Free bitcoin [autopilot]


DATE: Dec. 8, 2013, 1:56 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.2 kB

HITS: 750

  1. A lot of people have seen this trick before but I have edited it so that you don't run the risk of losing all of your saved up bitcoin. I've gone fro 0.00007678 to 0.00008013 in a 5 minute span running this code.
  2. First, go to or if you want to help me out.
  3. Then just enter the following code in your browsers console.
  4. var minValue=1E-8,maxLoss=100,aimedProfit=10,maxOps=500000000000000,endResult=0,ops=0,bet=function(a,b,c){$.get("?op=double_your_btc&m="+(b?"lo":"hi")+"&stake="+a+"&multiplier=2&jackpot=0",function(d){d=d.split(":");$("#balance").html(d[3]);c(a,b,"w"===d[1])})},martingale=function(a,b,c){c||a>=maxLoss&&0!==maxLoss?(b=!b,newValue=minValue):newValue=2*a;endResult=c?endResult+a:endResult-a;console.log((c?"+":"-")+a);ops++;(ops<maxOps||0===maxOps)&&(endResult<aimedProfit||0===aimedProfit)?bet(newValue,b,martingale):
  5. (console.log("Martingale finished in "+ops+" operations!"),console.log("Result: "+endResult))};martingale(minValue,!1,!1);
  6. Just make sure to keep an eye on your balance so that you can exit the program if something goes amiss.

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