Ncert solutions for class 9 english beehive chapter 3


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  1. Ncert solutions for class 9 english beehive chapter 3
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  3. Use an appropriate word from the synonyms given above in the following sentences. On every Sunday, her grandmother sent her down to the drawing room to have nice talk with father and mother. The answer of each chapter is provided in the list so that you can refer different chapters as per your preference. The man teacher was as knowledgeable as the machine teacher.
  4. They would learn the same things and could help one another with the homework and talk about it. She did not like the fact that she had to write her answers in a punch code. However, the number of persons having such a comfort is increasing.
  5. Drafted by expert teachers, it simplifies the nuances of the English language and helps you build up your vocabulary. Answer: Margie and Tommy learnt geography, history and arithmetic. Macdonald, her next door neighbour. Since her grandmother was busy in the garden, she searched her Mother's bedroom for scraps. He was always smiling and playing with his children.
  6. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 1 The Fun They Had - The first one has been done for you.
  7. Question 1: Answer these questions in one or two sentences each. The paragraph numbers within brackets provide clues to the answers. Give an example to show that even as a young girl Santosh was not ready to accept anything unreasonable. Why was Santosh sent to the local school. When did she leave home for Delhi, and why. What mental qualities of Santosh are brought into light by this incident. Santosh, from the very beginning, lived life on her own terms. She was not content with the traditional way of life and was not ready to accept anything unreasonable. One example which proves this is that Santosh, unlike other girls who wore traditional Indian dresses, preferred wearing shorts. When she turned sixteen and was under pressure to get married, Santosh threatened her parents that she would never marry if she did not get a proper education. Therefore, she left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi. When Santosh informed her parents about her plan to do a part time job to support her education, they agreed to pay for her schooling in Delhi. This incident shows that Santosh was a strong headed and determined girl who knew her way towards her goal. Question 2: Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph about 30 words. How did Santosh begin to climb mountains. What shows her concern for the environment. How does she describe her feelings at the summit of the Everest. Santosh Yadav got into the record books both times she scaled Mt Everest. What were the reasons for this. This was how she began to climb mountains. During the Everest mission, Santosh showed immense concern for her fellow climbers. Though she was unsuccessful in saving the life of one of them, she did manage to save another climber through artificial respiration. Santosh was a fervent environmentalist. Her concern for the environment is evident from the fact that she collected and brought down 500 kilograms of garbage from the Himalayas. Unfurling the Indian flag on the top of the world was a spiritual moment for her and she felt proud as an Indian. When Santosh Yadav first scaled Mt Everest, she became the youngest woman in the world to achieve the feat. When she scaled the Everest the second time, she became the only woman to have scaled it twice. Question 3: Complete the following statements. From her room in Kasturba Hostel, Santosh used to watch villagers going up the hill and suddenly vanish after a while. During the Everest expedition, her seniors in the team admired her climbing skills, physical fitness and mental strength while her concern for others and desire to work together with them endeared her to fellow climbers. Question 4: Pick out words from the text that mean the same as the following words or expressions. Look in the paragraphs indicated. As you read about her, see if you can draw a comparison between her and Santosh Yadav. As you read, look for the answers to these questions. Maria was sent to the United States for her tennis training. Her mother could not go with her because of visa restrictions. Her hobbies are fashion, singing and dancing. She likes reading the novels of Arthur Conan Doyle. She has a fondness for sophisticated evening gowns, pancakes with chocolate spread and fizzy orange drinks. Apart from money, the motivation to become number one in the world keeps her going. Their will power and strong desire to succeed 4. Evidence of their mental toughness 5. Santosh was also under pressure from her parents to do the same. I never thought of quitting because I knew what I wanted. The Indian flag was flying on top of the world. It was truly a spiritual moment. I felt proud as an Indian. But I have Russian citizenship. My blood is totally Russian. I will play the Olympics for Russia if they want me. They each have two clauses, or two parts each with their own subject and verb or verb phrase. Often, one part italicised tells us when or why something happened. Tells us when I reached. Tells us when everyone stood up. Tells us what happened next. Tells us for how long he has been with us. Identify the two parts in the sentences below by underlining the part that gives us the information in brackets. Where other girls wore traditional Indian dresses, Santosh preferred shorts. Contrasts her dress with that of others 2. She left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi. Tells us what happened after the first action. She decided to fight the system when the right moment arrived. Tells us when she was going to fight the system. Little Maria had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday when she was packed off to train in the United States. Tells us when Maria was sent to the U. Where other girls wore traditional Indian dresses, Santosh preferred shorts. She left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi. She decided to fight the system when the right moment arrived. Little Maria had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday when she was packed off to train in the United States. Question 2: Now rewrite the pairs of sentences given below as one sentence. Grandfather told me about the old days. All books were printed on paper then. What do you do after you finish the book. Perhaps you just ncert solutions for class 9 english beehive chapter 3 it away. He gave the little girl an apple. He took the computer apart. That makes you very determined. I never thought of quitting. I knew what I wanted. Grandfather told me about the old days when all books were printed on paper. After finishing the book, perhaps you just throw it away. He gave the little girl an apple and took the computer apart. Having nothing makes you very determined. I never thought of quitting as I knew what I wanted. Question 1: Imagine that you are Santosh Yadav, or Maria Sharapova. Prepare a short speech to motivate the girls to think and dream big and make an effort to fulfil their dreams, not allowing difficulties or defeat to discourage them. The following words and phrases may help you. Looking at the bright and enthusiastic faces of all of the talented girls present here makes me nostalgic. At one point of time, I too used to be sitting in athletic meets like this. My journey from there to here was not devoid of pot holes, but there were fillips that let me going. Girls, remember that though there may be factors that will try to pull you back in this male chauvinistic world, your confidence will let you sail. Never let such defeats or difficulties demoralise or depress you. Be focussed, practice hard and believe in yourself. You will experience a gradual but permanent boost in your confidence. Moreover, make your womanhood your strongest point. Woman, not only emotionally but physically too, can be stronger than men. But until and unless you wake up and act, dreams hold no importance. So, dream big to boost your morale and make efforts to fulfil those dreams. We recommend that students answer ncert solutions for class 9 english beehive chapter 3 questions using their own creativity and understanding. Question 1: Working in pairs, go through the table below that gives you information about the top women tennis players since 1975. Write a short article for your school magazine comparing and contrasting the players in terms of their duration at the top. Mention some qualities that you think may be responsible for their brief or long stay at the top spot. Name Ranked on Weeks as No. October 2004 82 Amelie Mauresmo France 13 September 2004 5 Justine Henin-Hardenne Belgium 20 October 2003 45 Kim Clijsters Belgium 11 August 2003 12 Serena Williams U. From 1978-97, Martina Navratilova U. The confidence they had in their capabilities and the urge to excel in life helped them to lead in their career. Sharing these traits of personality were women like Tracy Austin U. Though the period for which these players retained their positions were not equivalent to the likes of Chris Evert or Steffi Graf, yet they too have showcased their competitiveness in a sport like tennis. We recommend that students answer such questions using their own creativity and understanding. Question 2: Which of these words would you use to describe Santosh Yadav. Her attitude and assertiveness towards life and education, made her parents to relent. She was an independent, hard working and adventure-loving mountaineer. Though her path to success was turbulent, her determination and belief in her self was quiet evident. She impressed her seniors with her mental and physical toughness; and her concern and desire to work together with her fellow climbers found her a special place in their hearts. Her involvement and fervour in environmental issues made her bring down 500 kilograms of garbage from the Himalayas.

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