT 6.5-inch cordless circular saws&mdash;and combined with its accompanying 3.0 Ah lithium-ion battery, it provides up to 57 percent more runtime compared with other leading 18-volt lithium-ion tools. Its bevel capacity of 0-50 degrees lends itself well to a variety of applications, and a 6.5-inch thin kerf carbide tooth blade provides users with the ability to cut completely through two-by framing lumber at a 45-degree bevel angle.</p>
  408. <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p>
  409. <p><strong>Reciprocating Saw</strong><br />The reciprocating saw is compact and lightweight for access to tight areas (and it helps to reduce user fatigue). The keyless lever-action blade clamp makes for quick and easy blade changes, and the blade reverses for upside-down and flush cutting. Its 1-inch stroke length delivers 0-3,000 SPM for fast cutting. A variable-speed trigger with lock provides increased control, and an electric brake prevents blades from breaking with exiting plunge cuts.</p>
  410. <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p>
  411. <p><strong>LED Work Light</strong><br />The work light comes equipped with additional lumens (110 total) for brighter visibility, delivering bright white LED light that reduces shadows and helps differentiate between colors. (An added bonus: The LED bulb creates less heat than conventional Xenon bulbs.) Its pivoting head rotates 120 degrees with 11 detent positions for a wide range of visibility, and the integrated hanging hook allows for hands-free capability. Users can expect up to 11 hours of light output when paired with the 3.0 Ah 20-volt max lithium-ion battery.</p>
  412. </div>
  413. </div>
  414. <p><span>Additional Information</span></p></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">10" Compact Job Site Table Saw with Site-Pro Modular Guarding System - DW745r</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description"><br><ul>
  415. <li>Site-Pro Modular Guarding System allows for tool free adjustments of the guarding components appropriate for each application</li>
  416. <li>15 Amp motor quickly rips through hardwoods with ease</li>
  417. <li>Rack and pinion fence rails make fence adjustments fast, smooth and accurate</li>
  418. <li>Telescoping fence rails retract to create a small, portable package</li>
  419. <li>On Board Storage provides easy access to the Site-Pro Guarding components and push stick when not in use</li>
  420. <li>16" of rip easily cuts a variety of larger shelving and trim materials</li>
  421. <li>Metal roll cage base offers greater durability than plastic bases</li>
  422. <li>Blade can be adjusted 0 - 45 degrees for bevel applications</li>
  423. <li>Weighing only 45 lbs, the DW745 can easily be moved on and off the job</li>
  424. <li>Adjustable rear feet designed to level the saw on uneven work surfaces</li>
  425. <li>Dust port allows for 2-1/2" vacuum hook up and minimizes clean up</li>
  426. <li>24T carbide blade enhances cut quality and prolongs blade life</li>
  427. <li>Table coating reduces friction for smoother cutting</li>
  428. </ul>
  429. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  430. <ul>
  431. <li>Miter Gauge</li>
  432. <li>Push stick</li>
  433. <li>10" 24T Carbide Blade</li>
  434. <li>Blade Guard<strong></strong></li>
  435. <li><strong>&nbsp;DW7450 Stand NOT INCLUDED</strong></li>
  436. </ul></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">18V 1/2'' (13mm) Cordless Compact Drill/Driver Kit - DC720KAr</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description"><br><ul>
  437. <li>Compact size: allows users to fit into tight spaces</li>
  438. <li>Lightweight design (4.8 lbs.) minimizes user fatigue</li>
  439. <li>1/2'' ratcheting chuck reduces bit slippage</li>
  440. <li>Dual speed range 0-500/0-1,700 rpm delivers optimal performance</li>
  441. <li>High performance frameless motor delivers maximum power of 410 unit watts out</li>
  442. <li>LED worklight provides increased visibility in confined spaces</li>
  443. </ul>
  444. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  445. <ul>
  446. <li>1 hour charger</li>
  447. <li>(2) 18V batteries</li>
  448. <li>Kit Box</li>
  449. </ul>
  450. <table id="product-attribute-specs-table" class="data-table"><colgroup><col width="25%" /><col /></colgroup>
  451. <tbody>
  452. <tr class="first odd"><th class="label">Voltage</th>
  453. <td class="data last">18 Volt</td>
  454. </tr>
  455. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Num of Tools in Kit</th>
  456. <td class="data last">N/A</td>
  457. </tr>
  458. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Manufacturer Warranty</th>
  459. <td class="data last">3 Year Limited</td>
  460. </tr>
  461. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Typical Application</th>
  462. <td class="data last">Professional, Serious DIY</td>
  463. </tr>
  464. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Tool Weight</th>
  465. <td class="data last">4.8 Lbs</td>
  466. </tr>
  467. <tr class="last even"><th class="label">Shipping Weight</th>
  468. <td class="data last">6 Lbs</td>
  469. </tr>
  470. </tbody>
  471. </table></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">18V Cordless Compact Drill & Impact 2-Tool Combo Kit - DCK235Cr</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description"><br><ul>
  472. <li>DC759 18V 1/2" compact drill/driver delivers 380 unit watts out of maximum power</li>
  473. <li>DW056 18V impact driver with 1,170 in-lbs of torque and 0-2,400 RPMs</li>
  474. </ul>
  475. <ul>
  476. <li>DC759 18V 1/2" drill/driver</li>
  477. <li>DW056 18V 1/4" impact driver</li>
  478. <li>(2) 18V batteries</li>
  479. <li>1 hour charger</li>
  480. <li>kit box</li>
  481. </ul>
  482. <table id="product-attribute-specs-table" class="data-table"><colgroup><col width="25%" /><col /></colgroup>
  483. <tbody>
  484. <tr class="first odd"><th class="label">Voltage</th>
  485. <td class="data last">18 Volt</td>
  486. </tr>
  487. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Num of Tools in Kit</th>
  488. <td class="data last">2</td>
  489. </tr>
  490. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Manufacturer Warranty</th>
  491. <td class="data last">3 Year Limited</td>
  492. </tr>
  493. <tr class="even"><th class="label">Typical Application</th>
  494. <td class="data last">Professional, Serious DIY</td>
  495. </tr>
  496. <tr class="odd"><th class="label">Tool Weight</th>
  497. <td class="data last">12.5 Lbs</td>
  498. </tr>
  499. <tr class="last even"><th class="label">Shipping Weight</th>
  500. <td class="data last">14.7 Lbs</td>
  501. </tr>
  502. </tbody>
  503. </table></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">1/4" Cordless 18V XRP Impact Driver Kit</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description"><br><ul>
  504. <li>Frameless motor with replaceable brushes for extended tool durability and life</li>
  505. <li>Compact size and lightweight design allows user to get into tight spaces when performing applications</li>
  506. <li>1,330 in-lbs of torque to perform a wide range of fastening applications</li>
  507. <li>0-2,400 rpm/0-2,700 ipm for faster application speed</li>
  508. <li>Replaceable brushes for increased serviceability</li>
  509. <li>Textured ant-slip comfort grip provides maximum comfort and control</li>
  510. <li>Durable magnesium gear case and all-metal transmission for extended durability</li>
  511. <li>Heavy-duty impact mechanism directs torque to fastener without kickback</li>
  512. </ul>
  513. <ul>
  514. <li>Free Laser Level</li>
  515. <li>Accurate to +/- 1/8" @ 30' for level applications</li>
  516. <li>Built-in magnetic pivot bracket mounts easily on metal surfaces</li>
  517. <li>Overmolded housing helps maintain calibration under jobsite conditions</li>
  518. <li>1-button operation and control panel for ease of use</li>
  519. </ul>
  520. <ul>
  521. <li>1 hour charger</li>
  522. <li>(2) 18V XRP&trade; batteries</li>
  523. <li>Kit Bag</li>
  524. </ul>
  525. <p>&nbsp;</p></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div><div itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">20V MAX XR Li-Ion Brushless Framing Nailer Kit - DCN690M1R</span>Product URL<span itemprop="url"></span>Product description:<span itemprop="description">
  526. Typical Application
  527. Professional, Serious DIY
  528. Manufacturer Warranty
  529. 6 Month Mfg. warranty
  530. Tool Weight
  531. N/A
  532. Shipping Weight
  533. N/A
  534. <br><p>The DCN690M1 20V MAX cordless framing nailer incorporates the DeWALT brushless technology with the supreme power of the 20V MAX platform to provide the&nbsp;<strong>industries first all electric framing nailer</strong>.</p>
  535. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  536. <p>The fact that the DCN690M1 runs on a brushless motor allows the user to fire up to 700 3" nails on 1 charge of a 20V MAX battery with the user preferred bump fire feature. Like other framing nailers out there, this tool comes equipped with multiple firing modes, stall release lever, depth adjust, rafter hook, jam clear, and warning lights.</p>
  537. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  538. <p>The DCN690M1 will make for a less cluttered jobsite with no need for air hoses or compressors.</p>
  539. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  540. <p>Designed to nails fast into both soft and hard joints. This nailer is specially designed with an easy access nosepiece for the removal of jammed nails and features a Trigger Lock-Off that allows the trigger to be disabled when tool is not in use. The nailer's top cap is impact resistant and removes easily for troubleshooting. The sequential operating mode allows precise nail placement and the bump operating mode provides the user with production speed.</p>
  541. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  542. <ul>
  543. <li>Brushless motor and engine design allow the tool to work as fast as the end user with consistent nail penetration into both soft and hard joints</li>
  544. <li>Sequential operating mode allows for precision placement and bump operating mode provides the user with production speed</li>
  545. <li>Easy access to the nosepiece for the removal of jammed nails</li>
  546. <li>Trigger Lock-Off allows trigger to be disabled when tool is not in use</li>
  547. <li>Top Cap is impact resistant and easy to remove for troubleshooting</li>
  548. </ul>
  549. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  550. <p><strong>Includes:</strong></p>
  551. <ul>
  552. <li>(1) 20V MAX* XR Brushless Nailer</li>
  553. <li>(1) DCB101 Fast Charger</li>
  554. <li>(1) 20V MAX* XR Premium Li-Ion Battery (4.0 Ah)</li>
  555. <li>(1) No-Mar Tip</li>
  556. </ul></span><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br><img itemprop="image" border="0" src="" ><br></div></noscript></p>
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