Computers games can be addictive


DATE: Nov. 19, 2013, 3:19 a.m.

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HITS: 1012

  1. Computers games can be addictive, it’s why you must play sometimes and not every times, it is worse. I totally believe that you can’t be addictive if you play sometimes. I think to Tim who is 21-year-old and who is a computers games addictive. It is because of this Tim is become obese and his parents are frightened : To me, he hasn’t got real friends. Indeed, your life can be in computers games. Be addictive can cause problems your studies. For example never do your homeworks. I see your point but your studies are more important than computers games. Don't you think like me ? I know stop be addictive is very hard, it’s like stop illegal substances but if you want really stop, I think you can. Maybe you should speak with your parents. You are become an addictive because you like computers game but there is surely others things you like, like the sports maybe. Many people are become addictive of computers games, you are not alone, maybe there is kind of computers games who make more addictive than others games, so try to change yours computers games : For example, if you like war games, maybe you should try football games to play less than war games.
  2. To conclude, I includes someone can become addictive, the computers games are distracting like Tim. Computers games are a king of drug when you are addictive.

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