#OpRohingya FINAL TwitterStorm Package (w/vid PR link)


DATE: March 25, 2013, 5:54 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 12.1 kB

HITS: 1296

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  13. ATTENTION!!!!!
  14. ********* DO NOT BEGIN TWEETING UNTIL 5PM EST / 2PM PST *********
  15. #OpRohingya Twitterstorm Package!
  16. Objective:
  17. Raise Awareness in social media for the international panic required to save the Rohingya people.
  18. Date & Time: Sunday, March 24, 2013
  19. Instructions:
  20. Copy + Paste these tweets. Do not retweet, the hashtag will not trend.
  21. If you are writing your own tweets, make sure to include the #RohingyaNOW hashtag!
  22. You do not need to post more than once every five minutes, especially to avoid suspension of your account.
  23. Background & #OpRohingya Press Release:
  24. http://pastebin.com/98vD16Ep
  25. Official #OpRohingya Video:
  26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA-z3ytS5nE
  27. -------====== #RohingyaNow - Set 1 ======-------
  28. Tweets:
  29. Muslim kids from Meiktila. Last week they had a home. Now they begin a new life. Prisoners in a stadium. pic.twitter.com/nSDeX5Nf6I #RohingyaNOW
  30. Myanmar, Shining New Hope for Global Oil Giants http://bit.ly/YwChXY Why the West stays silent. #RohingyaNOW
  31. #RohingyaNOW trying to escape GENOCIDE have been shot beaten tortured raped sold kidnaped imprisoned starved & drowned by Burma & neighbours
  32. Rohingya fleeing from ethnic cleansing are refused refugee status in many neighboring countries. #RohingyaNOW
  33. #EthnicCleansing of Muslim Minorities in Burma is imminent and requires international panic to intervene. Raise Awareness NOW #RohingyaNOW
  34. Western countries ignore the plight of these 800,000 people as they scramble to sign contracts with 'reformed' Myanmar. #OpRohingya
  35. URGENT Already the violence in Burma has spread beyond the Rohingya to include all Muslims and all non-Buddhists. #RohingyaNOW
  36. Premeditated attack on the #RohingyaNOW is currently ongoing. They have made hate speeches, distributed weapons and flyers to incite hatred.
  37. The impunity of the Myanmar government ends today. The eyes of the world are now on you Burma. #RohingyaNOW
  38. Ethnic Cleansing: More than 100,000 Muslim Rohingya were driven from their homes in 2012. Many were lost at sea. #RohingyaNOW
  39. "Buddhist Nationalism in Burma. Institutionalized racism... led to GENOCIDE in Burma." http://www.tricycle.com/feature/buddhist-nationalism-burma #RohingyaNOW
  40. It's called persecution and ethnic cleansing, not ethnic clashes. The #Rohingyas have no weapons. #RohingyaNOW
  41. We do not see ethnic violence 'flare up' in Myanmar, we see ethnic violence nurtured and sheltered by those in power. #RohingyaNOW
  42. Don't be fooled, the government is complicit in this. The army doesn't just look away, they rape, murder and abuse the #RohingyaNOW.
  43. In all of the reports the police watched as the angry mob burned their way through the city. State sponsored ethnic cleansing. #RohingyaNOW
  44. They try to call the massacres of #RohingyaNOW a conflict between people of Myanmar. It's not. The govt stoked the fire. Armed the people.
  45. Death toll beyond 100 forget 10 & there r no "clashes" @PressTV ‘Myanmar clashes death toll rises to 10’ http://bit.ly/WNjJ5e #RohingyaNOW
  46. Footage of the #RohinyaNOW devastation. Burning & burned down houses & mosques this wk: MEIKTILA VIOLENCE MARCH 2013 http://bit.ly/Zep6KQ
  47. Muslims in Burma from Meiktila transported to the latest 'camp'. Organised GENOCIDE pic.twitter.com/axt1MaNmU7 #RohyingyaNOW
  48. When your city goes up in flames.... This is not sectarian violence, but religious persecution. pic.twitter.com/u6hehAnveX #RohingyaNOW
  49. -----====== #RohingyaNOW - Set 2 ======-------
  50. Tweets:
  51. #RohingyaNOW: I have been in complete shock ever since i learned about #OpRohingya & how NO mainstream media outlet is covering it. #Disgrace
  52. Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced out of their homes to face rape, torture, prison and death. #RohingyaNOW
  53. This is a planned attack. Same as last year and and world ignores because it is economically inconvenient to bother with it. #RohingyaNOW
  54. The #RohingyaNOW are Described by the @UN as being amongst the most persecuted people in the world Burma Myanmar http://priceofoil.org/2013/03/18/is-oil-one-reason-for-burmese-genocide/
  55. In '11 @foreignoffice pledged to continue to support positive changes in Myanmar https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/35439/hrd-report-2011.pdf Was Will Hague asleep? #RohingyaNOW
  56. NaSaKa, the Myanmar police that is accomplice 2 genocide "has repression down to a fine art" acording to http://cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=07RANGOON181&q=rohingya #RohingyaNOW
  57. Another @wikileaks cable: "Burma's military machine is top-down, xenophobic.. and crave respect" http://cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=09RANGOON205&q=rohingya #RohingyaNOW
  58. The Myanmar military uses agent system, compromised of Buddhist Rakhines to monitor/extort the Rohingya http://cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=07RANGOON181&q=rohingya #RohingyaNOW
  59. Western countries ignore the plight of these 800,000 people as they scramble to sign contracts with 'reformed' Myanmar. #RohingyaNOW
  60. There are 20,500 refugees in different locations in #Meiktila, where four days ago, 160 died, 13 mosques & 3 schools burnt down. http://m-mediagroup.com/en/archives/7608
  61. Entire Ywar Tan village in Yamethin was burnt down to ash by Buddhists. 1,000 people marched to 2 other villages. Myanmar. #RohingyaNOW
  62. Tortured, burned bodies lie in town of Meikhtila http://yfrog.com/kj9nmprj http://yfrog.com/hscwaiyoj pic.twitter.com/nbM0DZtWM0 #RohingyaNOW
  63. Want to risk another Rwanda? The plight of the Rohingya in Myanmar is widely ignored by MSM. Don't let it be too late, again. #RohingyaNOW
  64. Maybe if al Qaida showed up the West would notice? #RohingyaNOW
  65. What's going on in #Myanmar isn't ethnic clashes; it's straight up ethnic CLEANSING. #RohingyaNOW
  66. More than 1200 families - at least 6000 - were forced to leave their homes this week. #RohingyaNOW
  67. Dear @nytimes When will the "religious rioting" occuring in Myanmar be called what it is? GENOCIDE nytimes.com/2013/03/24/world/asia/after-violence-in-myanmar-a-city-counts-the-dead.html #RohingyaNOW
  68. Dear @UN & @StateDept, Silence is a War Crime. #RohingyaNOW
  69. A simple request from Muslim leaders in Burma: please protect us, our homes... http://yfrog.com/kfau7pkj pic.twitter.com/20Ok2EDKGy #RohingyaNOW
  70. Exiled To Nowhere. Story of the #Rohingya people of Burma told in photos: http://www.nowherepeople.org/index.php#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=0&a=0&at=0 #RohingyaNOW
  71. -----====== #RohingyaNow - Set 3 - Picture Tweets ======-------
  72. Picture Tweets: The following photos are from #Meikhtila where the attacks started. Some are very graphic. We need to stop this before it spreads more
  73. Muslims burned on side of the road by mob of Buddhists & monks while the police did nothing #Meikhtila pic.twitter.com/ry3uJj37XE #RohingyaNOW
  74. #Meikhtila Muslim family after fleeing for their lives, all they could do is look on as their city burns pic.twitter.com/QC4oylVBss #RohingyaNOW
  75. Muslims escorted out of #Meikhtila w/ their hands above their heads. Victims treated like criminals pic.twitter.com/E5M7R9SJ9g #RohingyaNOW
  76. A mob was allowed to destroy loot burn & kill their way through #Meikhtila. & the police did nothing. pic.twitter.com/HA9MGRiAHj #RohingyaNOW
  77. GRAPHIC In #genocide they don't just kill. they make victims suffer to the max! #Burma #Muslims pic.twitter.com/ceIqbt0FuU #RohingyaNOW
  78. The police let the#969 neo-Nazi burn all the Muslim houses. #Meikhtila pic.twitter.com/WOzgr4ZOjc #RohingyaNOW
  79. Silence is betrayal. Men, women, and children are screaming for help. No nations will take them. pic.twitter.com/RFZLUaJW3W #RohingyaNOW
  80. A Buddhist monk brings food to those locked away in the stadium. This here, is #Buddhism & #Islam. pic.twitter.com/CaSylIpDXS #RohingyaNOW
  81. She might've lost home or business & have nothing more than she could carry but they r lucky to be alive pic.twitter.com/UFx66fGtrW #RohingyaNOW
  82. Police & army arrive in numbers in #Meikhtila. Too late for the 1000s displaced & 100s of dead Muslims. pic.twitter.com/cN0Bd1ex9Y #RohingyaNOW
  83. While these kids r lucky to not have been beaten&burned on their way from school, their fear is evident. pic.twitter.com/09lsvAYadx #RohingyaNOW
  84. After all those years living in #Meikhtila this old lady is probably left wondering why this happened. pic.twitter.com/De695Yp8CD #RohingyaNOW
  85. They didn't stop the massacre, but refreshing to see rare kindness from #Myanmar police towards Muslims. pic.twitter.com/JiZN0gxSq0 #RohingyaNOW
  86. Is their makeshift camp in the stadium a permanent fixture? "Locked away for their safety." pic.twitter.com/KuwgX2tHML #RohingyaNOW
  87. Letters from Arakan State. 120,000 #Rohingyas still in refugee camps after last year's massacre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiQ3OvhB10w&list=PL7f_rHUnK_tiXjsLfKzq9FTGnXuyu45e #RohingyaNOW
  88. Please watch and share: Rohingya SOS: http://youtu.be/S54q7RdBmEg #RohingyaNOW The world's most persecuted people.
  89. [GRAPHIC] These poor babies burned & beaten to death by Buddhists mob & their leaders the #969 monks. pic.twitter.com/dksJ1gTsYf #RohingyaNOW
  90. This all happened under the watchful eyes of the police. Where is law & order? Not in #Meikhtila pic.twitter.com/KZsusSvWPc #RohingyaNOW
  91. Tied up & then beat to death any Muslims they could find. #Meikhtila pic.twitter.com/R41risf8fv #RohingyaNOW
  92. They left dozens of burned bodies in their wake. #Meikhtila pic.twitter.com/qyhHCd5YzA #RohingyaNOW
  93. These are the #969 monks responsible for the hate campaign, the destruction and deaths of 100's in #Meikhtila alone. pic.twitter.com/KUE5vD1gc7
  94. The monks inciting hatred and fueling the mobs. #Meikhtila Massacre http://yfrog.com/ockdsuij #RohingyaNOW
  95. Inciting hatred and fueling the mobs, the monks of #969 raged on. #Meikhtila #Massacre http://yfrog.com/esi8dyuj #RohingyaNOW
  96. The #969 monks colluding with police and army forces during the #Meikhtila #Massacre pic.twitter.com/9yYUO2eFST #RohingyaNOW
  97. PS. Message to Burma: We know. We are Legion. We do not forget. We do not forgive. Expect us. #OpRohingya

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