So you want to become a bimbo


DATE: Oct. 23, 2013, 9:28 p.m.

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  1. So, you want to become a bimbo?
  2. So you want to become a bimbo for real do you? It’s easy! You can message me to get direct advice and possibly full training, or you can start on your own with a few tips.
  3. Becoming a bimbo does not happen over night. It can take years and years if your older, or if you’re younger, it could only take a short amount of time. Just know that while you may not look like a bimbo today, or tomorrow, or even next week, you can start acting like one right now!
  4. Starting out:
  5. First know that becoming a bimbo is all about attitude. You have to commit to the attitude of a bimbo. You have to want to be desired, want to be the girl everyone stares at because of her looks. You have to want to be on display constantly. Everything you do, every action you take, is designed to show off. For Example: bending over to pick something up stops being from the knees and starts being from the waist. You still have to go to the grocery store, but now you do it in 4in heels and a tiny skirt. EVERYTHING is about showing off.
  6. The 3 Rules a Bimbo Lives by
  7. These are the rules that guide a bimbo’s life. All training and bimboifcation revolves around these 3 rules. A bimbo constantly obsesses over these 3 rules. They are ALL that she cares about.
  8. Always be showing off - A bimbo does all she can to show herself off to the world. This includes wearing small outfits that show lots of skin, and making sure she is seen as much as possible in them. A real bimbo doesn’t ask “is this to revealing?” She asks “is this revealing enough?” A true bimbo also takes lots of selfies and posts them online so the entire world can see how she looks. She doesn’t think: “I hope nobody sees me like this.” She thinks “I hope everyone sees how hot I look!”
  9. Have something worth showing off - With the first rule, she has to have a body that is worth showing off. Is her hair right? Is she tan enough? Are her tits big enough? Is her ass tight enough? Is her lipstick sexy enough? Making sure she is always in shape with a tight body, big tits, and fake everything else is one of her obsessions. She will want to show off more and more with all the effort she puts in to keeping her body worth being on display.
  10. Do everything you can to please men sexually and physically - For a bimbo, it’s a man’s world, and her role is to support men. She is a man’s play thing. She is his object, his arm candy, his fucktoy. She is obsessed with pleasing men. She is always smiling at them, making them feel comfortable, and giving them everything they ask for. Whether she can just get you a beer, or the best blowjob you’ve ever had, a real bimbo obsesses over pleasuring every man in every way she can and as best that she can.
  11. Training!
  12. Now that you know the 3 rules, we can start the training. I break training down into 3 stages. The first stage is a basic bimbo stage that most girls don’t get past. Some will make it to stage 2, and the real bimbos make it all the way to stage 3.
  13. Let’s begin!
  14. The First Stage: Fashionable Girl
  15. So now that your ready, lets take the first step. These are the first steps you can start today to work towards being a bimbo. I call this step the “fashionable girl” stage because most fashionable women do this anyway.
  16. Join a gym! Go 5 days a week, for at least 1 hour. This include weight lifting, cardio, and other exercises. A personal trainer is recommended if you have a lot of weight to lose, but being a bimbo is about not just being thin, but also having a tight body.
  17. Eat better! Go either all vegetarian or eat less unhealthy food. Again, a thinner body is better. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF! This is not only unhealthy, but goes against weight loss. Eventually your appetite will decrease naturally.
  18. Go shopping! You may have some work body wise, but you can still buy smaller outfits now. If you are wanting to ease into it so people don’t notice, just buy outfits that are slightly small and tighter than you would normally wear. Make sure they are vibrant and scream ‘look at me’. Make sure they are shorter skirts than you normally wear and show more cleavage as well. If you are not a step or two outside of your comfort zone, you are not doing it right.
  19. Go to the salon! Go get a new hair cut. Maybe you don’t go blonde today, but you can still get your hair done. Longer is better as well as a solid color with extensions. It is a good first start. Lots of body and fuller is better. A salon can also give you makeup tips.
  20. Wear more Makeup! Every day, apply more and more. Look online for video how-tos (i provide in real training) and look at photos for inspiration. This also includes lashes, nails, and makeup that highlights your eyes and lips.
  21. Tan! A bimbo has a slight tan. If you live in a cold climate, a tanning bed is a must. Go a few days a week until you get a good glow yo your skin.
  22. Buy lots of heels! There is nothing wrong with heels for any occasion. If it’s at work, out at night, or even around the house, you never have enough heels and should wear them as often as possible. Try for heels 90% of the day, everyday.
  23. Take lots of selfies! A real bimbo always shows off. When you are all dolled up, take a selfie and post it online. Facebook, tumblr, twitter, doesn’t matter. A real bimbo is proud of her body and always wanting to display it to the world.
  24. If you slowly follow these steps, within a few weeks, you’ll feel more confident as a bimbo. This is the hardest stage and will take the most time. Maybe 6 months to a year depending on weight loss. So don’t get discouraged and stick with it! This stage also provide a solid base that’s needed for stage two!
  25. The Second Stage: Basic Bimbo
  26. So if you mastered all the steps in the first stage, you are ready for stage 2, but you must have first mastered the first stage, no exceptions. They are all required to be routine and your “new normal” before continuing.
  27. The next stage brings you from a ‘pretty and fashionable girl,’ to bimbo level 1. This is where you really transform.
  28. Dye your hair blonde! No exceptions here. Bimbos are blonde, period. Get the most platinum blonde hair you can and maintain it. Remember, longer is better and you want fuller hair up top, thin hair leading down the back.
  29. Get plastic Surgery! A tit job is required and should be no smaller than a DD. Also, you may now realize you need to get Lipo. This is fine. Everybody is different and sometimes diet and exercise just isn’t enough. Lipo all remaining bad areas.
  30. Get a Bimbo Job. A bimbo job requires you to show off. This could be a Hooters girl, a Promo model, or a stripper or whore. You’re choice, but pick from one of those. This may not be your full time job, but it will facilitate your desire to be shown off.
  31. Get Horny! You heard me, make sure you always want to have sex. As a bimbo, you’ll find you can sleep with better looking guys. Make sure you are doing it. It’s your goal and your job to please them. Being a bimbo is about pleasing men. Your reward is their cum in your mouth. It’s your test for success.
  32. Increase all the 8 items from the first stage. Work out more focusing on specific areas, get shorter skirts and tops that show more skin. Increase the amount of heels you buy to the point that you can’t find flats in your closet aside from your workout shoes. Continue to eat healthy and take more and more selfies.
  33. Understand your role. As someone who wants to be a bimbo, you have to understand that bimbos are there for the pleasure of men. Understand that your role is to do nothing more than please men. You do this by the way you look and the way you act. Men are the object you crave. All men. You do anything and everything you can for men. Your reward will be their cum in your mouth. It is how you gauge how successful you have become at being a bimbo.
  34. Once you have finished stage 2, you are now at the beginning of being a bimbo. Stage 3, the final stage, is where you go from sexy, beginner bimbo, to full-blown fucktoy bimbo.
  35. The Third Stage: Total Bimbo
  36. So, you’ve made it this far. For you to continue, you must have mastered all the previous steps. You have to feel like there is no more surgery you can have, no more weight you can lose, no more you can show off. Now you are ready to become a true bimbo because yes, you can show off more, dress sluttier, and have more surgery.
  37. Forget about everything! Well, not what I’ve taught, but everything else. Forget about what is going on in the world. At this point, your life should be consumed with: how you look, how you look to men, how you look in the mirror, how you look in that outfit, how you would look with bigger tits, how you would look with a shorter skirt, how you would look…… Nothing else matters except how you look. Sex with any man and his cum is the prize for your look. If a man wants to fuck, you get a lovely reward at the end that validates all your hard work.
  38. Change your Job! Had a bimbo job before? Now you need a slut job. Stripper, whore, cam girl, or house wife are your 4 options. No exceptions. You have too much work keeping up with your body to wait tables or answer phones.
  39. Clothing is as tiny as possible. No dress is too short, no top too small. A man will tell you if it’s inappropriate, but until he says something, show as much boob, skin, and leg as possible. Bras are not required with how perky your fake tits are and panties aren’t really desired. All in a room should see your tits and your pussy whenever you bend over.
  40. Understand your new role. You are there to look good and fuck. Nothing else. Your opinion doesn’t matter. You’re not to speak unless asking permission or unless spoken to. You’ve gotten so air headed you’ve let a man make all the decisions in your life. In fact, you aren’t even letting him. He just is because someone has to and you go along with it. While men are talking, bimbos are ensuring they look good and fuckable when their man is ready, which is any moment. They are at the total control of their man who regiments their life, so all a bimbo has to do is worry about how she looks and how well she fucks.
  41. Not everyone will make it to stage 3. In fact, most women who want to transform really don’t want more than stage 1. That’s fine, they are just not full bimbo material.
  42. Take the first step regardless if you don’t think you’ll get to the third. You never know where you will end up.
  43. Good Luck!
  44. Also, if you enjoy this, please feel free to REBLOG it.

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