Election 2


DATE: Sept. 14, 2016, 8:52 p.m.

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HITS: 1555

  1. The Republican nominee goes on to pull the documents from his pocket, to cheers and applause from the show audience.
  2. “As all physicians do when seeing a patient for the first time, Dr. Oz took Mr. Trump through a full review of systems,” the show’s statement said.
  3. It said their hour-long one-one-one interview touched on Trump’s cardiovascular health, family medical history and history of cancer, among other topics.
  4. So far Trump had released only four paragraphs, written hastily by his doctor Harold Bornstein in December 2015, gushing about his state of health.
  5. Following the revelation that Clinton, 68, was suffering from pneumonia, Trump vowed soon to release “very, very specific numbers” from a recent check-up with Bornstein.
  6. Trump’s Democratic rival was at home in Chappaqua, New York for a third straight day Wednesday, recovering from a health scare that has rocked her bid to become America’s first woman president.
  7. She was forced to leave a 9/11 memorial event in New York on Sunday and was seen stumbling limp-legged into a Secret Service vehicle.
  8. Clinton’s personal physician only later disclosed she had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier, raising questions about her campaign’s transparency.
  9. Trump’s media-savvy disclosure — regardless of how much substance the records contain — will further up the pressure on her to share more health data as she returns to the trail Thursday.

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