<Potassium> sup sluts
<Blacklite> ritard
<Potassium> idiOT
<RBOMB> i got a new motto Potassium
<Potassium> is it Potassium rocks Blacklite sucks
<RBOMB> "Never Stop Improving"
<cessil> this ones cool http://xkcd.com/1416/
* Lucas (Lucas2231@State.Of.Dreaming) has joined
<RBOMB> oh shit Blacklite
<RBOMB> i saw the link
<RBOMB> i laughed
<RBOMB> and shared it all over
<RBOMB> forgot to thank you
<RBOMB> i am terrible,
<Potassium> you are
<RBOMB> i know
<RBOMB> :'(
<RBOMB> how are you today Potassium
<Potassium> good
<Potassium> found a good job
<Potassium> now just need to acquire it
<Potassium> you?
<Blacklite> <3
<RBOMB> i swear to god if its stripper im going to be angry
<RBOMB> im sick today
<RBOMB> but i got my yoga mat
<RBOMB> but no underwear came in the mail which is angering me
<vmlinuz> i want too buy a ford crown victoria
<Potassium> why angry if stripper
<Potassium> escort > stripper
<Potassium> so much more money
<RBOMB> better than that
<RBOMB> exactly
<Blacklite> vmlinuz aren't those like 6l v8's with 50 horsepower
<vmlinuz> 4.6L actually
<vmlinuz> there police car/mustang GT engines so they make good power
* Users on #sa-mp: Lucas!Lucas2231@State.Of.Dreaming Mr_X!Crooked@2F4E7A38.B2683D4B.173BA64.IP s0nic!s0nic@irc-3B154423.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net &@cessil!cessil@von.brostein banana_ghost!JBouncer@your.momma.costs.1dolla Dolby!Dolby@irc-CBB1C97E.gnace704.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br
* Users on #sa-mp: Fenix!lafenix@Brasil.irc [SAK]Nyphz!Nyphz@A6B73BF5.437833F.445A6FB2.IP cj101sleep!CJ101@the.doctor vmlinuz!you@get.rekt.m8 MonTaNaAa!MonTaNaAa@kebab.king Stefan2!BadRobot@gamerxserver.com +RBOMB!rbomb@thepeoplescamp.nk daddy!bananaghos@your.momma.costs.1dolla tBKwtWS!tBKwtWS@irc-FD6E72E2.ip.telfort.nl
* Users on #sa-mp: Yung`!YungWolf@The.God vans!vans@electrobnc.yzi.me &@krisk!krisk@oper.irc.tl Khanz_!Khanz@B831224.123AED93.C2FA857A.IP StrikeBack!StrikeBack@Strike.Back Brandon!bd@irc-EC223D24.lsanca.fios.verizon.net Stevo127`!Stevo127@8ED5E418.792D2FD4.78CF694C.IP Rick`away!Rick@Nub.je
* Users on #sa-mp: Calgon!Calgon@irc-80677503.bouncerstation.com Stefan!Stefan@gamerxserver.com Areeb[AFK]!Areeb@friend.to.all Karagon!Karagon@th.turns.me.on Skimmer!Skimmer@Skim.Skimmy @spork007!james@covert.agent Mmartin!Mmartin@class.php Robbery1!Robby@Sanandreasgaming.com Assa!weee@ba.na.na
* Users on #sa-mp: Hiddos!Hiddos@pls.unban.me Aero!Aero@ls-rp.com King_Hual`!failed@rvn.thv.trvp Westie!westie@5495F78A.4C1D198F.18D52349.IP Redirect_Left!rdl@for.a.free.bnc.just.ask.rdl Ethylene!Ethylene@C2H4.IUPAC.Ethylene Robby!Robby@multiacc.ban Blake!Bl@k.e &@dugi!dugi@home Carl2!Carl@cookies.nom
* Users on #sa-mp: Shammy!admin@shammy.me Ricardo|BNC!RicardoBNC@Likes.Cake Exotic!Exotic@right.behind.you iZN!izn@dropping.the.beat.hard Gee`!Gee@gettin.down.on.friday Mikkel!Mikkel@Mikkel.UM Seriousman!Seriousman@new.hosts JeaSon!JeaSon@irc-7FCA1806.ultra-h.com Renegade334!reneg@de.334
* Users on #sa-mp: pds2k12!Patrick@i.am.the.boss Saloun!saloun@SALO.UN +[Infinity]!Infinity@born.2.fail Forgive!Forgive@littlewhiteys.co.uk linuxthefish!ltf@loves.es Kirollos!Kirollos@halts.you Gai!Gai@irc-D90C0C5C.theskyisnotblue.com Arion|AFK!Rionoeru@70543BAC.5D0D102A.25B63E89.IP
* Users on #sa-mp: jabire3|BNC!jabire3@70543BAC.5D0D102A.25B63E89.IP Khanzthefish!k@irc-55056F16.net Danish!D@n.is.h &@Popz!popz@fbi.gov ThieF-away!ThieF@Porche.911 %Potassium!sid19411@ssium.x Inn0cent|BNC!Inn0cent@B57DD934.8875BF2D.C7AECB38.IP +Blacklite!Blacklite@156B70A7.1ADD13E9.21BE7712.IP
* Users on #sa-mp: Mojo!mojo@i.am.mojo.jojo.mojo.jojo.is.my.name Antonio!Antonio@irc-CB8AF5A1.bnc4free.com Sadik!Sadik@Is.aQueer KingJ!kj@irc-3138705D.kingj.net +IJ!rita@maid.of.iron DrPepper!DrPepper@70543BAC.5D0D102A.25B63E89.IP SkillZ!SkillZ@Sk.iLL.Z Ez!Ez@irc-9D0A97DB.cable.telstraclear.net
* Users on #sa-mp: Flake!Flake@irc-5BCAD516.lns6.way.bigpond.net.au Subliminal!Subliminal@B57DD934.8875BF2D.C7AECB38.IP +M!Meta@meta-code.net Skillex!Skillex@9433317C.3D394ADE.73155F52.IP Fool!I@irc-6639BC51.toplel.us Khanz!Khanz@install.gentoo wof1037!woffy@irc-CC018095.eushells.com
* Users on #sa-mp: PBomb!PB@m.b Jeffry|BNC!J@ugpserver.de Joris!Joris@irc-1D76C8B6.emceka.nl ev0lution!sid40340@irc-C67DD09F.irccloud.com kvsolga!kvsolga@irc-47181EFF.v4.nl.panicbnc.eu +woot!woot@sa-mp.im Somoon!smn@o.k Incognito!Incognito@3ADE0783.EDC475F4.A395AAEF.IP Si|ent!Si_ent@irc-147EA74F.range86-140.btcentralplus.com
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* Users on #sa-mp: Toni!Anthony@1F4BF6CA.58AA3665.E8E57B90.IP Camacorn!C@snipr.me Marcel!intel@the.shit [bnc]logoster!logo@irc-BFCDC41D.sa-irc.com Jester!msn@2567C3BF.D4144A4A.C688A664.IP
<vmlinuz> and apparently performance chips unleash a lot of power from them
* Lucas (Lucas2231@State.Of.Dreaming) has left (FREE BREAD !!)
<Blacklite> it's only 200 - 250 hp
<Blacklite> the original one was 190 hp
<vmlinuz> ive ridden in one and not in the back there pretty damn peppy for weighing almost 3 tons
<vmlinuz> 4.6L V8 in a 3 ton sedan = not terribly fast
<Blacklite> why is it 3 tons
<Blacklite> is it just really big?
<Blacklite> for fat americans?
<vmlinuz> there just big cars/land yachts, guessing it helps the police to ram in pursuits or something
<vmlinuz> and at least this engine has actual displacement unlike your alfa's engine :P
M Marcel Mikkel Mmartin Mojo MonTaNaAa Mr_X
* Mr_X sets mode +R on Mr_X
You are being MSG flooded from mara_15766@48DC486B.E656C761.DB298989.IP, setting gui_autoopen_dialog OFF.
<Blacklite> pfft
<Blacklite> it weighs more than my house
<vmlinuz> imo the americans make shitty power for the displacement arguement is invalid in recent years
<vmlinuz> there even with the japs with power per Cubic Inches
<vmlinuz> 323 HP out of a 3.6L V6 is nothing to snuff at
<Blacklite> yeah that's decent
<Blacklite> 200 hp out of a 4.6l v8 is ridiculous
<vmlinuz> need's a blower from the mustang cobra engine and performance chip
<vmlinuz> then it'll come to life
<Blacklite> what's the point of making such a huge engine
<Blacklite> and then hardly using it
<vmlinuz> it's the fact it's OHC/DOHC
<Blacklite> ah well
<Blacklite> all the taxis will go to hybrid anyway
<vmlinuz> make's the engine so big, and huge as OHV 7-8+L V8's in terms of dimensions
<vmlinuz> and in terms of engine durability alfa will start overheating and destroying it's own engine internals withen a dozen minutes
<Blacklite> pff
<Blacklite> international engine of the year 2000 thanks
<vmlinuz> alfa's are only known for their problems
<vmlinuz> dont try to fight it
<Potassium> dammit RBOMB
* DamianC (d@Mus.Ic.mAN) has joined
* spork007 sets mode +a on #sa-mp DamianC
* spork007 gives channel operator status to DamianC
<vmlinuz> cop cars go 500k+ Km's easily anyways
<Blacklite> tbh the engines in alfas are not the problem
<Potassium> my dad is bringing his work-wife home and she wants to meet me because we take the same medication and she wants to bond with me over it
<RBOMB> eh Potassium?
<vmlinuz> not true
<RBOMB> oh geeze
<RBOMB> what kind of meds
<Blacklite> well
<Blacklite> twinspark is a recipe for disaster
<Blacklite> but apart from that
<Potassium> for some ovary thing
<Blacklite> and selespeed is another ridiculous idea
<Blacklite> they basically built a manual car, then made robots to control the pedals and gearstick
<Blacklite> hilarious
<vmlinuz> either way you'll get more looks in a crown vic being it a cop car everyone will slow down or try to avoid you
<RBOMB> thats really wierd Potassium
<RBOMB> id reject
<Potassium> lol
<vmlinuz> i see quite a few dodge vipers, jag's around here actually
<vmlinuz> alfa's are incredibly rare for their rep
<Blacklite> they sold a lot of 156s
<Blacklite> and 147s
<Blacklite> everything else is rare
<Blacklite> except the new giulietta
<Blacklite> that is fucking everywhere atm
<vmlinuz> drive lets say a pagani zonda or any very decent handling car
<vmlinuz> then get out and switch right away and drive a 1976 chrysler new yorker
<vmlinuz> "petrol (gasoline) engine with displacement: 6551 cm3 / 399.8 cui, advertised power: 130.5 kW / 175 hp / 177 PS ( SAE net ) / 4000 , torque: 407 Nm / 300 lb-ft / "
<vmlinuz> mmm
<Blacklite> .
<vmlinuz> they dropped the HP so much it's like a diesel: low HP high torque
* [SAK]Nyphz has quit (Quit: )
* Dolby has quit (Quit: )
<s0nic> how do we prevent that spam pm shit again?
<Aero> do /mode name +R
* StrikeBack has quit (Excess Flood)
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* Stefan has quit (Quit: <@GX-27> [84] Left: I am <censored> and proud of it!)
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* StrikeBack (StrikeBack@Strike.Back) has joined
* Potassium sets mode +R on #sa-mp
<Camacorn> Is the ddos still going?
* Assa has quit (Excess Flood)
* Toni has quit (Quit: Leaving)
* Toni (Anthony@1F4BF6CA.58AA3665.E8E57B90.IP) has joined
<Potassium> what ddos
* Assa (weee@ba.na.na) has joined
<Camacorn> Heard irc.tl was being attacked like two weeks ago
<Potassium> sorry we can't discuss it in this channel
* StrikeBack has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<Camacorn> I guess that answers it :P
<Potassium> it wasn't ddos, so no
* Robbery1 has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
* Robbery1 (Robby@Sanandreasgaming.com) has joined
<vmlinuz> ruined it for me now i have to ignore PM's from everyone
* vmlinuz has quit (Quit: .)
* vmlinuz (you@get.rekt.m8) has joined
* StrikeBack (StrikeBack@Strike.Back) has joined
<Toni> y must ppl send me dis weird pm
<Potassium> for the last time, vmlinuz, please do not discuss it in here
<Potassium> ffs guys
<Toni> o
<Toni> jk i mean it never happened
<vmlinuz> i never talked about them in general i just said im turning my pm's off for everyone
<Potassium> ok good for you
<vmlinuz> so calm the hell down
* Skimmer has quit (Quit: )
<Potassium> 1:13:19 PM <vmlinuz> ruined it for me now i have to ignore PM's from everyone
<Potassium> that was directly related to it
* Khanz has quit (Input/output error)
<Potassium> so either shut up or fuck off
<Potassium> don't tell me to calm down for asking you not to do something i've asked you not to do about 4 times before
<Potassium> end
<RBOMB> seem to of been spammed
<Potassium> hi RBOMB
<RBOMB> while showering
<Potassium> rbomb i will kill you
<Potassium> i mean like actually /kill you
<RBOMB> i feel violated
<Potassium> please scroll up RBOMB
<RBOMB> oh
<RBOMB> oh i see
<RBOMB> metaphores ok?
* Stefan (Stefan@gamerxserver.com) has left
<Potassium> no.
* Stefan2 (BadRobot@gamerxserver.com) has left
<RBOMB> :'(
<Potassium> move on
<RBOMB> ill go to my therapist then -- he listens!
* RBOMB runs off crying
<Potassium> good
<vmlinuz> rbomb /nick K@ragon
<Potassium> illegal characters
<vmlinuz> too bad
* RBOMB is now known as Katsymbolagon
* Katsymbolagon is now known as Katsymbolragon
<Katsymbolragon> there we go
<Katsymbolragon> dont know why but its done
<Potassium> http://i.imgur.com/oZyKKX4.png
<Potassium> wtf is this kind of drone used for
<Potassium> it was hovering over a preschool around here today
<vmlinuz> spying on you changing ofc
<Potassium> yes i go to preschool
<vmlinuz> who says it was at the preschool the whole time
<Potassium> ..i just said it was hovering over the preschool
<vmlinuz> drones arent even that expensive anymore
<vmlinuz> i need to buy one
<Potassium> with all the money you earn in the sims
<vmlinuz> ctrl shift c
<vmlinuz> motherlode
<vmlinuz> motherlode
<vmlinuz> motherlode
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* hub.irc.tl gives channel operator status to DamianC cessil krisk spork007 dugi
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* DrPepper (DrPepper@70543BAC.5D0D102A.25B63E89.IP) has joined
* SkillZ (SkillZ@Sk.iLL.Z) has joined
* Ez (Ez@irc-9D0A97DB.cable.telstraclear.net) has joined
* Flake (Flake@irc-5BCAD516.lns6.way.bigpond.net.au) has joined
* Subliminal (Subliminal@B57DD934.8875BF2D.C7AECB38.IP) has joined
* M (Meta@meta-code.net) has joined
* Skillex (Skillex@9433317C.3D394ADE.73155F52.IP) has joined
* Fool (I@irc-6639BC51.toplel.us) has joined
* wof1037 (woffy@irc-CC018095.eushells.com) has joined
* PBomb (PB@m.b) has joined
* Jeffry|BNC (J@ugpserver.de) has joined
* Joris (Joris@irc-1D76C8B6.emceka.nl) has joined
* ev0lution (sid40340@irc-C67DD09F.irccloud.com) has joined
* kvsolga (kvsolga@irc-47181EFF.v4.nl.panicbnc.eu) has joined
* woot (woot@sa-mp.im) has joined
* Somoon (smn@o.k) has joined
* Incognito (Incognito@3ADE0783.EDC475F4.A395AAEF.IP) has joined
* Si|ent (Si_ent@irc-147EA74F.range86-140.btcentralplus.com) has joined
* Aryan (aryan@1119968A.56A5038A.23E44B20.IP) has joined
* Djole (Djole@causing.a.severe.moduli.failure) has joined
* hub.irc.tl sets mode +a on #sa-mp Popz
* hub.irc.tl gives channel half-operator status to Potassium
* hub.irc.tl gives channel operator status to Popz
* hub.irc.tl gives voice to Blacklite IJ M woot