you have sex without falling in love end?


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  1. Friends with rights
  2. Print E-mail
  3. Society & You - Psychology
  4. MONDAY, 16 JANUARY 2012 08:38
  5. Friends with rights ... to touch. Can we just be friends with someone with whom you have sex without falling in love end?
  6. Friends with benefits is the title of a film of Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake, two friends who decide to have sex without emotions or commitments. In Depsicologí tell you more about friends with rights.
  7. Uncompromising FRIEND?
  8. One thing is the theory ..., a different practice. Borders is difficult to put emotions. The brain and heart do not always agree. Are there factors that influence or facilitate this type of relationship?
  9. It of friends with the right, or without commitment is fashionable. Many series and movies have this theme in his scripts, Grey's Anatomy, Friends, another movie like No compromise with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Porma are about the same topic.
  10. This kind of friends with benefits relationship is defined as casual meetings where you may or may not have sex, and usually occur between strangers has become known recent or friends so common.
  11. One feature is that there is no expectation of future romantic commitment. It is not a dating relationship, both people are not defined as a couple of the other.
  12. Several studies have focused on the role that alcohol exerts populations such as college students to facilitate this behavior.
  13. Behaviors in students with greater sexual promiscuity or alcohol covariation induces a greater search for sexual partners (Gaute and Eshbourg, 2008). In addition, alcohol is the most important factor that leads to unwanted sex to impair the ability of the individual trial.
  14. In 2012 the University undertook a major and behavioral studies of sexual behavior of college students. Nearly 1500 students participated, among other things sought to define what kind of relationship existed between the students.
  15. One third of the students, 500 of the 1500 had relationships.
  16. Another third of students, 500 had other relationships such as friends with benefits
  17. Another third had no relationship, neither stable nor type with benefits.
  18. Other studies raise a number of relationships without commitment of students to 78%, although estimates vary depending on what researchers defienen as sex with benefits (eg only free sex kisses or has sex. )
  19. The fashion of "friends with benefits"
  20. While the media, film, television often send a message to women about the liberating effect of these relationships, the emotional effects on women are rarely mentioned. And of course we women tend to establish emotional connections more easily when sex is present that man.
  21. If the film or television show us a woman who wakes up after a glowing one-night stand, some research suggests otherwise.
  22. There are women who after an affair of this kind are embarrassed and want to not have happened. Besides the increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, because many times the situation leads to not take precautions, have casual sex with someone you know by sight or even that can lead to unpleasant surprises like being a victim of a sex crime.
  23. If for men to have casual sex, sex without commitment is rewarded socially, sexually experts makes them not so in the case of women.
  24. In general many women are ashamed to have casual or casual, as a result of this may have psychological distress. If these relationships are repeated with the same person may be that the woman establishes emotional bonds to alleviate his discomfort, something like, "as I feel something for it's normal to have sex, but sex only for physical attraction is not good."
  25. Living in the moment
  26. Many women have been educated from small in the role of girlfriends, wives and then mothers ..., relationships with men have to follow some steps as friendship, dating, marriage, when these phases are not altered or women can get feel embarrassed.
  27. Living in the moment does not mean you have to do something that impresses you more than your friends do or what is fashionable.
  28. Living in the moment is to give importance to what you feel and believe in your life because you're the leading lady. The relationships you establish in your life are to be equal, both parties can benefit and agree.
  29. If you have a relationship as friends with benefits and feel that you are giving more and more ... wait, chances are you're emotionally involved and end up with a broken heart.
  30. In your relationships always ask yourself how I live it is good for me, makes me feel good, treat me like I deserve? If yes perfect, if not, if you feel you need more, you deserve more ... maybe you have to think. Perhaps these "a wrong place."

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