#INDEX ========================================================================================================================
Title................: Network informations and configuration for AutoIt
Filename.............: network.au3
Author...............: J1GUINCHARD
Date.................: 2013-24-29
! #RequireAdmin is needed to use some functions !
Available functions :
Internal functions :
_Array2String (from array.au3)
Some functions may fail (returns 0). @error is set to these values :
64 = Method not supported on this platform.
65 = Unknown failure.
66 = Invalid subnet mask.
67 = An error occurred while processing an instance that was returned.
68 = Invalid input parameter.
69 = More than five gateways specified.
70 = Invalid IP address.
71 = Invalid gateway IP address.
72 = An error occurred while accessing the registry for the requested information.
73 = Invalid domain name.
74 = Invalid host name.
75 = No primary or secondary WINS server defined.
76 = Invalid file.
77 = Invalid system path.
78 = File copy failed.
79 = Invalid security parameter.
80 = Unable to configure TCP/IP service.
81 = Unable to configure DHCP service.
82 = Unable to renew DHCP lease.
83 = Unable to release DHCP lease.
84 = IP not enabled on adapter.
85 = IPX not enabled on adapter.
86 = Frame or network number bounds error.
87 = Invalid frame type.
88 = Invalid network number.
89 = Duplicate network number.
90 = Parameter out of bounds.
91 = Access denied.
92 = Out of memory.
93 = Already exists.
94 = Path, file, or object not found.
95 = Unable to notify service.
96 = Unable to notify DNS service.
97 = Interface not configurable.
98 = Not all DHCP leases could be released or renewed.
100 = DHCP not enabled on the adapter.
Global Const $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10
Global Const $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20
Global $objWMIService
Global $oErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_ErrFunc")
Global $errFunc = 0
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _InitWmi
; Description....: Connects to the local WMI provider.
; Syntax.........: _InitWmi()
; Return values..: Success - 1
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _InitWmi()
$objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & @ComputerName & "\root\CIMV2")
If $objWMIService = 0 Then Return 0
Return 1
EndFunc ; ===> _initWmi
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _DisableNetAdapter
; Description....: Disables the specified network adapter.
; Syntax.........: _DisableNetAdapter($sNetAdapter)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; Return values..: Success - 1
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _DisableNetAdapter($sNetAdapter)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter , $iReturn = 0
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter Where Name = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapter.Disable()
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
Return 0
EndFunc ; ===> _DisableNetAdapter
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _EnableDHCP
; Description....: Enables the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IP configuration.
; Syntax.........: _EnableDHCP($sNetAdapter)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; Return values..: Success - 1 or 2 (reboot required)
; Failure - 0 and sets @error (see remarks)
; Remarks........: When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information (see global remarks).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _EnableDHCP($sNetAdapter)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter, $iReturn = 0
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapter.EnableDHCP()
If _EnableDHCP_DNS($sNetAdapter) Then
If $iReturn == 0 Then return 1
If $iReturn == 1 Then return 2
If $iReturn == "" Then $iReturn = 65
Return SetError($iReturn, "", 0)
EndFunc ; ===> _EnableDHCP
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _EnableDHCP_DNS
; Description....: Enables the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for DNS configuration.
; Syntax.........: _EnableDHCP_DNS($sNetAdapter)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; Return values..: Success - 1
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _EnableDHCP_DNS($sNetAdapter)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter
Local $guid
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$guid = _GetNetworkGUI($sNetAdapter)
If $guid == 0 Then Return 0
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
If $objNetAdapter.DHCPEnabled == False Then Return 0
Return RegWrite("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & $guid , "NameServer", "REG_SZ", "")
EndFunc ; ===> _EnableDHCP_DNS
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _EnableNetAdapter
; Description....: Enables the specified network adapter.
; Syntax.........: _EnableNetAdapter($sNetAdapter)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; Return values..: Success - 1
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _EnableNetAdapter($sNetAdapter)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter, $iReturn = 0
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter Where Name = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapter.Enable()
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
Return 0
EndFunc ; ===> _EnableNetAdapter
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _EnableStatic
; Description....: Enables static TCP/IP addressing for the specified network adapter.
; As a result, DHCP for this network adapter is disabled.
; Syntax.........: _EnableStatic($sNetAdapter, $sIPAddress, $sSubnetMask)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; $IPAddress - IP addresse(s) the set to the specified network adapter. Example:
; To specify only one IP address, $IPAddress can be a string
; To specify more than one IP address, $sIPAddress must be an array
; $sSubnetMask - Subnet masks that complement the values in the $IPAddress parameter. Example:
; To specify more than one subnet mask, $sSubnetMask must be an array
; Return values..: Success - 1 or 2 (reboot required)
; Failure - 0 and sets @error (see remarks)
; Remarks........: When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information (see global remarks).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _EnableStatic($sNetAdapter, $sIPAddress, $sSubnetMask)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapterConfig, $iReturn = 0
Local $aIPAddress[1] = [ $sIPAddress ]
Local $aSubnetMask[1] = [ $sSubnetMask ]
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapterConfig In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapterConfig.EnableStatic($aIPAddress, $aSubnetMask)
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
If $iReturn == 1 Then return 2
If $iReturn == "" Then $iReturn = 65
Return SetError($iReturn, "", 0)
EndFunc ; ===> _EnableStatic
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _FlushDNS
; Description....: Reset the client resolver cache.
; Syntax.........: _FlushDNS
; Return values..: Success - 1
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _FlushDNS()
Local $aReturn
$aReturn = DllCall("dnsapi.dll", "BOOL", "DnsFlushResolverCache")
Return $aReturn[0]
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _GetNetAdapterFromID
; Description....: Get the network card name from its Windows network connection name
; Syntax.........: _GetNetAdapterFromID($sNetworkID)
; Parameters.....: $sNetworkID - Name of the network connection (ex: Local Area Network).
; Return values..: Success - Returns the network adapter name
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetworkID)
Local $sQueryNetAdapter, $objNetAdapter, $colNetAdapter
If $sNetworkID = "" Then Return 0
$sQueryNetAdapter = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter Where NetConnectionID = '" & $sNetworkID & "'"
$colNetAdapter = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapter, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapter) Then return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapter
Return $objNetAdapter.Name
Return 0
EndFunc ; ===> _GetNetConnectionID
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _GetNetworkAdapterInfos
; Description....: Retrieve informations for the specified network card.
; If no network adapter is specified (default), the function returns informations for all network adapters.
; Syntax.........: _GetNetworkAdapterInfos([$sNetAdapter])
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter or network ID
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; Return values..: Success - Returns a 2 dimensional array containing informations about the adapter configuration :
; - element[n][0] = AdapterType - Network adapter type.
; "Ethernet 802.3"
; "Token Ring 802.5"
; "Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)"
; "Wide Area Network (WAN)"
; "LocalTalk"
; "Ethernet using DIX header format"
; "ARCNET (878.2)"
; "ATM"
; "Wireless"
; "Infrared Wireless"
; "Bpc"
; "CoWan"
; "1394"
; - element[n][1] = DeviceID - Unique identifier of the network adapter.
; - element[n][2] = GUID - Globally unique identifier for the connection.
; - element[n][3] = Index - Index number of the network adapter, stored in the system registry.
; - element[n][4] = InterfaceIndex - Index value that uniquely identifies the local network interface.
; - element[n][5] = MACAddress - MAC address for this network adapter.
; - element[n][6] = Manufacturer - Name of the network adapter's manufacturer.
; - element[n][7] = Name - Label by which the object is known.
; - element[n][8] = NetConnectionID - Name of the network connection as it appears in the Network Connections Control Panel program.
; - element[n][9] = NetConnectionStatus - State of the network adapter connection to the network.
; 0 (0x0) Disconnected
; 1 (0x1) Connecting
; 2 (0x2) Connected
; 3 (0x3) Disconnecting
; 4 (0x4) Hardware not present
; 5 (0x5) Hardware disabled
; 6 (0x6) Hardware malfunction
; 7 (0x7) Media disconnected
; 8 (0x8) Authenticating
; 9 (0x9) Authentication succeeded
; 10 (0xA) Authentication failed
; 11 (0xB) Invalid address
; 12 (0xC) Credentials required
; - element[n][10] = NetEnabled - Indicates whether the adapter is enabled or not.
; - element[n][11] = PNPDeviceID - Windows Plug and Play device identifier of the logical device.
; - element[n][12] = ProductName - Product name of the network adapter.
; - element[n][13] = ServiceName - Service name of the network adapter.
; - element[n][14] = Speed - Estimate of the current bandwidth in bits per second.
; - element[n][15] = DatabasePath - Valid Windows file path to standard Internet database files
; - element[n][16] = DefaultIPGateway - List of IP addresses of default gateways that the computer system uses (comma-separated values).
; - element[n][17] = DHCPEnabled - If TRUE, the DHCP server automatically assigns an IP address to the computer system when establishing a network connection.
; - element[n][18] = DHCPLeaseExpires - Expiration date and time for a leased IP address that was assigned to the computer by the DHCP server (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format).
; - element[n][19] = DHCPLeaseObtained - Date and time the lease was obtained for the IP address assigned to the computer by the DHCP server (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format).
; - element[n][20] = DHCPServer - IP address of the DHCP server.
; - element[n][21] = DNSDomain - Organization name followed by a period and an extension that indicates the type of organization.
; - element[n][22] = DNSDomainSuffixSearch - Lt of DNS domain suffixes to be appended to the end of host names during name resolution (comma-separated values).
; - element[n][23] = DNSEnabledForWINSResolution - If TRUE, the DNS is enabled for name resolution over WINS resolution.
; - element[n][24] = DNSHostName - Host name used to identify the local computer for authentication by some utilities.
; - element[n][25] = DNSServerSearchOrder - List of server IP addresses to be used in querying for DNS servers (comma-separated values).
; - element[n][26] = DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled - If TRUE, the IP addresses for this connection are registered in DNS under the domain name of this connection in addition to being registered under the computer's full DNS name.
; - element[n][27] = FullDNSRegistrationEnabled - If TRUE, the IP addresses for this connection are registered in DNS under the computer's full DNS name.
; - element[n][28] = GatewayCostMetric - List of integer cost metric values (ranging from 1 to 9999) to be used in calculating the fastest, most reliable, or least resource-intensive routes (comma-separated values).
; - element[n][29] = IPAddress - List of all of the IP addresses associated with the specified network adapter (comma-separated values).
; - element[n][30] = IPSubnet - List of all of the subnet masks associated with the current network adapter.
; - element[n][31] = WINSEnableLMHostsLookup - If TRUE, local lookup files are used. Lookup files will contain a map of IP addresses to host names.
; - element[n][32] = WINSPrimaryServer - IP address for the primary WINS server.
; - element[n][33] = WINSSecondaryServer - IP address for the secondary WINS server.
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _GetNetworkAdapterInfos($sNetAdapter = "")
Local $aInfos[1][1], $sQueryNetAdapter, $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapter, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter, $objNetAdapterConfig
Local $filter = "", $n = 0, $adapterIndex
If $sNetAdapter <> "" Then $filter = " WHERE Name = '" & $sNetAdapter & "' OR NetConnectionID = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$sQueryNetAdapter = 'select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter' & $filter
$colNetAdapter = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapter, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapter) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapter
$adapterIndex = $objNetAdapter.Index
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = 'select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = True AND Index = ' & $adapterIndex
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then
For $objNetAdapterConfig In $colNetAdapterConfig
$n += 1
Redim $aInfos[$n][34]
$aInfos[$n - 1][0] = $objNetAdapter.AdapterType
$aInfos[$n - 1][1] = $objNetAdapter.DeviceID
$aInfos[$n - 1][2] = $objNetAdapter.GUID
$aInfos[$n - 1][3] = $objNetAdapter.Index
$aInfos[$n - 1][4] = $objNetAdapter.InterfaceIndex
$aInfos[$n - 1][5] = $objNetAdapter.MACAddress
$aInfos[$n - 1][6] = $objNetAdapter.Manufacturer
$aInfos[$n - 1][7] = $objNetAdapter.Name
$aInfos[$n - 1][8] = $objNetAdapter.NetConnectionID
$aInfos[$n - 1][9] = $objNetAdapter.NetConnectionStatus
$aInfos[$n - 1][10] = $objNetAdapter.NetEnabled
$aInfos[$n - 1][11] = $objNetAdapter.PNPDeviceID
$aInfos[$n - 1][12] = $objNetAdapter.ProductName
$aInfos[$n - 1][13] = $objNetAdapter.ServiceName
$aInfos[$n - 1][14] = $objNetAdapter.Speed
$aInfos[$n - 1][15] = $objNetAdapterConfig.DatabasePath
$aInfos[$n - 1][16] = _Array2String( ($objNetAdapterConfig.DefaultIPGateway) , ",")
$aInfos[$n - 1][17] = $objNetAdapterConfig.DHCPEnabled
$aInfos[$n - 1][18] = _WMIDate($objNetAdapterConfig.DHCPLeaseExpires)
$aInfos[$n - 1][19] = _WMIDate($objNetAdapterConfig.DHCPLeaseObtained)
$aInfos[$n - 1][20] = $objNetAdapterConfig.DHCPServer
$aInfos[$n - 1][21] = $objNetAdapterConfig.DNSDomain
$aInfos[$n - 1][22] = _Array2String( ($objNetAdapterConfig.DNSDomainSuffixSearch) , ",")
$aInfos[$n - 1][23] = $objNetAdapterConfig.DNSEnabledForWINSResolution
$aInfos[$n - 1][24] = $objNetAdapterConfig.DNSHostName
$aInfos[$n - 1][25] = _Array2String( ($objNetAdapterConfig.DNSServerSearchOrder) , ",")
$aInfos[$n - 1][26] = $objNetAdapterConfig.DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled
$aInfos[$n - 1][27] = $objNetAdapterConfig.FullDNSRegistrationEnabled
$aInfos[$n - 1][28] = _Array2String( ( $objNetAdapterConfig.GatewayCostMetric) , ",")
$aInfos[$n - 1][29] = _Array2String( ( $objNetAdapterConfig.IPAddress) , ",")
$aInfos[$n - 1][30] = _Array2String( ( $objNetAdapterConfig.IPSubnet) , ",")
$aInfos[$n - 1][31] = $objNetAdapterConfig.WINSEnableLMHostsLookup
$aInfos[$n - 1][32] = $objNetAdapterConfig.WINSPrimaryServer
$aInfos[$n - 1][33] = $objNetAdapterConfig.WINSSecondaryServer
If $n = 0 Then Return 0
Return $aInfos
EndFunc ; ===> _GetNetworkAdapterInfos
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _GetNetworkAdapterList
; Description....: Get a list of Ethernet network adapter installed on the system
; Syntax.........: _GetNetworkAdapterList()
; Return values..: Success - Returns a 2 dimensional array.
; element[n][0] - Name of the network adapter
; element[n][1] - Name of the network ID
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _GetNetworkAdapterList()
Local $aInfos[1][1], $sQueryNetAdapter, $colNetAdapter, $objNetAdapter
Local $n = 0
$sQueryNetAdapter = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter Where AdapterType like 'Ethernet%'"
$colNetAdapter = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapter, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If IsObj($colNetAdapter) Then
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapter
$n += 1
Redim $aInfos[$n][2]
$aInfos[$n - 1][0] = $objNetAdapter.Name
$aInfos[$n - 1][1] = $objNetAdapter.NetConnectionID
If $n = 0 Then Return 0
Return $aInfos
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _GetNetworkGUI
; Description....: Get the network ID stored in the system registry for the specified network adapter (GUID)
; Syntax.........: _GetNetworkGUI($sNetAdapter)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter
; Return values..: Success - Returns the network GUID
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _GetNetworkGUI($sNetAdapter)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter Where Name = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
Return $objNetAdapter.GUID
Return 0
EndFunc ; ===> _GetNetworkGUI
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _GetNetworkIDFromAdapter
; Description....: Get the Windows network connection name ID from the network adapter
; Syntax.........: _GetNetAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter
; Return values..: Success - Returns the network adapter name
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _GetNetworkIDFromAdapter($sNetAdapter)
Local $sQueryNetAdapter, $objNetAdapter, $colNetAdapter
If $sNetAdapter = "" Then Return 0
$sQueryNetAdapter = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter Where Name = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapter = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapter, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapter) Then return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapter
Return $objNetAdapter.NetConnectionID
Return 0
EndFunc ; ===> _GetNetConnectionID
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _IsWirelessAdapter
; Description....: Checks if a network adapter is a wireless type
; Syntax.........: _IsWirelessAdapter($sAdapter)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter
; Return values..: Success - Returns 1
; Failure - 0
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _IsWirelessAdapter($sAdapter)
Local $hDLL = DllOpen("wlanapi.dll"), $aResult, $hClientHandle, $pInterfaceList, _
$tInterfaceList, $iInterfaceCount, $tInterface, $pInterface, $tGUID, $pGUID
$aResult = DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanOpenHandle", "dword", 2, "ptr", 0, "dword*", 0, "hwnd*", 0)
If @error Or $aResult[0] Then Return 0
$hClientHandle = $aResult[4]
$aResult = DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanEnumInterfaces", "hwnd", $hClientHandle, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", 0)
If @error Or $aResult[0] Then Return 0
$pInterfaceList = $aResult[3]
$tInterfaceList = DllStructCreate("dword", $pInterfaceList)
$iInterfaceCount = DllStructGetData($tInterfaceList, 1)
If Not $iInterfaceCount Then Return 0
Local $abGUIDs[$iInterfaceCount]
For $i = 0 To $iInterfaceCount - 1
$pInterface = Ptr(Number($pInterfaceList) + ($i * 532 + 8))
$tInterface = DllStructCreate("byte GUID[16]; wchar descr[256]; int State", $pInterface)
$abGUIDs[$i] = DllStructGetData($tInterface, "GUID")
If DllStructGetData($tInterface, "descr") == $sAdapter Then Return 1
DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanFreeMemory", "ptr", $pInterfaceList)
$tGUID = DllStructCreate("byte[16]")
DllStructSetData($tGUID, 1, $abGUIDs[0])
$pGUID = DllStructGetPtr($tGUID)
DllCall($hDLL, "dword", "WlanCloseHandle", "ptr", $hClientHandle, "ptr", 0)
Return 0
EndFunc ; ===> _IsWirelessAdapter
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _ReleaseDHCPLease
; Description....: Releases the IP address bound to the specified (or all) DHCP-enabled network adapter.
; As a result, DHCP for this network adapter is disabled.
; Syntax.........: _ReleaseDHCPLease([$sNetAdapter])
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; If no network adapter is specified (default), the function applies to all network adapters.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; Return values..: Success - 1 or 2 (reboot required)
; Failure - 0 and sets @error (see remarks)
; Remarks........: When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information (see global remarks).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _ReleaseDHCPLease($sNetAdapter = "")
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objInstance, $objNetAdapter, $iReturn = 0
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
If $sNetAdapter = "" Then
$objInstance = $objWMIService.Get("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
If NOT IsObj($objInstance) Then Return 0
$iReturn = $objInstance.ReleaseDHCPLeaseAll()
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapter.ReleaseDHCPLease()
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
If $iReturn == 1 Then return 2
If $iReturn == "" Then $iReturn = 65
Return SetError($iReturn, "", 0)
EndFunc ; ===> _ReleaseDHCPLease
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _RenewDHCPLease
; Description....: Renews the IP address on the specified DHCP-enabled network adapters
; Syntax.........: _RenewDHCPLease([$sNetAdapter])
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; If no network adapter is specified (default), the function applies to all network adapters.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; Return values..: Success - 1 or 2 (reboot required)
; Failure - 0 and sets @error (see remarks)
; Remarks........: When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information (see global remarks).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _RenewDHCPLease($sNetAdapter = "")
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objInstance, $objNetAdapter, $iReturn = 0
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
If $sNetAdapter = "" Then
$objInstance = $objWMIService.Get("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
If NOT IsObj($objInstance) Then Return 0
$iReturn = $objInstance.RenewDHCPLeaseAll()
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapter.RenewDHCPLease()
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
If $iReturn == 1 Then return 2
If $iReturn == "" Then $iReturn = 65
Return SetError($iReturn, "", 0)
EndFunc ; ===> _RenewDHCPLease
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _SetDNSDomain
; Description....: Sets the DNS domain to the specified network connection/adapter
; Syntax.........: _SetDNSDomain($sNetAdapter, $sDNSDomain)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; $sDNSDomain - Domain name
; Return values..: Success - 1 or 2 (reboot required)
; Failure - 0 and sets @error (see remarks)
; Remarks........: When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information (see global remarks).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _SetDNSDomain($sNetAdapter, $sDNSDomain)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter, $iReturn = 0
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapter.SetDNSDomain($sDNSDomain)
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
If $iReturn == 1 Then return 2
If $iReturn == "" Then $iReturn = 65
Return SetError($iReturn, "", 0)
EndFunc ; ===> _SetDNSDomain
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _SetDNSServerSearchOrder
; Description....: Sets the DNS IP addresses search order.
; Syntax.........: _SetDNSServerSearchOrder ($sNetAdapter, $aDNSServerSearchOrder)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; $aDNSServerSearchOrder - (ARRAY) List of IP addresses to query for DNS servers.
; Return values..: Success - 1 or 2 (reboot required)
; Failure - 0 and sets @error (see remarks)
; Remarks........: When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information (see global remarks).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _SetDNSServerSearchOrder($sNetAdapter, $aDNSServerSearchOrder)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter, $iReturn = 0
Local $adapterName
If NOT IsArray($aDNSServerSearchOrder) Then return 0
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapter.SetDNSServerSearchOrder($aDNSServerSearchOrder)
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
If $iReturn == 1 Then return 2
If $iReturn == "" Then $iReturn = 65
Return SetError($iReturn, "", 0)
EndFunc ; ===> _SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder
; Description....: Sets the suffix search order.
; Syntax.........: _SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder($sNetAdapter, $aDNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; $aDNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder - (ARRAY) List of server suffixes to query for DNS servers.
; Return values..: Success - 1 or 2 (reboot required)
; Failure - 0 and sets @error (see remarks)
; Remarks........: When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information (see global remarks).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder($sNetAdapter, $aDNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter, $iReturn = 0
Local $adapterName
If NOT IsArray($aDNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder) Then return 0
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapter.SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder($aDNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder)
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
If $iReturn == 1 Then return 2
If $iReturn == "" Then $iReturn = 65
Return SetError($iReturn, "", 0)
EndFunc ; ===> _SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _SetDynamicDNSRegistration
; Description....: Indicates the dynamic DNS registration of IP addresses for the specified IP-bound adapter..
; Syntax.........: _SetDynamicDNSRegistration($sNetAdapter, $FullDNSRegistrationEnabled, $DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled)
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; $FullDNSRegistrationEnabled - If true, the IP addresses for this connection is registered in DNS
; under the computer's full DNS name.
; $DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled - If true, the IP addresses for this connection are registered under the
; domain name of this connection, in addition to being registered under
; the computer's full DNS name.
; Return values..: Success - 1 or 2 (reboot required)
; Failure - 0 and sets @error (see remarks)
; Remarks........: When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information (see global remarks).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _SetDynamicDNSRegistration($sNetAdapter, $FullDNSRegistrationEnabled, $DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter, $iReturn = 0
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then Return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapter.SetDynamicDNSRegistration($FullDNSRegistrationEnabled, $DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled)
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
If $iReturn == 1 Then return 2
If $iReturn == "" Then $iReturn = 65
Return SetError($iReturn, "", 0)
EndFunc ; ===> _SetDynamicDNSRegistration
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _SetGateways
; Description....: Set one or more IP gateway adresses to use for the specified network adapter
; Syntax.........: _SetGateways($sNetAdapter, $DefaultIPGateway [, $GatewayCostMetric])
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; $DefaultIPGateway - IP address of one or more gateways.
; To specify only one gateway, $DefaultIPGateway can be a string.
; To specify more than one gateway, $DefaultIPGateway must be an array.
; $GatewayCostMetric - Assigns a value that ranges from 1 to 9999, which is used to calculate the fastest and
; most reliable routes. Default is 1.
; If multiple gateways are defined, metrics must be defined for each one in an array.
; Return values..: Success - 1 or 2 (reboot required)
; Failure - 0 and sets @error (see remarks)
; Remarks........: When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information (see global remarks).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _SetGateways($sNetAdapter, $DefaultIPGateway, $GatewayCostMetric = 1)
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapterConfig, $iReturn = 0
Local $aGWAddress[1]
Local $aGWMetric[1]
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
If IsArray($DefaultIPGateway) AND IsArray($GatewayCostMetric) Then
$aGWAddress = $DefaultIPGateway
$aGWMetric = $GatewayCostMetric
If NOT IsArray($DefaultIPGateway) Then $aGWAddress[0] = $DefaultIPGateway
If NOT IsArray($GatewayCostMetric) Then $aGWMetric[0] = $GatewayCostMetric
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then return 0
For $objNetAdapterConfig In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapterConfig.SetGateways($aGWAddress, $aGWMetric)
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
If $iReturn == 1 Then return 2
If $iReturn == "" Then $iReturn = 65
Return SetError($iReturn, "", 0)
EndFunc ; ===> _SetIPAddress
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _SetWINSServer
; Description....: Sets the primary and secondary WINS servers on the specified TCP/IP-bound network adapter
; Syntax.........: _SetWINSServer($sNetAdapter, $sWinsAddr1, $sWinsAddr2 = "")
; Parameters.....: $sNetAdapter - Name of the network adapter.
; The Windows network connection name can be used instead of network adapter.
; $sWinsAddr1 - IP address of the primary WINS server..
; $sWinsAddr2 - IP address of the secondary WINS server.
; Return values..: Success - 1 or 2 (reboot required)
; Failure - 0 and sets @error (see remarks)
; Remarks........: When the function fails (returns 0) @error contains extended information (see global remarks).
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _SetWINSServer($sNetAdapter, $sWinsAddr1, $sWinsAddr2 = "")
Local $sQueryNetAdapterConfig, $colNetAdapterConfig, $objNetAdapter, $iReturn = 0
Local $adapterName
$adapterName = _GetNetworkAdapterFromID($sNetAdapter)
If $adapterName Then $sNetAdapter = $adapterName
$sQueryNetAdapterConfig = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Description = '" & $sNetAdapter & "'"
$colNetAdapterConfig = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($sQueryNetAdapterConfig, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)
If NOT IsObj($colNetAdapterConfig) Then return 0
For $objNetAdapter In $colNetAdapterConfig
$iReturn = $objNetAdapter.SetWINSServer($sWinsAddr1, $sWinsAddr2)
If $iReturn == 0 Then Return 1
If $iReturn == 1 Then return 2
If $iReturn == "" Then $iReturn = 65
Return SetError($iReturn, "", 0)
EndFunc ; ===> _SetWINSServer
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _ErrFunc
; Description....: Empty function witch intercepts AutoIt errors
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _ErrFunc($oError)
EndFunc ;==>_ErrFunc
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _WMIDate
; Description....: Converts a WMI date to a standard date-time format.
; Syntax.........: _WMIDate($sDate, [$iFormat])
; Parameters.....: $sDate - WMI date (obtnained from a WMI object)
; $iFormat - Format of date that the user want to get.
; 0 = YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ( default)
; Return values..: Success - Converted date
; Failure - ""
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _WMIDate($sDate, $iFormat = 0)
Local $dateFormat, $newdate = ""
If $iFormat = 0 Then $dateFormat = "$1-$2-$3 $4:$5:$6"
If $iFormat = 1 Then $dateFormat = "$3/$2/$1 $4:$5:$6"
If $iFormat = 2 Then $dateFormat = "$1$2$3$4$5$6"
If NOT IsString($sDate) Then Return ""
$newDate = StringRegExpReplace($sDate, "\A(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2}).*", $dateFormat)
Return $newDate
EndFunc ; ===> _WMIDate
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _Array2String
; Description ...: Places the elements of an array into a single string, separated by the specified delimiter.
; Syntax.........: _Array2String(Const ByRef $avArray[, $sDelim = "|"[, $iStart = 0[, $iEnd = 0]]])
; Parameters ....: $avArray - Array to combine
; $sDelim - [optional] Delimiter for combined string
; $iStart - [optional] Index of array to start combining at
; $iEnd - [optional] Index of array to stop combining at
; Return values .: Success - string which combined selected elements separated by the delimiter string.
; Failure - "", sets @error:
; |1 - $avArray is not an array
; |2 - $iStart is greater than $iEnd
; |3 - $avArray is not an 1 dimensional array
; Author ........: Brian Keene <brian_keene at yahoo dot com>, Valik - rewritten
; Modified.......: Ultima - code cleanup
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _Array2String(Const ByRef $avArray, $sDelim = "|", $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0)
If Not IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
If UBound($avArray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, "")
Local $sResult, $iUBound = UBound($avArray) - 1
; Bounds checking
If $iEnd < 1 Or $iEnd > $iUBound Then $iEnd = $iUBound
If $iStart < 0 Then $iStart = 0
If $iStart > $iEnd Then Return SetError(2, 0, "")
; Combine
For $i = $iStart To $iEnd
$sResult &= $avArray[$i] & $sDelim
Return StringTrimRight($sResult, StringLen($sDelim))
EndFunc ;==>_Array2String