Make $30++/day With ProBux Task!


DATE: May 25, 2013, 6:55 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 858 Bytes

HITS: 7500

  1. Register at ProBux here:
  2. Use VPN Tricks for Probux Task
  3. TunnelBear VPN contains 4 servers only which are USA, UK, CA, and DA which crowdflower offers too many offers meaning easy money in an hour! Believe me or not I made almost $10 in an hour ! PROBUX will not Banned your account, using different IP in browsing the site or do task and offer.Dont Click Ads using this VPN .
  4. instruction.
  5. 1. Download the tunnelbear
  7. (tunnelbear gives you 500mb for trial)
  8. 2. Install it in your Computer
  9. 3. Create account to get free trial to use tunnelbear.
  10. 4. Log in your account in TunnelBear VPN and switch ON.
  11. After this you can start browsing PROBUX using VPN tunnelbear, you can have a lots of Offers and Task to make more money in your Probux Account

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