

DATE: Dec. 17, 2020, 10:30 a.m.

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  1. Important tips for wedding photos preparations
  2. The preparations of the bride and groom are usually among the most emotional moments on D-Day! An intimate moment, with your dearest loved ones... A moment of tension and excitement, waiting for this exchange of vows so important to you. The hairstyle, the makeup, put on her dress or her costume, have a drink with her witnesses, give a huge hug to your parents or children, and above all: discover you, finally, during the first look ... In short, you will understand, the photos of the preparations are an opportunity for us to capture unique and intense moments of your beautiful wedding day!
  3. Preparations are also the time to photograph or film all the details of your outfits and accessories, as well as your flowers still fresh. We also usually have a little more time at this time to chat, get to know you and your witnesses, before the whirlwind of your wedding.
  4. So here are some tips we can give you, to help us make these pictures of the preparations in optimal conditions!
  5. Allow enough time... But not too long!
  6. Preparations can sometimes take a lot of time on your wedding day, between hair, make-up, dressing, the last little things to settle... If you prepare with many other people, this time can also double quite easily! If you want to start your wedding day more serenely, then consider planning enough time for your preparations. It will also help us to photograph and film this part of the day more fully. By giving enough time to your preparations, you also give yourself time to enjoy your loved ones in a small committee, and all these emotions of the beginning of the day fully, and serenely!
  7. On the other hand, if you have children, or many relatives who accompany you during your preparations, think about what to keep them busy... This may sound silly, but the preparations of the bride are often longer than those of other people, who can therefore go around in circles during this time! Don't hesitate to schedule small animations, or plan your schedule so that they will find you later, or leave the place earlier than you. You can also plan to drink yourself a small cup between witnesses (or a tea according to your preferences) in order to make a nice break between two parts a little long preparations, or just after putting on your outfits, to start the day!
  8. Finally, if you want to make a "First Look" after your respective preparations, anticipate the place before, and also the time necessary to fully appreciate this little moment of emotions. It is usually a romantic and intense moment, to discover you just two. This cannot be done in just 5 minutes before heading to the Town Hall! It is therefore a general rule that you are advised for your whole wedding: the more margin you take in your schedule, the more you will enjoy your beautiful day.
  9. Choose the location of your preparations
  10. It's no mystery, the more pretty the décor, the more sublimated your photos will be. Preferably plan a place with a nice light and enough room for us to move around you during your preparations. Ideally, preparing yourself close to a window is ideal for images. This will also be appreciated by your make-up artist anyway!
  11. Some couples choose to prepare at the hotel (some offer rooms by the hour), or in their reception location if it lends itself to it. But other couples prefer to prepare in their cosy little nest, where they feel more comfortable. If you are preparing in your small cocoon or at a loved one's house, and especially if you have a lot of guests in the preparations, be sure if possible to store as much as possible before our arrival for photos and videos. For example, you can plan to group all the essential but less aesthetic items in one corner of the room, in order to leave the most beautiful places clear. We can guide you and advise you when we arrive on site on all this too, if we have time!
  12. Finally, if you choose two different places for your preparations of the bride and groom, no worries! We are a duo and will therefore be able to immortalize the preparations of the bride AND those of the groom simultaneously. Both are important to us!
  13. https://memoryfilming.co.uk/

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