[$10+ An Hour] Make Money Doing What You're Doing Right Now


DATE: May 18, 2013, 5:42 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 941

  1. I know you like to post on forums. How do I know this?
  2. Because you're doing it right now, so why not get paid for it.
  3. Thats right, its as simple as posting on other forums, and you get to make bank from it.
  4. I currently make about 10 dollars an hour doing it. I'm not going to lie, you wont become rich doing this. Its not some automated system that sounds great, and then in reality doesn't work. If you want to make money doing something that, well you're doing right now, then join PostLoop.com.
  5. The process is really quite simple:
  6. Forum owners and bloggers need user participation!
  7. Attracting visitors to a forum or blog is not easy. People struggling with this come to Postloop for help.
  8. Postloop to the world: "Hey, there are forums and blogs out there that need your participation. Come help, and we'll pay you!"
  9. Postloop provides a list of these sites to the public, asking everybody to come help out.
  10. The world listens. People start participating at the listed sites and earn money while doing it.
  11. People worldwide are invited to participate at the forums and blogs listed at Postloop. The only requirement? Good English grammar. The work involved does not feel like work at all and comes naturally to most. Some even consider it fun! These writers are rewarded almost instantly with cash via PayPal.
  12. The result: Forums and blogs now have the activity they needed, and those who helped leave with money in their pockets!
  13. This process will continue as long as forums and blogs exist and as long as people like to earn money doing something that they enjoy doing. In other words, this service is always available to you, at your convenience. Join PostLoop.com Today.
  14. My Twist on it:
  15. 1. Post a thread on a topic you are knowledgable in
  16. 2. Let some people respond to your thread
  17. 3. Reply to people's posts, but..
  18. 4. Since you already know what they are basically going to say, you don't really need to read their response. Just skim it real quick and bring up something that they did.
  19. 5. This is much faster than going to random threads, reading the thread, and then posting to it.

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