COS 126 *** Atomic Nature of Matter -- Final Project


DATE: Oct. 1, 2015, 11:56 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.5 kB

HITS: 1035

  1. /**************************************************************************
  2. *** COS 126 *** Atomic Nature of Matter -- Final Project ** Readme ***
  3. **************************************************************************/
  4. Name:
  5. Login:
  6. Precept:
  7. Partner's name (if any):
  8. Partner's login:
  9. Partner's precept:
  10. Which partner is submitting the program files?
  11. Hours to complete assignment (optional):
  12. /**************************************************************************
  13. * The input size N for BeadTracker is the product of the number of *
  14. * pixels per frame and the number of frames. What is the estimated *
  15. * running time (in seconds) of BeadTracker as a function of N? Justify *
  16. * your answer with empirical data and explain how you used it. Your *
  17. * answer should be of the form a*N^b where b is an integer. *
  18. **************************************************************************/
  19. /**************************************************************************
  20. * Congratulations! Once you submit Atomic, you'll be finished with all *
  21. * of the requirements for this course. As you know, on programming *
  22. * assignments, we provide you with feedback about what may be wrong *
  23. * in your code. For the final project, we've found that some students *
  24. * prefer simply to receive their grade. Please indicate below whether *
  25. * you would like to receive feedback on this code. *
  26. **************************************************************************/
  27. [ ] Grade only.
  28. [ ] Grade and feedback.
  29. /**************************************************************************
  30. * Did you receive help from classmates, past COS 126 students, or *
  31. * anyone else? Please list their names. ("A Sunday lab TA" or *
  32. * "Office hours on Thursday" is ok if you don't know their name.) *
  33. **************************************************************************/
  34. /**************************************************************************
  35. * Describe any serious problems you encountered. *
  36. **************************************************************************/
  37. /**************************************************************************
  38. * List any other comments here. *
  39. **************************************************************************/

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