

DATE: Sept. 14, 2016, 8:49 p.m.

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SIZE: 978 Bytes

HITS: 1467

  1. Donald Trump disclosed new health records during the taping of a medical chat show set to air Thursday, the same day his White House rival Hillary Clinton returns to the fray after being grounded by pneumonia.
  2. With both candidates under pressure to share more medical data, Team Trump had raised — then dropped — the possibility of releasing the results of a recent physical during an appearance on “The Dr. Oz Show.”
  3. During recording of the segment Wednesday morning, Trump finally did present its celebrity host with results from an examination performed last week, according to a statement on the show’s website.
  4. In a snippet teased on the site, Mehmet Oz — who is also a professor of surgery at Columbia University in New York — is seen asking Trump:
  5. “If your health is as strong as it seems… why not show your medical records?
  6. “Well, I have really no problem in doing it,” the 70-year-old Trump responds. “I have it right here. Should I do it? I don’t care.”

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