Life is a game you win and you lose be it spiritual or physical, when you are guided by principles and laws you end up successful but bear in mind that learning is very important, on your road to self-discovering laws of life will guide and build you emotionally and physically.
The law of love
They say love makes the world go round and truly it does but there is an irony to it, I hear people say I am not good enough, I don’t love myself, I’m worthless, I don’t doubt what you think of yourself but let’s face reality you can’t give what you don’t have. You can’t love another if you don’t love yourself, in essence loving you is more important than anyone else.
It’s dangerous not to love yourself, no matter how you look or what people say about you love yourself anyway. The law of love should never be broken because with love in your heart you can conquer the world.
The law of Giving
Give and you shall receive sounds like a sermon but in truth, the law of giving is as real as the sun. What many don’t understand is when you give you mustn’t receive from the same channel or receive the same thing you gave out.
Giving opens doors and whether you believe it or not giving it is a powerful tool in your road to success.
The law of desire
As he thinks in his heart so shall he be simple means what so ever you think of yourself that is what you will become. If you say you are poor and you don’t worth anything so shall it be for you. Write the vision and make it plain, for even though all is not well with you, let the vision guide you.
The law of desire also states that you don't have because you don't ask. If you don’t desire good for yourself good won’t come let your thoughts be guided properly if you want a change in your life.
The law of forgiveness
Forgiving can be hard especially when the one who broke your trust is very close to you, but if you understand that forgiveness is more about you than the other person you would seize to hold a grudge. Forgiveness once given sets you free. You don’t forgive because they deserve it you do because your peace of mind is more important than anything in the world.
Note that if you don’t forgive you hold yourself bound before the one who has offended you.
The law of spoken words
There is power in the tongue, that’s why they say don’t call your children abusive names it tends to follow them. I spoke with a young man who was doing badly in his business and he kept lament how much of a failure he was and how they were right, I didn't understand so I had to ask him who they were and he said his parents and teachers.
When he was growing up both his teachers and his parents kept saying to him he won’t amount to anything and that he is a failure and other times they called him a fool.
This is not religion whatever you hear consistently and you agree with it, that you shall become.
Speak positive words to yourself despite all the negative words you would hear or toxic environment you find yourself.
The law of conceptions
Every time there is intimacy bonding takes place and something is birthed. You can't have unprotected sex with a woman and expect her not to get pregnant, you can't mingle with low life’s and not be a low life.
If you want to experience growth and free flow surround yourself with people who are heading in the same direction you want to head. Like the saying goes 'birds of the same feather goes together', whatever you do don't break this law if you want your seeds to bring forth good fruits.
Whose soever vision that doesn't align with yours cut them off and have filters not everything should be allowed in your space.
The law of respect
They say respect is reciprocal, respect your elders so that your days will be long on earth, this is said Sunday after Sunday and yet it goes in from the right ear and comes out from the left.
Another side to respect is if you don't place value on yourself no one else will.
The world runs on laws and principles if you are rude to an elderly person your juniors will insult you too in time to come. That’s why you must respect yourself, your mates and elder.
Lastly let me add that the laws that govern a nation, state, your office and leaders placed in a leadership position should be respected regardless of their disposition.
For whatever you adhere to the laws of the land and watch how it would be easy for you to succeed.
Thanks for reading...