

DATE: April 19, 2013, 6:16 a.m.

FORMAT: JavaScript

SIZE: 1.7 kB

HITS: 145458

  1. How to start
  2. Register account
  3. Download any of this bitcoin miners
  4. poclbm-GUI miner (recommended for GPU)
  5. m0mchil's GPU miner (same, but w/o GUI)
  6. phoenix GPU miner
  7. Diablo's GPU miner
  8. puddinpop's GPU/CUDA miner (for nVidia)
  9. Ufasoft's CPU miner
  10. Start the miner (help with command lines)
  11. Put your bitcoin address into your profile
  12. Relax for a day, get a payment, convert your bitcoin to USD on a market (or keep them)
  13. Our advantages
  14. We notify your bitcoin miner about new block with the help of long polling. This allows to minimize the number of stale shares. (extra 0.5%-1.5%)
  15. We pay you for every solved block, even if it later becomes invalid (0.5%-1.2% extra)
  16. We provide e-mail notifications on worker failure
  17. You can take your reward at ANY moment, just press "Instant payout" button
  18. You can choose between two payment modes
  19. Pay Per Share: You get a fixed amount for every share submitted. This method has zero variance but slightly higher fee (because pool takes the risk). Recommended if you like steady payouts.
  20. Proportional: You get a portion of every solved block proportional to your part in pool's hashing power. This payment method has a noticeable variance: some days you can get less, some days you can get more. This is due to randomness of searching for proof-of-work.
  21. We pay a competitive price:
  22. Pay per share: 0.00000250716044609 BTC per every submitted share
  23. Proportional: your part of every solved block less 3% fee
  24. We credit your balance instantly, without 120 blocks delay
  25. We have open and free registration and do not limit the number of connections or users

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