For men, there might be a difference between a rapist and a sexual harasser, but for us women, it’s one and the same

SUBMITTED BY: shahidsomroo

DATE: Jan. 31, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 752 Bytes

HITS: 356

  1. I was astonished to read “When #MeToo Goes Too Far”, an essay by Bret Stephens in The New York Times, in which he harangued women for not knowing the difference between sexual harassment and violent rape. His bottom line was that if you don’t treat sexual harassers more gently than you do rapists, everyone’s going to get tired of #MeToo, and leave you out in the cold.
  2. Well, and here I was thinking that being violently raped is exactly the same and as bad as sexual harassment on the street, or at work. Thank you for pointing the difference out to me, Stephens, and Matt Damon.
  3. I like a little gaslighting with my morning tea as well as the next woman, but for the sake of argument, I posted a thread on Twitter that went something like this:

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