Teaching Yoga to Students Recovering from Surgery or Living with Chronic Illness: Reclining Healing Meditation

SUBMITTED BY: chewie154

DATE: Oct. 22, 2017, 9:42 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 201

  1. Teaching Yoga to students who are living with a chronic illness, injury or healing from a surgical procedure is both a challenge and a wonderful opportunity to make a substantial difference in a student’s life. By modifying Yoga asanas according to your students’ individual needs with Yoga props and creative sequencing, you will allow students of all levels to participate more fully in a multi-level class. In addition, if you allow time for a reclining healing meditation at the end of class, you will support your students in practicing the time-honored tradition of Pratayahara or the withdrawal of the senses, which will allow them a grace period of rest when they can focus on sending healing energy throughout their body and mind.
  2. #TeachingYoga #YogaForChronicIllness #HealingMeditation

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