The trick to making a few extra bucks with this site is to buy your GHS (cloud miner units) before the Bitcoin difficulty changes. You want to be using a website like to find out how many blocks until the next difficulty change are remaining. It should look something like "Next Difficulty in 1448 blocks". At 1448 blocks remaining till the next change, the price will be way too high and what ever you will buy and make from mining will be lost when the price drops when approaching the next difficulty change.
Buy your GHS when 600 or 300 blocks are remaining!!!. This is when each GHS is at it's cheapest due to panic selling, mainly from people buying lot's of GHS who do not want to make a loss on there mining earnings by then selling at reduce prices. Once the difficulty changes the price should slowly creep up by 0.01 - 0.03 Btc. Sell now!. You can keep your miners mining away but you only face losing any profit you would of gained from just selling at that right time.
If you are interested in spending more that 1 BTC then share the love and use my ref!
else it's just CEX.IO
If this has helped you, please feel free to donate to : 1FQSbUN77moURd5SrijDnvmzadb4DAccGL