Overwatch Heroes - [4] Mei


DATE: Aug. 14, 2016, 9:59 p.m.

UPDATED: Aug. 14, 2016, 10:46 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.3 kB

HITS: 1719

  1. Easiest and Hardest Overwatch Heroes to Master
  2. From Easiest to Hardest ( [22] to [1] )
  3. ( stumbled up on these great Overwatch guides: http://bit.ly/2aFIht8 )
  4. [4] Mei
  5. So you want to be an expert at ice attacks eh? Well you have a lot to learn!
  6. Frost Stream:
  7. This is a very unique weapon that freezes enemies up close. Using this ability properly is not always easy and can take some time to get used to.
  8. Icicle Projectiles:
  9. Aiming her alternate fire (icicles) can be difficult and will take aiming practice to increase your hit rate with her.
  10. Cryo-Freeze:
  11. This ability locks Mei into an Ice block that heals her HP up while making her invulnerable. This is one of her easier abilities to use, but it still takes quick reactions to execute this at the right times to save yourself and to also block shots from hitting your allies.
  12. Ice Wall:
  13. This is probably Mei's most difficult ability she has access to. Ice Walls have many purposes and uses on the battlefield. It will take a lot of knowledge and experience to become a master at using Mei's Ice Wall ability.
  14. ULTIMATE Blizzard:
  15. Blizzard is simple to use but there are many strategies and other allied abilities that this ability combos well with. Learning these strategies along with team communication is the key to unlocking the full potential of this ability.
  16. []._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]
  17. [01] Genji > http://bit.ly/2bgjTR3
  18. [02] Hanzo > http://bit.ly/2aWnqSt
  19. [03] Junkrat > http://bit.ly/2bsGjPK
  20. [04] Mei > http://bit.ly/2b4tDxo
  21. [05] Tracer > http://bit.ly/2aUwWcG
  22. [06] Ana > http://bit.ly/2aWnZLV
  23. [07] Zarya > http://bit.ly/2aT4B0x
  24. [08] McCree > http://bit.ly/2bi5els
  25. [09] D.va > http://bit.ly/2aUx8sL
  26. [10] Zenyatta > http://bit.ly/2aT4vGa
  27. [11] Lucio > http://bit.ly/2bgueOf
  28. [12] Pharah > http://bit.ly/2brsjCJ
  29. [13] Widowmaker > http://bit.ly/2b4v1Qs
  30. [14] Roadhog > http://bit.ly/2b9mzMW
  31. [15] Symmetra > http://bit.ly/2aMqP9k
  32. [16] Soldier 76 > http://bit.ly/2b9nSeM
  33. [17] Mercy > http://bit.ly/2aUxEGY
  34. [18] Reinhardt > http://bit.ly/2bvJ1F2
  35. [19] Bastion > http://bit.ly/2b7OjUy
  36. [20] Torbjorn > http://bit.ly/2br3wzI
  37. [21] Reaper > http://bit.ly/2aWoEgk
  38. [22] Winston > http://bit.ly/2bsFxSG
  39. []._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]._.[]

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