The responsibility of educated


DATE: Dec. 23, 2013, 6:22 a.m.

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  1. No one wants to admit that there could ever be a disadvantage to having an education or training a mind, but the fact remains that there are disadvantages. When you train a person’s mind it works better and no one would think that this is a disadvantage and by itself it is not. It is the inevitable growth and the fact that regardless of how much stronger the mind is it does not insure that the strengthened mind will not choose to take advantage of those less molded minds in ways that ultimately lead to the extinction of the very process that made that mind stronger in the first place.
  2. The educated claim by right of their education to be the best suited for determining how we transfer knowledge. Whether it is how the words are used or pronounced, and how they are recorded and disseminated. One who is not educated and indoctrinated cannot see the necessity for neither the rules nor the indoctrination, and thus often do not follow those rules whether they be written, or embedded within the culture and traditions of the society.
  3. The problem is that even so they are still a part of the environment and to exclude them entirely leaves a rather large whole in the knowledge of our culture, traditions and in general human behavior under more natural conditions.
  4. So if the educated are making all the rules don't the educated have the loins share of the responsibility for the negative results.

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