Epic games account locked


DATE: Jan. 25, 2019, 12:08 p.m.

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  1. Epic games account locked
  2. => http://lornoverrie.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MjU6IkVwaWMgZ2FtZXMgYWNjb3VudCBsb2NrZWQiO30=
  3. Personally, I want cross-play with everything and couldn't care less what controls anyone else is using. Can you do everything right and still get hacked? I don't get why everyone feels this is difficult to balance.
  4. In all of this its the consumer who suffers. Pinpoint aiming doesn't really matter that much. The reason for doing this is because the Limited Edition comes with extra codes for the Standard Edition. The Tomb Raider games in particular are much better with keyboard and mouse.
  5. I couldn't care less about the other engine. It is excruciatingly frustrating and at this point i'm about to flag Epic emails as spam. I was about to post the exact same thing. They should not be able to hijack your Epic account though. I actually play everything on a pad these days. Fortnite is a free-to-play game. Long story short: my account logins are straightened out, but I lost 100% of my StW progress and my Deluxe Founder's Pack. It turns out that that there has been a security breach on stat tracking websites which might have made your Epic Games account public, in which case there are potential bots that are trying to break through the account security. Maybe they have friends that don't have one or the other? I've played with a guy that does that, he's pretty good. Players are with Fortnite accounts being locked due to brute-force login attempts, and are often flooded with emails as hackers try to access their accounts.
  6. How To Fix PSN Or XBOX Account Already Linked To Epic Games Account - The only games I prefer a controller with are games like the Arkham and Souls series.
  7. Why they chose not to distribute an email instead of this extremely obscure forum post is beyond comprehension, but that is a complaint for another time. Ever since that day, I epic games account locked been getting almost daily emails about my account being locked because of multiple failed log in attempts. So okay, my first thought was to look on Epic's website for some account support. So I spent my time typing something up for that, and hitting send. Only to get an instant reply from a bot telling me that the email account isn't actually monitored. Nope, this just sends me back to the help portal that doesn't actually provide any help for accounts. If you change your account email from to you'll stop having your account locked and getting the subsequent emails. At which point, it'll likely not be worth the hassle. I am awfully dissapointed that we didnt get a email days ago telling us there was a hack and to change our passwords immediately, i feel like epic games left their-selves open for a class action lawsuit over this. I said in another post we should all start tweeting to Epic about this and hope it gets some traction there. They absolutely need to be public about what is going on, what they are doing to stop it and what us users know what exactly to do. Have been getting daily mails about my account getting locked. Im really pissed right now. Ooh wow you have access to my Fortnite that has nothing on it wow. So basically: why even lock accounts. My best guess is my epic account had the same email as my linkedin and they had a massive breach. I don't reuse passwords, so it hasn't been an issue, but I've noticed you can't change your account email at all on the Epic site. Just letting us change our emails would be enough to fix this. Not that my account is even worth stealing; it has nothing on it, but that's not the point here. Maybe Epic games account locked Games will say something about it or maybe they'll continue to bury their head in the sand. I've been getting these emails for the past month or so, ranging from multiple everyday to one a week. It is excruciatingly frustrating and at this point i'm about to flag Epic emails as spam. They need to do something about this asap. Especially since they where compromised.

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