iPhone 7 Conclusion

SUBMITTED BY: poga88887

DATE: Oct. 8, 2016, 6:50 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 992 Bytes

HITS: 615

  1. In almost any other case, on almost any other phone, the loss of the headphone jack would be a deal-breaker, even with the excellent changes to other parts of the phone. But this is the iPhone, and with iOS, Apple has built an overall ecosystem that's hard to leave. So potential buyers have to think, first and foremost, about whether it will be more annoying to switch over to an Android phone with a port, or to have to use an adaptor on planes and in cars over the next few years. For some, the loss of the headphone jack may make it feel like Apple made the iPhone actively worse.
  2. Those with the iPhone 6 or earlier will feel best about updating; iPhone 6S users can probably take or leave the update, based on the level of upgrades.
  3. But overall, I'd say Apple's performance improvements, particularly to the camera, on the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus make these phones feel like more of an upgrade than it seems on paper. For me, at least, the updates ultimately edge out the cons.

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