General knowledge.


DATE: Jan. 14, 2014, 11:10 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 3.8 kB

HITS: 951

  1. { "qid": "3", "subject": "math", "question": "What is 4!", "answer": [ "24" ] },
  2. { "qid": "4", "subject": "animals", "question": "True or false: A volvox is one microorganism.", "answer": [ "false" ] },
  3. { "qid": "5", "subject": "gaming", "question": "What does 'mod' stand for when used in terms of Minecraft?", "answer": [ "Modification","Modifyer" ] },
  4. { "qid": "6", "subject": "science", "question": "True or false: Water will vaporize at room temperature if left in a vacuum.", "answer": [ "true" ] },
  5. { "qid": "7", "subject": "space", "question": "What type of orbit is the ISS in?", "answer": [ "Low earth orbit" ] },
  6. { "qid": "8", "subject": "science", "question": "Is a fetus a cancer?", "answer": [ "yes" ] },
  7. { "qid": "9", "subject": "history", "question": "What year was the transcontinental railroad finished?", "answer": [ "1869" ] },
  8. { "qid": "10", "subject": "music", "question": "True or false: 'Simon and Garfunkel' was originally 'Tom and Jerry'", "answer": [ "true" ] },
  9. { "qid": "11", "subject": "gaming", "question": "How many levels were in the original Pac-Man game?", "answer": [ "255" ] },
  10. { "qid": "12", "subject": "literature", "question": "How many days did Ray Bradbury spend writing Fahrenheit 451?", "answer": [ "9","nine" ] },
  11. { "qid": "13", "subject": "world", "question": "How did the world come into existance?", "answer": [ "Your mother" ] },
  12. { "qid": "14", "subject": "technology", "question": "True or false: Steve Jobs was once fired from Apple.", "answer": [ "true" ] },
  13. { "qid": "15", "subject": "science", "question": "Is the mass of an electron greater than, less than, or equal to the mass of a neutron?", "answer": [ "less","less than" ] },
  14. { "qid": "16", "subject": "science", "question": "True or false: The element Mercury is more dangerous to ingest than to breathe in.", "answer": [ "true" ] },
  15. { "qid": "17", "subject": "technology", "question": "True or false:Linux is better than Windows", "answer": [ "true","yes" ] },
  16. { "qid": "18", "subject": "animals", "question": "Do tapeworms have a digestive system?", "answer": [ "no" ] },
  17. { "qid": "19", "subject": "math", "question": "One fourth of a fourth is what?", "answer": [ "1/16","0.0625,"One Sixteenth" ] },
  18. { "qid": "20", "subject": "animals", "question": "True or false: Bacteria have been found to release cyanoacrylate, a main component of superglue.", "answer": [ "true" ] },
  19. { "qid": "21", "subject": "technology", "question": "True or false: Bitcoins are mined from the Bingham Canyon Mine.", "answer": [ "false" ] },
  20. { "qid": "22", "subject": "science", "question": "Science is a religion", "answer": [ "true" ] },
  21. { "qid": "23", "subject": "science", "question": "True or false: It isn't possible to make water boil at room temperature.", "answer": [ "false" ] },
  22. { "qid": "24", "subject": "animals", "question": "Cockroaches and most other insects can see red light.", "answer": [ "true" ] },
  23. { "qid": "25", "subject": "science", "question": "True or false: 'God does not play dice'", "answer": [ "true" ] },
  24. { "qid": "26", "subject": "movies", "question": "People were too stupid to have credits at the end of films until the late 1900's", "answer": [ "true" ] },
  25. { "qid": "27", "subject": "math", "question": "What is one plus one plus one plus one times zero?", "answer": [ "3","three","tree" ] },

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